Author Notes:

Hello people. This is my first fanfic, I have had quite a lot of spare time and I decided to give this a go. Feel free to add your opinions and criticisms when you review. I have planned this to be a 3 chapter story, so any pointers for the next two chapters would be a big help. The third chapter I have planned to be much more "mature" than the first two. Tsukasa x Miyuki, and whilst Konata x Kagami may be hinted, they arn't the focus. I would like to thank my good friend James who proofread and gave me some opinions on this too, and the fact he read through it without laughing is a big plus.

"Hey Kagami" Konata said, before stuffing her face with more of the chocolate cornet she held in her hands.

"Hey guys".

It was lunchtime at Ryoo High School, and the four girls were, as usual, spending their lunchtime together in Kuroi's classroom. Kagami entered her sister's classroom after coming from her own; she pulled up a chair next to the cluster of desks the other girls had made.

"So, the long weekend is upon us and for the first time in months we haven't been set any homework!" the blunette exclaimed in joy.

"What about that report on predicting the next big earthquake in the Kanto region?"

Kagami snorted back, whilst removing the bento from her bag.

"Ah no one likes geography Kagamin"

"All those lessons on big typhoons and global warming scare me" Tsukasa added.

"Hmm, it can be a rather bleak subject" Miyuki agreed with Tsukasa.

"Yeah, forget about that stupid report, I have a new movie to watch and you are all invited" Konata replied. "Kiru Biru."

"Oh, what's that" Tsukasa asked.

"Oh, it's a woman who goes on a violent rampage across the US and Japan trying to find this man called Bill and some other people who tried to kill her. She has a katana and everything. It's even got an anime section in it!"

Tsukasa began to pale with fright.

"I should have known" Kagami sighed. "It sounds interesting though, a woman taking charge for once."

Konata chuckled.

"Oh, you like a woman taking charge with you then!"


Before Kagami could respond, or indeed attack, Konata, who at this stage was getting ready to grab Kagami's arm, Tsukasa voiced her concerns.

"But I don't think I would enjoy that film onee-chan"

Miyuki, however, saved Tsukasa this time from the gorefest.

"Well, I have also got a film we could watch. It's a western animation, and I have heard that it is rather sweet"

"Ooh, what is it?" Tsukasa was very interested at this point.

"It's somewhat difficult to pronounce. Wa ru ee."

"Oh yeah, isn't that by the people who made the film about talking toys?" Konata asked.

"Yes it is, I have seen that film too, and it was certainly an excellent film" Miyuki responded.

"Hmm, I still want to see Kiru Biru though, and I'm sure Konata does too" Kagami argued.

"Hey, get off my arm"

"Well Tsukasa could come over to my house, I'm sure my mother wouldn't mind" Miyuki added.

Tsukasa's face lit up as she heard her invitation.

"Yeah, I want to do that"

Tsukasa was excited about going to Miyuki's house. She had been before, and was amazed by the sheer size of the place. Not only that, the thought of spending time with Miyuki made Tsukasa happy, and knowing they would be alone made it just that little bit better. Tsukasa has always liked Miyuki. She was cute, intelligent and the most caring person she had met. She admired her in just about every way, and for once, she met someone as clumsy as herself.

"OK then, you two can go to the moe mansion whilst Kagamin and I watch women dominating men with long, hard objects"

Kagami sighed as Miyuki and Tsukasa both blushed.

"What would you like to eat round mine, Tsukasa?"

Konata chocked a little on her cornet, which even after all this time, she somehow was still eating.

"Hmm, perhaps we could cook something together, a simple curry would work well" Tsukasa said thoughtfully.

"Yes, that sounds nice"

"I would cook something too, but unfortunately we are still out of food after Kagami's last visit" Konata butted in, before getting a rather hard smack on top of her head.

"You deserved that, you and your perverted mind" Kagami scolded.

"Yes Kagami-Sama"

"Do you want me to come over or not?"

"Yes Kagami-Sama"

*Smack* "Oww"

Tsukasa and Miyuki settled into the daily occurrence that was the 'Heated Discussion' between Konata and Kagami, just smiling and chuckling on the odd occasion.

"You two look like an old married couple" Miyuki stated, bringing a surprisingly calm answer from Kagami.

"Yeah I guess we do, she does drive me nuts"

Konata didn't dare say anymore, her head was assaulted enough for one day.

The lunch hour soon passed and Kagami said her goodbyes to the three other girls before returning to her class. The girls returned their desks to where they belonged and all of them looking forward to the next day. Miyuki quickly looked towards Tsukasa, and Tsukasa looked back at her. They both exchanged a cute smile before Kuroi called the class to attention. Konata, noticed the other girls little exchange, and smiled herself, sensing something slightly more intimate between those two in recent weeks, not that they knew themselves.

Concentrating that afternoon was particularly difficult for Tsukasa. Not only was it the last lesson of the week, she was also anticipating her sleepover at Miyuki's the next day. Her mind wandered, and Kuroi sensei noticed Tsukasa's absent stare, cute smile and rosy tinted cheeks. Kuroi, whilst she found Tsukasa's current state adorable, she also knew that as a teacher that Tsukasa needed to snap out of her daydream.

"Hiiragi! Wake up!"

Tsukasa bolted to attention hard enough to fall off of her chair, which brought amusement to most of the class. Miyuki however rushed over to pick her up off of the floor. She held Tsukasa's hand and for a split second they made eye contact, and they both just paused. Miyuki soon managed to snap out of her own little daydream and helped the purple haired girl back onto her feet. Konata's all seeing eyes once again noticed this little intimate moment, and she was sure of the bond those two had. Tsukasa composed herself, said sorry to Kuroi, and the lesson resumed.

Soon after the incident however, Tsukasa resumed to her daydream state, but this time she was joined by Miyuki. Both of their minds were concentrating on that one holding of hands. Both couldn't help but think what it meant. It felt good; they wanted to do it again, but why? Miyuki tried to dismiss it as simple affection between friends. That didn't quite cut it however, much to her annoyance. Tsukasa saw the holding of hands as a caring gesture, and that's why it felt good to her, but she too felt something was missing. She had held hands with her own sister on many occasions, and that felt completely different.
She'd felt a tingle, a slight jolt of pleasure from Miyuki's grasp, a single jolt that she'd never felt from anyone before. And she loved it, the fact she came to help her, the electric tingle from her, what was it? Tsukasa couldn't seem to place it; it was something new to her.

Tsukasa was jolted out of her train of thought by the final bell of the day. She joined Konata and Miyuki for a small chat before they left for the cloakroom.

Kagami was already at the cloakroom, ready to leave the school. The three other girls joined her, and it wasn't long before Konata brought up Tsukasa's tumble during the last period.

"Tsukasa! You need to pay more attention during class. And you wonder why you struggle in exams." Kagami said.

"He he, sorry onee-chan. That lesson was boring though"

"What were you even thinking about?"

"I was just looking forward to the sleepover at Miyuki's"

Miyuki silently reacted to this, knowing how strange both Tsukasa and herself had been acting in that lesson. Knowing that Tsukasa was thinking about her too made her feel happier about the day's events. Tomorrow couldn't come quickly enough for the pink haired girl.

"Anyway, we need to get going back home, we need to get some groceries for mum too." Kagami said looking towards Tsukasa.

"OK, see you tomorrow Yuki-Chan" Tsukasa cheerfully spoke towards Miyuki

"I look forward to your visit" Miyuki responded, in her typically polite fashion.

"Konata, are you walking to the station with us or not?" Kagami asked.

"Why wouldn't I? Don't worry Kagamin, I'm not disappearing off anywhere just yet."

Kagami sensed that this could become a very long journey home.

OK, it kinda works I feel. Hope you enjoyed it and thanks for reading.

I have no idea when chapter two will be ready, I feel it will be the most difficult, and probably the shortest of the three. A-Level exam results in a couple of days too. ARGH