The screen faded white and revealed a small room. The camera began to rotate around the room showing a Math, History, English, Spanish book on the bed with binders with Homework next to them. Then the camera showed the closet with Football pads and a helmet with a book of plays next to it. The camera continued to rotate, this time showing unfinished work and art. The camera then stopped and showed the whole empty room, nothing appeared for five seconds but then. A orange Fox wearing a SKINS hat with a shirt and dog tags popped out of the side of the camera. "ASS!" The Fox then fell on the ground and stood up. *Ahem* "Sorry about that, and sorry I haven't been working on this story I've just been busy with School work and High School Football and I've been feeling uninspired lately. Well finally here it is now, the last chapter, hope you enjoy it ^_^" The screen faded black again.

The screen faded back to white and showed Flippy walking back in his living room. He had his Bowie Knife in his hand and slowly walked to the couch. Flippy looked around his living room and saw nothing, just as Flippy let his guard down, Mr. Bucket flew over the couch and hit Flippy in the face.

Flippy dropped his knife fell on his back and struggled to get Mr. Bucket off of him, the bucket was somehow more heavier and its mouth was sucking in like a vacuum. "iM mR. bUcKeT…" The bucket was talking like it was drunk or high. Flippy was grinded his teeth by trying to throw the pedophile bucket off of him, he then flipped open the couch cushion and threw the bucket under it.

Flippy got up and ran to his basement, he heard Mr. Bucket singing again. "Im Mr. Bucket, put your ballz in my mouth. Im Mr. bucket…". Flippy slammed the basement door and started running down the stairs. "Your not getting my balls, fuck balls"

Flippy went into his basement and slammed the door. Mr. Bucket popped up over the door and stared down at Flippy. Flippy looked up and noticed Mr. Bucket back up into the darkness. Flippy walked around cautiously and heard Mr. Bucket's voice echo around his basement.

"iM mR. bUcKeT….an Im GuNnA SuCk oN uR baaaaalLz-uh" Flippy walked around the basement slowly, looking for where Mr. Bucket could be hiding.

Sonic arrived at Flippy's house holding his blue umbrella over his head from the rain. Sonic sighed, "That asshole bear, he knows I hate water…" Sonic rubbed his eyes to try stay awake, Sonic walked up to the front door and knocked. He waited for a response but when he knocked, the door opened by his knocking.

Sonic was startled, Flippy never left his door open like this, especially on a thunder/rainy day. The blue hedgehog walked in and noticed Flippy's Bowie Knife on the ground, the couch cushions on the floor and the basement door was open. "uh…F-flippy…" No response, "…are you in here?" Sonic closed his umbrella and put it down, he walked in the kitchen looking for Flippy.

Flippy walked in his "Childhood Memories" room and noticed the Mr. Bucket box that was open. He reached inside and grabbed the colored balls and stared at them for a while.

Mr. Bucket appeared behind him from the darkness. "Im Mr. Bucket!" Flippy turned around and then ran to the far side of the room. There was no other way out, Mr. Bucket had him cornered.

Mr. Bucket dropped from the ceiling and started slowly moving toward Flippy. "I wanna suck on your baaauuullz" Flippy started to panic and looked around desperately, he took out a green colored ball and threw it at Mr. Bucket. "You mean Plastic balls!" Flippy showed it to him. "These Guys!" Flippy started throwing more colored balls at Mr. Bucket. "No, I mean ballz. Testicles, Scrotum, Donats, Family Jewels, Coin Purse, Baauullz" Flippy started throwing more at Mr. Bucket. "Take these balls, take your fuckin' balls. Not my balls!" "Ballz!"

Sonic started walking down the basement stairs, he checked the whole house upstairs and didn't find anybody. When Sonic got near the basement door, he heard someone screaming. "-get away from me you sick, fucked up freak! Fucking Pervert!" Sonic knew that was Flippy's voice and felt a bit relieved that he was ok but then he heard another voice. "Im gUnNa sUcK On Ur BaalLs, sUcK On Ur BaalLs, sUcK On Ur BaalLs, sUcK On Ur BaalLs, sUcK On Ur BaalLs, sUcK On Ur BaalLs, sUcK On Ur BaalLs, sUcK On Ur BaalLs, sUcK On Ur Bahullz"

Sonic walked over to where that voice was coming from, he opened the "Childhood Memories" door and saw Flippy cowering in the back of the room, the colored balls all over the ground and the Mr. Bucket toy in front of Flippy. Sonic was confused of why Flippy was acting like this, it was just him in the room. "Uh…Flippy"

Flippy noticed Sonic open the door and pointed at him. "Get away from me! Suck his balls!" Sonic raised an eyebrow and thought, "What the Fuck is wrong with him, is he high or something?" Just as Flippy said that, the Mr. Bucket toy turned around and started moving very fast at Sonic. "Blue Ballz!" Sonic's eyes went wide in surprise, did that toy just talk! And what did it just say!

The Bucket hit Sonic in his knee and it knocked him down. Mr. Bucket ran between Sonic's legs and started…(well you know). Sonic screamed in pain and tried to pull the Bucket off of him. "AHHH MY BALLS! GET OFF OF ME AHHH!". "Ballz, blue scrotum ballz. Ballz, ballz ballz" Flippy stood there, eyes wide open, frozen in shock at the disturbing scene he was witnessing. Sonic screamed more. "AHHH FLIPPY GET HIM OFF ME! AHHH YOU FUCKING PERVERT!"

Flippy got up and ran up to Sonic. "Ahh shit! Uh hold on Sonic!" "GET HIM OFF!" Flippy pulled My. Bucket off of Sonic's jewels and started drowning Mr. Bucket in the sink. Flippy repeatedly shoved Mr. Bucket up and down the sink to drown him faster. Mr. Bucket struggles to get out of the water. "ie wunah suk un ur buallz" Flippy continued to drown Mr. Bucket "DIE YOU FUCKING FREAK!"

Sonic stood up slowly and watched Flippy drown the bucket. Mr. Bucket started gagging and his struggling slowed down. Flippy yelled out loud as he continued to drown him. Mr. Bucket let out his last breath and then just laid floating in the water. Flippy let him go and walked away from the sink.

Sonic walked up to the now dead Mr. Bucket and then looked at Flippy. "Dude…What The Fuck! What the hell is going on?" Flippy inhaled first before talking. "I don't know, but its fucking dead now…" Flippy and Sonic walked up to Mr. Bucket. "But where ever there's a Mr. Bucket…" The camera zoomed in on Flippy's face.

"Nobody…is safe.."


"I'm Mr. Bucket, balls pop out of my mouth"

"I'm Mr. Bucket, a ball is what I'm about"

"I'm Mr. Bucket…


we're all gonna run"

"I'm Mr. Bucket, buckets of fun!"