Final chapter guys – and it's not an easy one. Not much else I can say, 'cept it's been a blast! Enjoy, xxxNTxxx

John Dorian

He stayed crouched on the floor, allowing the confusingly blunt scene in front of him soak in completely before shaking his head in disbelief. He stood and walked over to where Dr Cox was teetering over the edge, one foot on the roof and the over hanging over the edge. He didn't want to speak in case his 'annoying' voice spurred the demons in Perry's head to go forward with the plan. He just stared and waited. He waited for two minutes before anyone spoke.

"It would be easy." Dr Cox whispered. "Just to let myself fall. Everything would be over then. The pain, the upset... the torture. All gone in an instant. But I can't do it."

"You're stronger than this." JD reasoned. "Please, just come down."

"I can't do that either,"

JD's mind desperately searched for the answer, the write words to bring back his mentor, his father figure – his friend. He just needed the right argument, something he could fight with, something that would help in any way to make Perry see sense. That's when his eyes drifted towards the half-crushed cell that had now been dropped onto the gravelled ground. He saw the cracked picture of a little boy, grinning madly at the person who had taken the photo. Then, JD knew what it say.

"What about Jack?"

These three simple words made Perry's foot retract slightly, and he blinked a couple of times to allow a single tear to roll down his cheek. He looked back at JD with such forlorn, and slowly began to hiccup. It was so heartbreakingly surreal that his protégée had to put a hand over his mouth to stop the whimper escaping his lips. And then, something amazing happened. Something totally out of the ordinary.

"You're right," Dr Cox nodded, and spun around slowly so that he was now facing the rest of the roof with his back to the drop. His heels still wobbled knowingly against the edge but he was definitely leaning towards safer places. JD felt the smile grow on his face.

"Yes, yes, come on," He encouraged, nodding his head backwards, indicating where he would like his mentor to go. Back downstairs. To get on with his job, his life.

Dr Cox smiled too, contradicting to the tears that were becoming quicker. And then, he snarled, in good old Perry style and growled deeply from his throat. "You better not tell a soul about his Newbie or so help me God I will throw you from this building right here, right now."

"You got it," JD smirked. "I pinky promise."

"God damn it..." Perry looked down, rolling his eyes. He gulped at the edge and shook his head one more time. But that's when something strange happened.

He moved his left foot forward, but his right foot scraped against the gravel and slipped slightly until it was no longer touching ground. It fell towards the drop, and gravity began to pull his body down so that his other knee crumpled under the pressure and his arms flew up over his head in shock. The left foot finally gave in, lifting as his body fell down so that he was almost doing the splits. The edge was suddenly above him, and JD watched in horror as his fingers scraped along the roof, trying to grab a strong hold. At this instant, JD lunged forward to try and grab a hand but by the time he had run over, Perry had lost grip and was tumbling towards the ground.


After the funeral, Jordan did not want to speak to anyone. She dragged confused Jack from the hall and left in a hurry, scared that her tears and emotion would be spotted, scared that someone might actually want to hold her hand. She was so damn angry that he had actually gone through with it, leaving her tired and alone with their child.

Turk held Carla close as she sobbed softly, nose deep in a soggy tissue. She had never been believed for a second that her best friend in that hospital would actually do something like this, something so selfish. She had tried to convince herself that it was all just a bad dream. Turk couldn't believe it either; that guy had seemed solid. Like nothing could penetrate his demeanour.

Elliot sniffed loudly and blew her nose, remembering that day when they had first found him out cold on the cafeteria table. Even then she hadn't believed him capable of self-harm. She had looked after him, treated him and advised him – all for nothing, it seemed.

JD knew the truth, and he repeated this in his head all the way through the service and as he made his way out of the hall, taking a look back at the photo of Perry Cox above the coffin. He knew the truth. No one believed that Perry would actually kill himself, and JD tried to explain that he hadn't! It had been an accident, surely, with the foot slipping and gravity taking over. It was all just an accident. But the more he replayed the memory in his head, the more he remembered tiny things.

Perry's smirk as his foot overbalanced. The way he seemed to let go of the edge instead of waiting for help.

No, JD would think. No. And then he repeat once more, just for his own sanity's sake, and for the sake of his own safety: it was an accident.

It was an accident.

And that's it! Short, I know, but I needed to finish it. I hope you don't feel like it's too rushed, I did re-type this many times with all sorts of different endings, and I thought this was the best. Don't hate me! And thanks for sticking through it! Reviews always appreciated. :) xxxNTxxx