Quinn Fabray was six years old, and heading into first grade. Her parents were Russell and Judy Fabray.

She was a cute little girl, with blond hair and blue eyes, and her family was one of the richest families in Lima.

Quinn was nervous her first day of first grade. Her mother woke her up in the morning, and helped Quinn change into the outfit Judy had picked out for her, which consisted of a blue dress, white tights, black Mary Janes, and powder blue ribbons to tie Quinn's blond hair back with.

Then, Judy and Quinn headed downstairs, where Russell was already at the kitchen table, sipping a mug of coffee and reading the newspaper.

Quinn sat at the table, and began to eat her food. However, it was hard to swallow with the lump in Quinn's thought.

"What's wrong, Quinnie?" Russell asked, noticing that Quinn wasn't eating that much.

"I'm just nervous, Daddy," Quinn replied.

"Why? Russell asked his daughter.

"What if I forget my lunch, and I starve? Or what if I break the rules without knowing it, since this will be my first time going to school? Or what if nobody wants to be my friend and play with me?"

"Well, Quinn, if you forget your lunch, I'm sure another kid would share with you. And, don't worry. They'll teach you the rules at the beginning of the day. The rules there are basically the same that we have here at home, anyway. And besides, your beautiful, honey, and so nice to people. The whole class will be falling over themselves, trying to be your friend."

Little did Russell know that he was shaping the form for the Ice Queen, the girl who would later go to rule McKinley High School, and ruin the lives of anyone she didn't like, but eventually get thrown from her pedestal by none other then Noah Puckerman.

But that was a story for another time.

"Well, Quinn, I think the best step in becoming popular is singling out girls that you'd want to be friends with. Then, show them that you've got power by getting everyone to follow you, and do what you tell them to do. Then, your sure to be popular."

Quinn nodded, feeling her father's wise words sink into her flesh (I love this image…), and give her goosebumps. Her daddy was so smart!

Quinn jumped up from the table and grabbed her lunchbox, opening it up. Her mother had made her a roast beef with American cheese on wheat, a can of lemonade, and some yogurt with pecans, her favorite. Then she grabbed her new backpack, which was one with Barbie on the cover, and then said, "Mom, let's go now!" Judy agreed.

She kissed Russell goodbye, got her purse and keys, and then heading out to the car, her daughter in tow.

Quinn opened the passenger seat door and then popped the backseat locks. Quinn crawled in the back, making sure not to get any dust on the new dress she had bought for the first day of school.

Judy stepped in too, sitting down and buckling her seatbelt.

She turned to the back. "Quinnie, do you have your seatbelt on?"

"Yes, mother," Quinn chirped.

The drive to William McKinley Elementary school was silent. When the car stopped, Quinn waved to her mother goodbye, and then jumped out of the car.

Quinn saw a goofy looking boy standing with his mother probably saying goodbye.

Little did Quinn know this boy and his mother would later shield Quinn from homelessness.

Quinn looked to the right. She was going to listen to her Daddy's advice. She saw a mean looking Latina with jet black hair tied in a ponytail step out of the car. Then, she looked to her left and saw a dumb looking blond step out of a car, waving goodbye to someone. Quinn decided to make these girls her targets.

"Hi!" Quinn said, walking up to the first one and extending a hand for a handshake. "I'm Quinn."

"I'm Santana," the other one sneered.

"Do you want to be my friend?"

"Show me that you can be popular and then I'll be your friend, because I don't want to become friends with an unpopular person. That would just look bad."

Quinn agreed, and then said, "Alright, well, do you want to come with me, then? We might not be friends, but we can be almost friends!"

Santana agreed, and then the two headed to that blond girl.

"Hey, I'm Quinn," Quinn told the blond, extending a hand.

The girl took it, and shook it. "Hi, I'm Brittany."

"Do you want to be friends?"

"Sure. Why not?"

Quinn walked over to a group of timid looking girls. The first thing Quinn noticed about them, besides their timid expressions, was that they were all red heads. At first, Quinn started to wonder if they were sisters, and then decided she didn't care. She wasn't actually going to be mean to them... After all, she wasn't exactly the Ice Quinn (I love this play on words, like Ice Queen) yet... But she was going to scare them into doing something.

"Hey, loser," Quinn snarled, walking up to the head of the group.

All the other girls looked at the leader, fearful expressions on their faces, but their leader was just as scared as they were.

"Try to do a backflip," Quinn ordered the girl. And then she realized that, out of all the girls, their leader was the ugliest.

"But I don't know how to do a backflip." The girl giggled nervously, trying to show her friends that she wasn't scared, but she didn't succeed.

"I don't care. Do a backflip now or else I'm going to get everyone in the grade not to like you."

The leader turned to her friends for support, but her friends just avoided eye contact and began to inch slowly towards Quinn.

"Fine." The girl bended her knees, and then went flying backwards and landed on the ground in a perfect backflip. Because of Quinn's intervention, this girl would go on to realize she was very talented and become a Cheerio. (this part seems awkward to me. Is the red head able to do the backflip? She went flying backwards, but does that mean she landed or fell on her face? Or I just might be forgetting something about a red headed Cheerio…haha. I'm assuming she landed it but only because I read it a bunch of times.)

"Wow." Santana was standing besides Quinn. "You did it, Q!" she said in a gleeful voice, raising her hand to high five Quinn.

Quinn said, "Are you in Miss Gibson's class?"

Santana nodded, and then Quinn turned to Brittany, who nodded too. "Great!" Quinn said. "We'll all be in the same class together!"

The three girls headed inside to their class, and had fun the rest of the day. When Quinn's mother came to get her, Quinn proudly introduced Santana and Brittany to her mother, telling her that they were her best friends.

"See you tomorrow!" Quinn called, getting into the car.

"Did you like first grade?" Judy asked her daughter.

"Yeah." Quinn said. "I can't wait to go back!"