Hey Peoples. I'm SOOO EXTREMELY sorry that I haven't updated soon when everyone was telling me to forgive me? Please? So this will be the shortest chapter you will ever see coming from me.. probably.. Anyways… hope you all enjoy.

And on to the story's disclaimer! No I don't own neither Hush Hush or iCarly. And if I did. Would I be here? Yeah probably.

I drove down Carly's street, and decided I should fill the Neon up. As I drove into the station I realized that the lights were flickering. On and off. On and off. On and off. I noticed the wind was starting to pick up and hoped that there wasn't a storm coming in soon. I paid the $25 and walked into the car, but only to gain the feeling of someone watching me. I drove the car out and drove at the faster, 90 kilometer speed.

Who was watching me? Was it Freddie again? Seriously? I knew he was a freak all along. By now I have deluded myself into thinking that Freddie was chasing after me. But somehow it didn't feel right. Somehow… It just didn't feel like it was him.

I heard the impact before I could register anything into my mind. Then I saw it. A man. In a ski mask and black clothing. I screamed and jerked the steering wheel to the right on impulse.

As the back of the Neon fishtailed, I noticed the man roll off the hood and disappear. Breathing heavily I looked intently around me, clutching onto the steering wheel for dear life. I planted my feet on the pedal and put the car into reverse to retreat. The car stalled. Shit. Then I saw it.

He was crouched about 2 meters away. He was crouched and wasn't at all injured. What was he? Super Human? He rose onto his feet and started stalking towards me, closing the 2 meter distance we had before. It felt like the only thing separating us was the door and window of the Neon. Yeah. Those were the things separating us.

He flattened his palms on the driver's window, and then drew one hand back. He rammed it into the window, but the window only vibrated. I revved the car, praying that it would buck and die on me. Please Please Please. I was about to celebrate the car working but the door was starting to bend and make a horrible screeching sound. He was tearing the door off. Yeah. Super Human.

He slammed his fist at the window, but this time it broke. His hand fumbled to reach my shoulder, and once it had, he clamped it. Shit the guy's hand was like a vice. I gave out an involuntary whimper and slammed my foot on the pedal. The Neon sped forward like an Olympian running for that medal. His grasp left my shoulder and eventually I saw his silhouette die from behind me.

I immediately called Carly.

"He- it- nowhere- Neon- smashed- scared-"

"Can't hear you. What?"

"He—He came out of nowhere."

"Who? He? You hit Bambi didn't you? Oh my. Poor Bambi. He's not stuck on my baby is he? No dear parts in the headlights?"

I couldn't answer. Maybe I could pass this off as Bambi.

" Oh my. You're not answering. He's being used as a plough right now isn't he?"

"Can I sleep at your house?"


I pushed the Neon forward and headed towards Bushwell. When I got to the lot I had to use my feet to get out. I ran up to Carly's apartment and found her in her room with her iPear headphones in her ears.

"Option A or option B. A is to see the damage tonight and B is too wait a few hours to allow me to get some rest."

"B might be safer."

"You're not getting off that easily. Let's check it out."

When we got to the lot, I almost died. No smashed windows. No bent door. What was going on?

"Something's not right," I said. Carly wasn't listening to me as she was inspecting every inch of the car.

I did a full 360 when I stopped. A crack in the windshield.

Carly saw it at the same time I did. "Sure it wasn't a rabbit?" She sprawled herself on the hood of the Neon in a weird hug. "Look at me. I'm crying happy tears. A tiny crack. That was it!"

My mind flashed back to when I first saw him. His black eyes. Those blacks eyes reminded me of – Patch.