Sanji tugged at his tie ineffectually. To tell the truth he wasn't sure he was enjoying his first experience in a suit very much. The blue striped tie seemed to be determined to choke him and while his pants and shirt were comfortable and not too unlike his chef whites, the suit jacket was comparatively heavy and forced him to move in very purposeful way. That could be good training though. A good chef moved with purpose.

He caught his reflection in the in the window and had to admit it looked good. It made him seem cool and elegant but he wasn't sure if that would be worth the discomfort of being choked. It would be totally be out of place back at the shitty restaurant too since the old man more than proved that you didn't have to look good when you cooked up delicious food.

Sanji had to admit though, here at the big East Blue Invitational Ball, he fit right in (or would if he was maybe five or more years older). All the men were wearing suits, even the old man. He had pulled some strings (or intimidated the right people) to get them in here. The tickets were impossible, invitation only. Zeff looked uncomfortable a few feet from the punch bowl, a Marine in military dress had apparently roped him into trying to recount the story of their rescue from starvation and that damn rock.

Served him right. This was a waste of time. They could be back at Baratie cooking but nooooo…the old bastard said that the problem with a floating restaurant is that people needed to know that it existed if it wanted to be in business for a third year and that meant he and Zeff needed to tell them.

This Ball, it seemed, was pretty much the plan. He didn't understand at first but it was now becoming evident that it was certainly a who's who of important people. Marines, Government, Rich people, and even powerful pirates (Strange, why were they allowed here? No, invited. He corrected. Seemed awfully fishy.). He agreed it would be good for the Baratie if the old man could get even a few of these people to remember that there was a place on the sea with food better than the cuisine they were serving here (that looked fancy but tasted reheated and under seasoned). Yeah, despite his protests at coming, if a chance presented itself, he'd help too. Baratie needed to survive and if that meant sucking up to these people if any wanted to talk to him, he'd do it.

Seems that no one wanted to talk to a brat like him though and meanwhile he was bored. He watched the orchestra with half interest. He always liked music and wondered if it would be worth trying to learn the piano at some point. A bunch of large women brushed past him in their finest and their noses so far in the air you'd think they were royalty. Sanji frowned after them and turned back to the orchestra only to catch the eye of the real thing.

A princess. A princess was standing in front of the orchestra looking around as if making some kind of plan on what to do. She looked to be his age or a little younger, just starting to fill out curves in the half-sleeved honey colored ball gown she wore. He was surprised at himself for noticing it but he couldn't stop himself from staring at her so he supposed he would notice everything. Her hair was a rich burnt orange color and it was cropped short to just beyond her ears. Small pearl earrings and pearl necklace added a refined touch and if she had the right diamond tiara it would complete her ensemble perfectly and give her secret identity away.

Suddenly he was making eye contact with those sparkling brown, intelligent eyes. He was meeting the gaze of this princess across a crowded room! Was he fated to be her fairy tale prince? She smiled at him and started heading his way.

Sanji fiddled nervously with his tie and he forced himself to look away as he tried to catch his breath. By the time she was at her side he couldn't seem to breath at all. She reached her slender arms out to his neck and his face burned with the thought she was about to kiss him. He was starting to get dizzy too actually.

She placed a hand on the knot of the tie and with a hard yank the fabric loosened magically and a swell of oxygen was freed to move into his lungs. He gasped and coughed lightly, feeling really dumb suddenly. Of course he was suffocating that would explain the light headedness.

He smiled sheepishly at her.

"Ha ha…thanks." To his dismay, looking at her made the light headedness return.

"It's your first time, huh? Wearing something like this?" Her fingers patted the tie.

"Ah, yeah."

"That's okay, it looks good on you. It's my first time wearing something so fancy too."

"No way! You're not a princess? But you're so pretty!" She seemed to chuckle at that.

"Were you forced to be here?"

"Sort of. The old man, " He nodded by the punch bowl. "thought he could get more customers for our place if he came. I don't know why I'm here but I'll do what I have to do."

She nodded thoughtfully.

"Not a pirate or marine? Not some diplomats son?"

"Nope! Disappointed?"

"No, but it makes it harder." She sighed with a grin that bordered on regretful..

"Huh?" Sanji cocked his head in confusion but the girl brushed off the question with a shake of her head and tugged playfully on his sleeve.

"Never mind, dance with me?"

"Sorry, I don't know how." Not dance like this anyway, where you didn't just move to the music. This sort of dancing had specific steps. "Wish I did if it meant I could dance with you."

"It's easy!" She took a step back and demonstrated a few steps of the waltz to the music. Sanji was mesmerized by the sight of her spinning the flowing material of gown across the floor in a gentle glide before he realized he knew how to do this.

He spun to glare at the shitty old man. 'Special training' my ass! He wanted to snarl but when Zeff made eye contact, he smirked and then promptly ignored the boy. It infuriated Sanji even more and it occurred to him that while Zeff might be working the room for Baratie, he might have been brought along on the old mans whim to introduce him to more shitty 'culture'.

"Really, It's not that difficult." His attention snapped back to the girl in front of him. The poor girl though his exasperated expression was because of her! Wait a minute, he was just wishing he could do this. Now he could! Screw the old man, he's give him shit for this later.

"No, No." He reassured her. "I just realized I do know how to do this." He stepped forward and awkwardly took her hand. He ignored the quickening of his pulse as her eyes seemed to glitter in amusement at his hesitation and she pulled his hand chastely around her firm waist. Her hand was so light on his back he barely felt it. Definitely different from Zeff's 'special training'.

They looked into each others eyes with a smile and nodded together with the count. 1-2-3 and go! And then they were dancing together, a miniature pair among all the adults swinging around the floor.

Even though he was sure he was leading he noticed that they seemed to find their way dancing near other couples and the fringe of the dance floor quite a bit. Not that he cared. This was fun! She was really charming. A good dancer for someone so young and she laughed as he made an occasion joke or comment with a chime that made him near giddy inside.

She started to pull away and he resisted in question.

"I have to go." She indicated a large clock mounted high and ornately on the wall. Almost midnight. As if on cue the clock started to chime and she grimaced. He looked back at her in stunned silence. It's like a fairy tale afterall! Wait, that made him the prince!

"Don't go yet!" He nearly begged as he opened his grasp and she slipped free.

She turned back toward him and gently placed a kiss on his cheek.

"Thanks for the dance. I can't be late for my ride. You're sweet though. Too sweet."

He was stunned and placed a hand to his cheek where he was kissed. He didn't realize he was blushing. He didn't realize her dress seemed less fluffy as she walked away and he didn't thing to ask why in the hot mid summer weather she wore a dress with sleeves. He could only sigh as she hurried her exit toward the door and relish the tingle on his skin.

He frowned as he realized that this was his first love and he didn't even get her name. His frown deepened as Zeff appeared above him and kept his voice low.

"Time to go. There's a damn thief aboard and we got to leave before the place goes to hell with accusations."


"They won't like that we're the only two who kept their wallets after contact with your little girlfriend."

Sanji looked to the door she has just made her escape as he chewed on this.. He made up his mind. A girl like her wouldn't take money if she didn't need it.

"I still want to see her again."

Zeff sighed.

"With your luck kid, I'm sure you will."