A/N: I had several different ideas with this particular fic, so I went with all of them... it was better than writing 5 different stories lol. In a way this is also 2 stories in 1. The present day when they're searching for Abel, and the backstory between Chibs and Brooke, which will start in the next chapter. I'll give a heads up to when the chapters switch around so you guys won't be confused. Also, Taylor Spencer will catch the eye of two other Sons, I'm gonna put a poll up to see which one you want to see her with. Enjoy!

Prologue- From Charming To Boston

August 30th, 2009.

Charming, CA.

Chibs rode into the streams, none too happy at what the club was planning.

Three weeks after Abel had been taken, they'd found where Cameron was hiding – Boston.

"You think I want this?" Jax had said. "I don't. She was my friend before she was your old lady, but she knows Boston better than the rest of us… she'll be able to help us. Her best friend is also a PI and from the same city."

The lake house was soon in Chibs' line of site. He had met Brooke Monroe about two years ago and had been attracted to her instantly. He wished Jax hadn't meddled, because with everything the Irish had done it wasn't safe for Brooke, especially with her career.

From what he had garnered from Jax and Brooke, the late John Teller and Piney had served with Brooke's dad Keith Monroe and Keith's buddy Louie Falcone. When Tommy and Louie had gotten back stateside, they had turned back to an old hobby to adapt to civilization – street racing. It had only taken months for the two men to be arrested, but a man living in Connecticut had bailed them out with a shocking proposition: he was building a team of drivers, and had wanted to see if Keith and Louie were capable. They had been, and their rise into the NASCAR world was no secret.

Brooke had caught the racing bug, and had moved up the NASCAR ranks even faster than her dad – the woman was also in Endurance racing, Indy, Drag, and Formula One. He was proud of her, but he also worried – pro racing was dangerous enough without Jimmy and his thugs around to make it even more so. Brooke was also an author under the pen name Raven Crowe. She sometimes wrote outside near the lake. Chibs would never admit it to the guys but he liked reading her stuff.

He got to the lake house and parked in the driveway. Even though they had been living together for over a year, he never parked in the garage unless it was raining because if he needed to get to the clubhouse he wanted to get there quick. Brooke also had a motorcycle, a Harley Sportster, and they had had some fun racing each other on the back roads a few times. He understood why she did what she did in those cars – speed made for a huge adrenaline rush. She also had an ATV, and two cars. One was a Jeep Wrangler – it had no doors or top on it. The second was a 1967 Ford Mustang convertible they had restored together. He took a peek into the garage, and saw that all the cars were there so she was still home. Going into the house, he got greeted by all their pets.

Ace was a Doberman, Cosmo was a Rottweiler, and Titan was a pit bull terrier, all of them were male and six years old. Sonny the Min Pin and Minnie the Dachshund were four. Brooke had rescued all five dogs from a shelter in San Francisco. According to Brooke, they had all been scheduled to be put down the next day. There was also a cat named Savannah, also age four. Brooke's best friend Taylor Spencer, who lived in Los Angeles, had bought Brooke the cat as a present.

Right now Savannah was head butting his hand, wanting to be scratched behind the ears. Sonny and Minnie were barking, and the other three jumped him minutes later. Chibs tried calling for Brooke but Ace, Cosmo, and Titan had licked his face to the point where it was covered in slobber.

"Cease and desist, guys!" Brooke yelled.

The dogs and cat dispersed. Chibs heard a back door close and realized Brooke had been outside.

"I heard you pull in the driveway," said Brooke. "They want me to go, don't they?"

"Aye," said Chibs. "They want ya to get Taylor too."

"She won't mind, and neither do I," said Brooke. "That woman's been a danger junkie for god knows how long."

Apart from Chibs and her younger sister Haley, Brooke knew Taylor Spencer better than anyone. They had grown up in Boston together, and when Taylor had been through something that could've made grown men cower, the women had gone on a road trip to San Francisco. After Taylor had gotten her PI's license, she had moved to Los Angeles to get a bigger client base while Brooke had found an affordable lake house in Charming. It had been in the woods with a good view of the sunset. What she hadn't known was that the Sons had had a gun warehouse there and had wanted to make sure she wouldn't see anything.

That was how she had been reunited with Jax and how she had met Chibs. What she hadn't known was that after catching up with Jax he would be making sure she and Chibs wound up in the same places. Gemma had also implemented her own efforts soon after. Chibs knew he shouldn't, but he worried about Brooke sometimes – racing was dangerous.

"Anything is dangehous," Brooke had said. "You're also in a motohcycle club and you run guns, you won't be winning this ahgument."

Chibs remembered how shocked he'd been that she'd brought SAMCRO into that one, but Brooke was a wild card – she had kept her mouth shut when ATF had blown in which hadn't been surprising, but in an unexpected move had slapped Fiona across the face. That had been a shock because Brooke wasn't a violent person.

"Yeh not nuts about this," said Brooke.

"Understatement of the year luv," said Chibs.

"It'll be alright," said Brooke. "I'll go to L.A. today and get Taylor. I should be back by tonight and we'll go from there. I'm taking the Spohtsteh. I'll be able to get around the traffic betteh."

They laughed. Chibs grabbed Brooke and pulled her in for a kiss. He had thought she was always a good kisser. After breaking the kiss, Chibs tossed Brooke over his shoulder and went up the stairs to their bedroom.

"If we do this I'll neveh get to L.A.," said Brooke.

"That's the plan, luv… Tig an' Juice are fetchin' her," said Chibs.

Brooke laughed.

"What's so funny darlin'?" said Chibs.

"Nothing," said Brooke.

She knew Taylor, always with a flair for dramatics, would answer the door with her pistol. She had been doing that since moving to L.A.

Brooke's thoughts of her best friend left her as she and Chibs got to their bedroom and began doing away with each other's clothes. Brooke vaguely remembered to shut the door behind her so the dogs and cat wouldn't walk in during a bad time. Brooke was surprised they had actually made it to the bed, because there were times when they hadn't.

"I take it this is why you wanted Tig and Juice to grab Taylor?" said Brooke.

Chibs responded by kissing her hard on the mouth. He then nipped one of her breasts as he stuck one finger, then two, inside her.

"Ahh… Chibs, what are you doing?" Brooke whispered.

Chibs slipped another finger in and heard satisfied squeals leave his old lady's mouth. He kissed her hard on the mouth again so the dogs wouldn't start barking.

"Stop teasing me," said Brooke.

She was annoyed now. Chibs was good with his hands. He knew it, and loved to prolong the torture with a drawn out hand job. He loved hearing her squeal and moan before doing her senseless. It was a big turn-on for him. He then took one of her breasts in his mouth and slid his erection in at the same time so she wouldn't notice. He noticed the surprised look on her face.

"Didn't ye tell me ta stop teasin'?" Chibs whispered.

"Shut up and do me," said Brooke.

Chibs happily obliged, going in deeper with each thrust. Brooke was about to flip him over when he grabbed one of his scarves and tied her hand to the bed. She spread her legs out farther so he could go in deeper. When he did, she came so hard and loud she thought the house would fall in around her. Chibs came minutes later.


Los Angeles, CA.

Taylor Spencer rolled her eyes when she realized her best friend, Brooke Monroe, wasn't picking up her phone. Taylor wondered just how good the Scotsman was in bed. She'd met him once, and he was downright sexy. If Chibs hadn't already been taken, Taylor would've done him in a heartbeat. She remembered rooming with Brooke in San Francisco for six months before the lease on their apartment had run out and the women had found different places to live.

Brooke had found a lake house in Charming, and Taylor had found an affordable apartment on the beach. She hadn't cared that it was near the Port of Los Angeles it was on a beach. She had been there earlier this morning. She always made appointments with her clients in the afternoon so she could catch some sun first. Taylor was a private investigator, and in a big city like L.A. she got all the juicy cases. Granted, most of them were about cheating spouses but in the city of angels those were the best ones to get. She walked onto the fire escape and watched the ships coming in. It was always a fun thing to do. Her week had been exhausting with a case and a couple nights out clubbing and getting laid in the process.

A knock at the door brought her out of her thoughts. She went to her bedroom and got her Desert Eagle .50 then opened the door a crack. There were two guys standing outside. Taylor recognized that they were wearing the same cuts as Chibs and cautiously lowered her gun as she opened the door and gave the two men a once-over. One of them was in his mid-forties with brown curly hair and blue eyes that made him look like an animal in heat. The second guy was Puerto Rican with brown eyes, shaved black hair with lightning bolts on his head, and a kind smile. The second guy also appeared to be quite younger than his primal counterpart, possibly a year or two older than Taylor.

"I'm Juice," said the one with the tats.

"I'm Tig," said the one with the blue eyes.

"Juice, Tig… do you two know Brooke?" said Taylor.

"Yeah," said Tig.

"That's why we're here," said Juice. "Jax – he's a friend of ours – his son was kidnapped, and he mentioned you were a PI."

"No shit – I've been a PI for two yea-ahs," said Taylor. "So whose bike am I going to Chahming on?"

"We're going to Boston tomorrow," said Juice.

"Give me an hou-wah, I'll need to pack some clothes," said Taylor. "There's bee-ah in the fridge, help yehselves."

"That how all you Bostonians talk?" said Tig.

"Yup," said Taylor. "They say yahd in Jaws, and we say yahd in Boston too."

"Haven't lost the accent yet?" said Juice as he and Tig helped each other to a couple beers.

"Duh," said Taylor.

Tig laughed and slapped Juice across the back of the head. Luckily for Juice he had put his beer bottle on the counter so nothing was spilled. Both men were now arguing over which one of them Taylor would be riding bitch with.

"She'll mostly be working with me gathering intel, I'd like to have her ride with me," said Juice.

"I'm the Sergeant at Arms, I get the pussy," said Tig.

Both men heard a bag drop behind them. Taylor had apparently finished packing and was now glaring at the two Sons.

"For that comment I'll be riding with Juice," said Taylor.

Juice laughed, but not for long – Tig hit him in the face before they went back to Charming.


Later that night they boarded a private jet at an airport in Oakland. They would be in Boston be eleven – Brooke then realized that it wouldn't be eleven, but eight, due to the three-hour time difference. Hopefully the jet lag wouldn't be too bad and they could start looking for Abel as soon as they set up operations at the hotel they were staying in. Happy was also coming along in case they had trouble – two killers were better than one.


Boston, MA.

Most of the Sons were none too happy when they arrived at the hotel Juice had booked. The Omni Parker House was way too ostentatious for Clay's taste. This was something he could picture Gemma being into along with Tara, Lyla, Brooke and this Taylor Spencer.

"What? It's a historical hotel," said Juice.

Tig rolled his eyes.

"How many rooms did you book?" said Clay.

"Four," said Juice.

The guy at the desk handed over four keycards and told them their rooms were on the second floor. Each room had two beds and a work desk, and all had doors to open up to all the rooms in case the Sons all needed to talk at once. In the order the rooms went, Clay and Tig grabbed the first room, Jax and Opie took the second one, Chibs, Brooke, and Taylor grabbed the third. That left Happy and Juice with the fourth room.


"How did you guys even find out this Cameron Hayes was here?" said Taylor.

"Juice was trackin' his cell phone an' credit card, got a hit on tha latter," said Chibs.

"Then why the hell do you even need Brooke? She doesn't need to be here!" Taylor hissed.

"Don't talk about me like I'm not here, I hate that," said Brooke. "You have to focus on working with Juice to find this guy, I gotta help them find their way around here… the construction is a bitch and we both know it."

Chibs was confused. Taylor noticed and explained.

"There's a new dead end every day," said Taylor. "Living here I had to know ten different ways to get to one spot, or I'd be stuck in traffic."

"The Big Dig was a big disaster," said Brooke.

The three of them shared a small laugh. After the Sons had a short meeting about what would happen the next day, everyone turned in for the night. Brooke hoped that at some point she would get to see Haley. Her little sister had done her proud and gotten an early acceptance to Julliard.


Haley had been trying to sleep when she saw a text message on her phone. Her eyes widened at the message.

Check your email with Danny.

Even though it was past eleven and her first day of school – her senior year – was tomorrow, she woke up Danny Falcone, Louie's adopted son, which somewhat made Danny and Haley cousins given her father's close friendship with Louie and Louie's wife Connie. The two of them booted up the computer and logged into Haley's Hotmail account. She saw a message from her friend that had texted her, titled "To My Friends in Boston". Haley noticed it had been sent to her friends Amy, Jenny, and Lucy as well. She opened it.

To: Amy, Jenny, Lucy, Haley

Subject: I'm Back

I know you'll become upset when you read this. Please don't, not for me. When I came to Boston two years ago scared of what it might bring, your friendship made things bearable – who knew we had so much in common? Unfortunately, I've relapsed and I'm back in Boston for treatment. I'll need a bone marrow transplant this time, and I already know my mum isn't a match, which would leave my da who disappeared after a confrontation with my mum's boyfriend. If she can't find my da, well, let's just say I won't be going to Julliard next year with you Haley, or any year for that matter.:(

Your dearest friend,


P.S. I'm starting my senior year at South Boston High with you guys tomorrow. I hope you'll be happy to see me.

Shaking, Haley booted the computer down.

"This isn't fair," Danny whispered.

Haley nodded. The two teens went to their bedrooms and turned in for the rest of the night.

So, what do you all think so far? I'd love some feedback. I know I told a few of you about who Haley's friend is, so don't spoil it for the rest in reviews!