Quinn lied to Finn, telling him some BS story about hot tub tempetature, and Finn, being Finn, believed her. As the weeks wore on, she got kicked off the Cheerios, and found out that Glee Club was the only place where she was accepted for who she was. Her parents knew nothing about what had been going on, however, because her blood ran cold when she even thought about telling them.

However, her parents had never been formally introduced to Finn, so they decided to invite him to Sunday dinner. Quinn knew it was a big mistake, knowing Finn would probably accidentally spill about her being pregnant, but they wouldn't be talked out of it.

One night, Quinn's mom was helping her with her dress for the Chastity Ball. "That's weird," her mom said, frowning as she tried to get the zipper to go up, but it refused and just jammed itself deeper. "I just has this ordered a few weeks ago."

"I, uh, had a big lunch at school today," Quinn told her mother as way of an excuse. "Really big tacos." Her mother nodded, satisfied with that lame excuse, (and lie, considering all she had was half a salad today, and she didn't even want it, but Finn forced her,) and then continued to tell her daughter that she thought that the problem was Quinn wasn't getting enough exercise since she had 'quit' the Cheerios (another lie) and Quinn had been quick to agree with her. However, when Judy put her hand to Quinn's stomach, she felt the bump and discovered Quinn was pregnant. However, at that moment, Quinn's father Russell came into the room, and Quinn knew Judy would not mention it to Quinn, because she was too scared of what Russell would do if he found out.

Sunday dinner with Finn was going good. Finn complimented her mother on the food and got into a conversation about college level football. Then, while Russell was in the middle of one of his famous toasts, Finn jumped up. "Can I go to the bathroom?" he asked, and Judy nodded and pointed him in the right way.

"He does wear a helmet when he plays, correct?" Russell asked his daughter.

"He's just intimidated by you, Daddy," Quinn replied.

However, when Finn came back, he was carrying Judy's radio. Once he had set it up, he began explaining how this week in Glee they were performing ballads, which are used to express things that people can't get out any other way.

"Finn… Finn, don't," Quinn warned, but he did it anyways. He sang 'Having My Baby' to the Fabrays.

Finally, Quinn's dad turned off the CD player and cut Finn off mid-lyric. "What is the meaning of this?" he asked,

"Daddy, it's not what you think…" Quinn began.

"What do you mean it's not what I think?" Russell bellowed. "I think you've turned into a slut who opens her legs for anyone who asks. Everything your mother and I raised you not to be!"

The tears that had been pooling in her eyes now began to fall down her face. "Why don't we move this to the living room?" Judy asked, obviously more concerned about what the neighbors would think than she was about the fact that her youngest daughter was crying.

So they moved to the living room. "Quinnie, I don't understand," Judy said. "I thought we raised you right, taught you how to say no."

"You did, Mrs. Fabray!" Finn spoke up. "You raised her right, she didn't do anything wrong, we didn't even have s-sex…"

"Alright, can we please just stop with the lying?" Judy asked.

"Who are you?" Russell asked Quinn. "I don't recognize you anymore."

"I'm your daughter, Quinn, who loves you, and I know this must be hard for you, but all I need is for my daddy to hold me and tell me everything will be alright. Please?" but Russell just stood up and walked past Quinn into the kitchen, telling her she had a half hour to pack.

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