Author's note: I'm STILL writing "An agent in disguise". I just wanted to write this because I think I need a break.

Disclaimer: I don't own CSI.

The new maid

"Hello...Welcome to the Royal castle." a woman said.

"Hi...I'm Sara...I'm the recommended maid."

"Oh. So you are Sara...I'm Dorothy, the head maid. You can call me Dorothy."

"Okay Dorothy."

Dorothy and Sara entered the castle.

"Okay...You'll need to know the royal family...the family that you are going to serve." said Dorothy

"Thanks..." asked Sara

"Anyway…The Queen is Queen Emily. The King Arthur. They have two sons."

"Girls?" asked Sara

"No. Boys. Prince Gilbert Grissom and Prince Vincent Lurie."

Sara frowned. "Why don't they have the same surnames?"

"Well, the Queen was once married to King Benjamin Lurie. They had a prince. Prince Vincent Lurie. Then, King Benjamin died in battle. The queen was devastated. But then, she met King Arthur...and they had Prince Gilbert." said Dorothy.

"Oh." said Sara

"Now...You'll have to watch out for Prince Gilbert's dog...his name is Hank. You shouldn't be scared of him...but if you do something wrong, be warned. That dog could bite."

"Okay, I'll keep that in mind."

"Well...that's about it. have to meet the other maids." said Dorothy


Sara and Dorothy went inside a room. It was the kitchen. Sara looked at the maids...they were working. They were busy, and she didn't want to disturb them.

"Okay...girls...we have a new friend. Everyone, meet Sara. She's the recommended maid. She's here to serve the Royal family."

"Hi Sara." the maids chorused

"Okay Sara that is Amber. That one is Caramel, the one in pink is Hazel...and the one in green is Ruby. They are the cooks. Those three over there are Olivia, Luna, and Stella. Olivia is Queen Emily's personal maid. Luna is Prince Vincent's personal maid, and Stella is King Arthur's personal maid. You'll be Prince Gilbert's personal maid."

"Okay..." said Sara

"Those five are Hope, Rose, Faith, Cheska, and Shane. They are the ones who clean the castle."

"Nice to meet you." said Sara

"You too." They chorused.

"Now, let me take you to the horse stables." said Dorothy

They went outside. Once they went outside, Sara noticed that there were eleven people laughing inside the pagoda.

" it Friday?"

" is...why?" asked Sara

"Well, every Friday, Prince Gilbert talks and enjoys with his friends...perhaps his mother, father, and brother are also there...Let me introduce you first."


"Remember to bow okay?"



They went towards the pagoda.

Sara and Dorothy bowed.

"Good afternoon, My Ladies, and My Lords...this is Sara. She's the new maid...the one who was recommended by Kayla Harris, the one who recommends maids to us."

"Nice to meet you Sara." They said

"Sara, those are Princess Heather, Princess Catherine, Prince Jim, Prince Nick, Prince Warrick, Prince Greg, and Princess Sofia. They are Prince Gilbert's friends."

Sara bowed. "Good afternoon to all of you."

"Dorothy, I told you to call me Prince Gil. Not Prince Gilbert."

"Oh...right milord. This is Prince Gil." said Dorothy

"Nice to meet you Sara." said Grissom

"Nice to meet you too milord."

Sara looked at him. He certainly was handsome. He had magnificent blue eyes, and he seemed intelligent.

"That is Prince Vincent."

"Nice to meet you Prince Vincent."

"Nice to meet you too Sara."

"That is Queen Emily and King Arthur."

"Good afternoon Sara."

"Good afternoon milord, milady. Nice to meet you."

"...and you too. So...You'll be Gil's personal maid?"

"Yes milady."

"Well, you better do a fine job. We had to fire Gil's last maid because she was always bothering him."

"Oh...I promise you milady that I will not bother him in any way...I'm just here to assist Prince Gil."


"Excuse me milord and milady, but Sara and I need to go...I need to introduce her to the stable boys."

"Oh, that's alright. We probably need to get on chatting anyway."

"Nice meeting you all." said Sara

As Dorothy and Sara went away from the pagoda, Sara couldn't help but think about Prince Gil. His eyes…His face…

Sara sighed. They could never be. She was a maid, and he was a prince. He was better off with Princess Catherine, or Princess Sofia, even Princess Heather. But hey…It's free to dream right?

A.N: Okay…I AM going to continue "An agent in disguise"…Perhaps I'll write this and "An agent in disguise" at the same time…at least, in this story, it's GSR from the beginning. An agent in disguise? Well…sometimes it takes Sara to be in danger before Grissom would even admit his feelings. :D