A/N: Thank you for all of your wonderful reviews, I've tried to individually reply, but I can't keep up with that and updating and school and work and everything, so I'm going to give one big THANK YOU to everyone! = ) you guys make me smile so much and make my day so much better, even if the review only says "great job" or "nice" or "i like it" it makes my day. so thank you! As you can see, I used some of your suggestions (you know who you are = )) Also, I noticed that there are a few errors in my last chapter, sorry about those, I was so excited about posting it I guess I didn't go over it as many times as I usually do. So sorry again, and here's some more. Also sorry about the super long A/N. Anyways, on with the story, enjoy!


*Three days later*


Draco tossed and turned is his bed, memories of his father plaguing his dreams. Screams, shouts and tears escaped him as he lay there deep in sleep, unable to wake up.

Hermione woke up in a cold sweat, she wasn't sure what it was but something was wrong. Her first thought was Draco. She threw her comforter off of her legs, sprinting out of bed and tripping over her bedroom slippers. She cursed quietly and bolted out of the room. Hermione ran through the bathroom they shared, across the cold tile floor, and hammered on the hardwood door connecting them.

No answer. Hermione wimpered.

She listened at the door for a moment and heard faint moaning and crying.

Hermione threw all of her weight against the door and it sprung open, stumbling slightly, she peered into the dark room.

There was Draco, tangled up in his sheets, sweating profusely and obviously having a nightmare. She imagined that this was what she looked like almost every night, after memories of her father- his father.

She ran over to the bed, avoiding a discarded pair of vans, and started shaking him softly, trying to wake him up, it wasn't working. He was still fast asleep. She shook him, smacked him, she even punched him. But nothing worked. The only thing she could think of to do was to call Harry.

She took one last look at the shaking form under a pile of blankets and bolted back into the common room and starting a fire with a flick of her wand, she threw some floo powder into it and the flames turned green. She stepped through into the Gryffindor common room, coughing slightly and making a disgusted face. She hated flooing places.

"Harry!" She yelled, running into the boys dormitory, "Harry! Wake up, I need your help!"

The other boys started to stir, and Hermione scolded herself. She didn't need all of Gryffindor to wake up and demand to know why she was there. So Hermione took her wand out once more and cast a silencing charm on Harry's bed curtains, containing her voice.

"HARRY JAMES POTTER!" She shouted into his ear.

Harry awoke with a start, Hermione's shrill voice piercing into the sweet dream he was having about his mother, in the dream she had been leaning over his cradle with his father and Sirius, and she was singing him a lullaby.

He started dozing off again, and then-

"HARRY!" Hermione yelled in his face.

He sat up, shocked, and in his haste, bonked heads with Hermione.

"Ouch!" She muttered, scowling slightly.

"What?" Harry groaned, rubbing his forehead.

"It's Draco," she pleaded. "I need you, please come."

Harry, sensing the urgency in her voice, was wide awake at once. He swung his legs off his bed, throwing his covers to the side.

"What's wrong?" He asked, worriedly.

"He's having a nightmare and I can't wake him up, and I got scared... Can you help me?"

Now that she was saying it aloud, it sounded a bit lame, but at the time it really worried her.

Harry had experience with nightmares, and sometimes they weren't just about spiders or test scores. Sometimes they were about actual nightmarish things. Sometimes things like reality.

Harry shuddered as he pulled on his dressing gown. "I understand," he nodded. "Lets go."

She smiled gratefully, and they ran down the stairs to the common room, heading towards the fireplace.

"Heads dorm!" Harry said quietly, grabbing a handful of floo powder and stepping into the fireplace, and in a flash he was gone.

Hermione did the same and not a minute later they were both rushing up the stairs to Draco's room, where the screams and shouts had gotten louder.

"Malfoy!" Harry yelled in his face, trying desperately to wake him up.

Tears were falling down Draco's face as he said softly, "no. Please don't. Please don't leave me."

Hermione looked down at Draco worriedly.

"Harry," she said quietly, "what are we going to do?"

"Aguamenti." Harry said clearly. A thick jet of water sprayed onto Draco's face. He started sputtering, but he was still asleep.

"I don't know." He said slowly, turning to Hermione. "I've never seen anyone this deeply asleep, did he take anything? Maybe a sleeping potion from Madam Pomfrey?"

Hermione nodded, "yeah, we're both taking them. After-.." She stopped, remembering that Harry had no idea what had happened.

"After what?" Harry asked, curiously looking at her.

"Nothing." She muttered, shaking her head. "Should we take him to Madam Pomfrey?"

Harry looked at her thoughtfully, scratching his head slightly. "Why are you guys taking sleeping droughts, Hermione?"

"No reason, really it's nothing." She tried to reassure him. But Harry wasn't buying it.

"Does it have anything to do with the fact that you cut yourself?" Harry asked suddenly.

Hermione froze. "What?" She asked breathlessly.

"Yes. I know. I've known for almost the whole year now, but I didn't know how to bring it up.. I wasn't sure if I was right. Until now. So why do you do it."

"I- I don't know what you're talking about." She said stubbornly.

"C'mon Hermione." Harry pleaded. "It's me. Harry. Just... Please."

She shook her head.

Harry looked at her for a moment. Then rolled up his own sleeves.

Hermione gasped.

"What? Harry? Why?"

Cuts crisscrossed and zigzagged all over his wrists, just like her and Draco. Just like them. But.

"Why?" She asked again.

Harry shrugged and pulled his sleeves back down.

"You tell me and I'll tell you."

Hermione scowled at him.

"Fine. I tried to kill myself because Ron raped me. And then Draco and Snape took me to the Hospital Wing and I found out I was pregnant with my fathers child, because he's been raping and abusing me for years, and I got and abortion and Draco and I have been finding it hard to sleep since then so Madam Pomfrey gave us both sleeping droughts to help us get full nights sleep so we can continue with our normal everyday life without being zombies..." She trailed off.

She hadn't meant to say all that.

Harry gaped at her, then everything sunk in. "Ron raped you?" He was furious.

"No, Harry, it's fine. Look everything's going to be okay. Just relax, look, we have to wake Draco up."

"How do you expect me to calm down?" He cried, "you. Were. Raped. By. Ron."

"I know this already!" She said furiously, "it happened to ME, remember? Not you. I've been trying to make my peace with it, so can we please just concentrate on the task at hand, and wake up Draco. Please." She pleaded.

Harry sighed and rubbed his hands over his face in a tired motion. "Fine." He agreed. "Lets go get Madam Pomfrey."

"Thank you." She breathed.

A/N: Sorry it's taken so long. I just started college classes and a new job. So It's gonna be rocky for a while. BUT, the classes I started include ENG101, so lucky you guys. I'll be a better writer. =) I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this chapter. Thanks!