********READ: this is written by two Authors the first chapter is one by Ichi Veleciano and the second one is written by me the chapters will be on and off like that*********

Title: Days Worth Going Back To
Rating: K-T (may or may not change)
Genre: romance, angst, humor
Pairings: DenNor, DenNed, SuFin, mentioned others
Warning: may have some OOC moments, bare with me i'm new at writing Nordics...
Summary: Norway, ever since he can remember, has been friends with Denmark. But there's something special about his friend; he has the ability to travel though time. AU, human names.

Niels* closes his eyes and counts.

One hippopotamus…a slow breathing filters into the air to mingle with his.

Two hippopotamus…he can hear the bed creak beneath weight that gradually settles upon it.

Three hippopotamus…warmth fills the area next to him.

Four hippopotamus…Niels opens his eyes to look beside himself on the small twin size bed, keeping his eyes neutral as dark, royal sapphire meets excited sky blue, which turn upwards in the grin taking hold of the arriving boy's face.

"You're late."

"I'm sorry. I can't control it, you know that."

Niels pouts, "You're bigger."

"Only a little…" the dane looks down at the difference in size between them, Niels much smaller than himself.

"…how old are you this time?"


"Nuh-uh! You're too big!" the Norwegian toddler squeaks, sitting up to scrutinize the sizable gap measured from the older boy's feet to his own, his visiting friend's feet hanging off the mattress.

"Yeah-huh! I'm just…you're tiny!" the statement is met with a smack of 4 year old rage.

"Mathias** you meanie!" Niels cries before slapping a hand over his mouth and whacking Mathias again in reply to the low chuckling the action had induced. "Shut up, you'll get me in trouble!" the small blond whispered miserably from behind his fingers.


"You already did last time!"


"Papa found me in the attic and gave me a spanking!"

"Oh…whoops! Sorry kiddo, but right now only you and Eirik*** can know about me. We had to be up there…"

"Well next time pick somewhere I'm allowed to go! And quit showing up at bad times!" Niels demanded, pouting when Mathias gave his hair a quick mussing. After swatting the hand, which he noted was much bigger than his own, he sat up, crossing his legs and leaning against them on his hands. "Anyways, did you visit anywhere important?"

"Nah, this is the first trip I've made in a while." Mathias propped himself up on an elbow, leveling his gaze with his younger counterpart.

"I'm not important?" the question surprises both of them, and Niels blushes.

"Uh…that's not what I meant, elskede*, I just wasn't counting these visits because you already know what went on. Of course your-"

"Well, um, w-why didn't you bring me anything?" Mathias blinks at the rushed interruption, his face melting into a grin at the way Niels turns his head away, pink barely noticeable in the dim light crossing over the young blonde's cheeks and ear.

"Now that you mentioned it, I actually did get you something. One of a kind, too. I uh, borrowed it off some crown and made it for you." Niels perked up at this, spinning his head back to look the dane in the face once more.

"Really?" another nervous cover of the mouth, accompanied by a flicker of eyes toward the bedroom door, dropping his voice down to a whisper again. "Really?"

"Yeah, got it here somewhere…" Mathias searches his pockets, his face lighting up when he finds the right one. "Alright, now close your eyes and hold out your hand."

Niels eagerly does so, feeling a warm metal object pressed into his small palms. Peeking open first one, then the other eye, he pulls his present up for closer inspection. A gold, well polished metal cross the size of his palm winks up at him. He tilts it this way and that, finding a gator clip on the backside. "What is it?"

"A hair clip! Your bangs are always falling into your eyes, so I figured you'd like something that kept it away from your face!" Mathias picks up the small accessory and demonstrates his point by swooping wheat blond strands into the clip, settling it next to the toddler's temple.

"Isn't that girly?" Niels inquired, his fingers reaching up to lightly brush the cooling surface of the hair pin.

"No, not if it's made from a crown decoration."


"Well…" the two begin a lengthy conversation about the trouble the dane had gone through to make the pin, until eventually Mathias vanished into the air, promising to see the boy later.

And then Niels was alone, the small room some how darker without Mathias in it.



