Title is a ref to The Matrix (mobil = anagram of limbo) and significance of trains in this film.

Post-movie. I'll let you figure out for yourself if Cobb's in limbo or in reality. /wink/
A little shaky in the beginning, but bear with me. Just outlining the fic was another mind-trip for me. Enjoy!

It was raining outside.

But it was just normal rain. Wet and annoying, not in a dream where you could just wake up and be dry again. There were no paradoxes, no impossible staircases and no Escher buildings. Just reality and physics.

And an extremely soaked girl.

Ariadne held her relatively light book bag over her head to shield herself from the rain. She'd been at Professor Miles's classroom studying for next week's exams when she lost track of time. She was just a few precious moments from graduating. One month ago, she was certain of her future. A career in architecture was one that she had pursued ever since high school.

And then the inception came along. The Architect wasn't sure of her footsteps anymore. Was building in the real world worth it if you could build anything you wanted in the dream world? Anything, even things that defied logic and physics.

Stepping into the lobby of the hospital she promptly went the restrooms to get the water out of her hair. Once she looked at least slightly presentable, she signed in at the receptionist's desk and started on the route that she knew so well.

Down the right hallway, elevator on the left. Floor 5. Out the elevator to the left, ten doors down on the right.

Room 528…

Without the 491.

Digging a key out of her pocket, she slotted it in to the keyhole. It was the only room in the entire hospital with a custom fit key. Ariadne slowly turned the door handle like she always did, as if she was afraid of whoever was inside. It was just a silly game really. It wasn't as if the people inside were ever awake.

Softly shutting the door behind her, she locked the door and pocketed the key. She set her book bag a ways from the door, on one of the many chairs in the room. Two people lay sleeping –maybe forever- on two hospital beds. In the middle was a briefcase.

Neither person could wake up, not until something was completed. They couldn't drink; they couldn't eat. Tubes fed into their bloodstreams and the sights of it made Ariadne feel pity every time.

The door behind Ariadne shot open again. The girl did not jump up in surprise. She'd been expecting it. This was how it always played out.

"How are they?" a man asked as he was followed by someone else.

"You always ask that," she replied. There was a small bitter tone to her voice. "Not getting any better or any worse."

"You always say that," the man responded.

"Now come on Arthur," the other man chastised, patting his back jokingly. "No need for a bit of bantering."

Arthur shrugged the man off. "Shut up Eames."

"How long do you think it's going to take?" Ariadne asked. She gestured vaguely at the scene before them.

"However long it takes him to find Saito."

"Unless they've both been scrambled already," Eames put in. "It's been one month out here. God knows how long it's been in there."

"But Cobb's been in Limbo before right? Um, with Mal. And they're sharing the dream so he created it in the first place. Wouldn't it be easy for him get out? I got out. So did Fischer."

"You were only in there for a moment," Arthur said. "You escaped before the world collapsed."

"And he didn't which means-"

"The higher the probability that he's accepted it as his reality," Eames cut off.

"Doesn't mean that he's not trying," argued Arthur.

"Doesn't mean he is either," Eames shot back.

"Would you stop bickering?" Ariadne asked, not willing to put up a fight.

There was a small moment of silence, almost of reminisce. They were thinking. Thinking about the days before inception. Eames remembered the team he used to have and the rendezvous with Cobb whenever the Extractor needed his skills. Arthur remembered the hundreds of missions before this and Ariadne tried to imagine her simple college life. Now they were all stuck there in Paris, looking after two men that could never wake up.

"I got a message," Eames finally said.

"An offer?" Arthur asked, eyebrows raised.

"Don't worry. Sent some kid off the street to rendezvous at the Metro."

"From who?" asked the young woman.

"Wouldn't give me his name."

"But we don't do extraction anymore. We don't have an extractor."

"No way out of this one. Past employers are asking questions. Where's Cobb? Where's Saito? We can't bribe Saito's company any longer. Called Yusuf, he's heading in. Should be here tomorrow."

"Fine," Arthur said. "Here, tomorrow, same time."

They all nodded.

Miles sat at his desk in the university classroom. Ariadne had rushed off to the hospital and now he was preparing to leave when the phone call came. It ran less frequently now. Used to be every day. Then it dwindled down to every few days to every few weeks.

"Hello?" he called into the phone.

"Grandpa!" came the voice of young Phillipa.

"Hello darling. Are you being good for Gran?"

"We're going to make cookies."

Miles smiled. "Save one for me alright?"

"And daddy," the young girl added.

Miles opened his mouth as if to retort. Instead he just replied with a simple, "Yeah."

"Grandpa? Where'd daddy?" The sound of James agreeing in the background could be heard.

"Daddy's a bit sick but he'll get better alright?"

"Come home?"

Miles pondered the answer for a moment. Things were more complicated then they let on. But children were just children. They couldn't understand and he knew that Cobb wouldn't want them to understand, not yet. "Yeah," he half-lied. "Then he'll come home."