NOTE: has been awhile. Sorry about that. Okay, you know how I said in the last chapter there was only going to be one more chapter and an epilogue? Well, it turns out I was wrong. I started to write Chapter 12 not realizing how much needed to be tied up. Normally, my chapters run anywhere from seven to ten pages. I am over twenty pages on Chapter 12 and I am still not finished. So, I've split up the chapter. Here is the first half and the second half, now Chapter 13 will be coming very soon. Again, sorry about that.

I am with Gabriel on this chapter, "like herding cats." When you have too many bull headed characters, none of them are going to be grouped together easily.

As with everything, Kripke rules all. Thank you for letting me play in your sandbox.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Thank you for reading this silly not so little story.


Baldr felt himself slipping away. The pain was too great for him to take. More than half of his face was gone. Stripped off and lying on the floor. Soon, Harut would work his way down to the god's chest, then his arms, then his torso and finally his legs. All to be ripped free of flesh.

Baldr wished he had never come to Leafwood. He had only been brought back by God and now he was going to die again. Perhaps He will resurrect me once more. But then, the god thought, perhaps he saved me in the first place in order for me to go through this. Perhaps this is my real punishment. To be killed over and over by Angels.

He wanted to cry out to Kali. To yell for her to run. But he knew it was useless. Harut was going to kill her too.

He closed his eyes and thought, Angels kill everything they touch.

"Put Baldr down, brother."

Baldr opened his eyes and looked towards the voice. Through the wall of tears, the figure standing there with a weapon looked familiar. Like someone, who long ago in another life, tricked his own brother into killing him.

"Gabriel," said Harut. "Have your memories returned? Oh, look at that trident. Guess they have. So, what now, brother? Are you going to try to take me down? Sariel and Castiel didn't have much luck in that."

Gabriel stood his ground. "Just shut up and release him."

Harut kept Baldr pinned to the wall. He ripped off a strip of flesh from the god's neck. "Why do you care about what happens to this Aesir? He planned on kidnapping when you were helpless. Probably would have taken you to some place unpleasant."

"I doubt that. This is Baldr. I know him. His idea of unpleasant is staying at a four star hotel that doesn't have a nice Merlot on call for room service. Besides, I know exactly what he was going to do. He was going to use me as a bargaining chip...again." Gabriel rolled his eyes. "I don't know why he would think it would work this time. It didn't work last time." He lowered his trident. "Let him go, Harut. He is needed."

"By whom?"

"By Father."

Harut began to laugh. What would his Father, creator of all things seen and unseen, need a pathetic little god for? He stepped away from Baldr and doubled over in a coughing fit of laughter.

Gabriel vanished and reappeared in front of Baldr. He grabbed the god by the shoulder and vanished again. He returned to where Kali was. Baldr dropped into Kali's waiting arms. The god looked at the mortally wounded Aesir and then at Gabriel. Her eyes pleaded once more for help. Gabriel chewed the inside of his mouth for a moment before touching Baldr's bloody forehead. The god blinked to find his pain gone. He touched his face. His hands felt soft, warm flesh. He had been healed. He looked up at Gabriel.

"You know, you're a stupid ass, right?" said Gabriel to him. "By now, that's just a fact."

"You shouldn't have done that, brother."

Gabriel shouldered his trident and turned around to meet his brother's glare once more. The Angel had his teeth bared in a twisted snarl. His hands were raised, ready to fight. Gabriel sighed in frustration.

"Just quit it, Harut. Enough already."

The Angel shook his head and swung out a hand over him.

Gabriel remained still.

Puzzled, Harut swung his hand again. Once more, Gabriel stayed put. The Archangel rolled his eyes again.

"Remember who you are waving at, bro. Your tricks, your spells, your glitz and glamor, I know it all and then some. In fact, the only other person who knows more magic than me that isn't our Pop is in a cage down South keeping busy with Mikey."

Harut waved his hand again. This time a pair of blue chairs lifted in the air and flew at the Archangel. "You are not going to send me back!"

Gabriel snapped his fingers. The chairs turned into confetti. A shower of glittery bits fell over him. He blew a few pieces off of his shoulders. He turned back to Harut. The Angel was biting into the palm of his hand. He needed blood to preform a masking spell to help him escape. Gabriel ran up and grabbed him by the wrist. He yanked the palm away from the Angel's mouth.

"Stop damaging this body. I happen to like this vessel and I want him to remain in one piece. With that one piece still having his limbs attached."

Harut glared at Gabriel's hold on him. "I will destroy this body and every Human in this town if you don't let me go."

Gabriel still held on. "Harut. I am not sending you back. I promise. But, again, it's over."

A chair hit Gabriel, sending the Archangel slamming against the wall. Harut turned to see who was the thrower. The Demon with a beard grinned at his handiwork. He looked at Harut. "Sir, I suggest we leave."

Harut turned back to Gabriel. The Archangel was shaking his head, dazed for a moment. Harut grabbed Gabriel's trident that was lying on the floor and threw it at the Demon. The weapon speared him in the chest, throwing him against the wall and trapping him there. The Demon's body shook in shock as he gazed down at the trident impaling him. He looked up at his master.

Harut was frowning, "Do not get in the middle of someone else's family matters. It's rude."

The Angel snapped his opened hand shut. The Demon's head exploded in a bomb of bone and muscle. Red gore sprayed the wall. Chunks of grey matter splattered across the floor. A flash of orange electricity made the rest of the body danced as the Demon inside was destroyed.

"You traitor!" yelled the other Demon. He jumped on the table. "You were never for us. It was a trick, wasn't it? Wasn't it?"

Harut waved his hand. The Demon flew across the room and slammed into the wall. His head twisted around on its neck and popped off. It hit the floor with the rest of body following a moment later. More electricity crackled as the Demon was vanquished.

"How can I be a traitor when I never swore allegiance to you?" Harut scrunched up his face, "Stupid Demon."

He turned back to where Gabriel was but the Archangel was gone. Harut spun around, ready to find Gabriel behind him in order to grab him. However, Gabriel was not there either. Harut looked across the room to see Gabriel helping two Human women and young boy who had been hiding in the corner.

"Jack, what is going on?" said a middle aged woman in a blue denim coat.

Gabriel smiled as he squatted down. "It's okay. Everything is going to be fine." He knew the two homeless women and the boy from their frequent visitations to the shelter. They were good people who had been out of luck for a while. Even more so now. "Maggie, Prissy, Scott, this is what I need for you to do. You are going to walk out of this mess and head to rooms six, eight and twelve. They're empty. Crash there. Take a nap." He touched each of their foreheads. Their eyes became heavy lidded. "When you wake up this craziness will be gone and you will think of this as nothing but a dream."

"Like a Midsummer Night's Dream?" said Scott as felt himself grow leaded with wanting sleep.

Gabriel smiled. "Exactly like a Midsummer Night's Dream."

He stood up. "Brother," he said without looking at Harut. "These people are leaving. And you are going to let them leave. Understand? No more abuse."

"Now, now, now, Gabriel," said Harut, "I believe we were talking. You should not be so dis-"

The lights in the room began to flicker. A buzz of electricity filled everyone's ears. Gabriel turned to his brother. The Archangel's face was as serious as death. "No more abuse."

Harut did not say anything. Turning back to the Humans, Gabriel patted Maggie on the shoulders and told the three to go. Slowly, they walked along the wall, stepping over debris and knocked over chairs. Their eyes shadowed the ground as they went past Harut who stared at them with a blank expression. They left the dining room and ran down the hallway. Their foot steps echoed down the corridor and died as they slipped into their rooms.

Gabriel sighed in relief. "Thank you, Harut."

"'Thank you, Harut'? 'Thank you, Harut'?" Baldr was on his feet again. The god was turning red with fury. He glared at the Angel as he pointed at Gabriel. "This...thing rips off my face but not before tossing you and me around like a leaf in the wind and you say, 'Thank you' to it?" He sidestepped around Harut who was keeping a tight lipped glare on him. "What are you doing, Gabriel? Go and fight your brother. That's what you, Angels, do well, right? Battle amongst yourselves. Tear each other apart. Brother killing brother."

"No, that's what gods do amongst themselves," said Harut with a disgusted grin.

Baldr balled his right hand into a fist. "You are out numbered, Angel. We can-"


The two gods turned to see Gabriel frowning. "The two of you. Just shut your yaps." He rubbed his face with his hands in frustration. "Seriously. Don't the both of you get it? Baldr, I know you are not the sharpest knife in the drawer. And, Harut, well, I'm sure you've gone Cast Away nuts being stuck in Hell all of this time. But the bell has rung, fellas. Step out of the ring already."

"Gabriel," Kali was on her feet and walking up next to Baldr. She pointed at Harut. "Are you taking his side now?"

"You too, Kali?" He sighed. " I'm not taking anyone's side. If I was, I would be taking the Humans' side. And those two wouldn't even be here because I would have sent them to the Phantom Zone the moment my memories had returned. I mean, look at this place." He glared at the god and the Angel, "You destroyed a homeless shelter. Really? A homeless shelter? What's next? Are you going to hit an orphanage and kick around a couple of toddlers?" He shook his head and snapped his fingers. Half of the tables in the middle of the room disappeared. A large overstuffed velvet couch replaced the tables on one side. Three separate gilded and satin covered lounge chairs replaced the tables on the other side. "Sit."

Baldr eyed the gaudy chairs that looked like they had come from a bad play about French royals. "What?"

"Take a seat" said Gabriel again as he turned his back to them. He waved his arm above his head, "But do it in the chairs. The couch is reserved for Nabuko." He spied over his shoulder, "Kiddo, how are your feet?"

"They're okay," said Nabuko as she stepped out from behind the counter like a skittish rabbit. "They are a little swollen though."

"Then have a seat as well. I guarantee you this will be the best couch your will ever sit on."

"Jack," she whimpered looking at the two gods and the Angel staring at her. "I mean, Gabriel, I'm-I'm-."

Gabriel appeared before her. She gasped, taking a step back. He smiled, holding out his hand. "Relax, kiddo. I won't let anyone hurt you."

She stared at his hand. It was the same inviting hand she had held for so many months. She returned to his eyes. They were crinkled with warmth for her. The same tenderness she had seen when she first came to the shelter, homeless and in need for salvation. Her heart pounded as she slipped her hand into his. But when he gripped her, she calmed down. Yes, this was an Archangel before her but deep down, she knew that the Jack she thought as family was still in there, watching over her.

The two made their way past Kali, Baldr and Harut and to the couch. Gabriel helped the girl sit down.

Moaning came from the other side of the room. Baldr caught sight of two young men sitting up from the spots where they had been thrown. "Oh, goodie, the Winchesters are awake."

"Dean," Gabriel lifted his voice behind him without turning around. "are you alright?"

Dean rubbed his head. He could not find any bumps but there was a knot in his shoulder that was quickly turning into a bruise. But the injury was nothing that a little ice and an over the counter pain killer would fail to mend. "Pretty much." He looked over to Sam. The younger brother was climbing to his feet and dusting himself off. He did not seemed to be even slightly shaken by the fact that he was in the middle of an Angel and god rumble. Dean tried to brush off the uneasiness that Sam's attitude was giving him. He rose to his feet and sniffed. "What about you? You got your memories back?"

"I know that you and your brother are a pair of the unluckiest bastards this side of the universe."

"That works for me." He nodded at Harut and Baldr. "Why are they still up on their feet? Haven't you taken care of them already?"

"You want me to kill my brother, too?" Gabriel slowly turned to Dean. The Archangel's stern face was unsettling. "Yeah, because you telling me to do that last time worked out so well." He wanted to add, And you couldn't kill your brother when you needed to. So, don't ask me to do something that you aren't willing to do. Instead, he bit his tongue. He did not need to start a fight.

"Gabriel, what exactly are you doing?" asked Harut who was returning the evil glare that Dean was giving him.

The Archangel held up a finger at Nabuko, indicating that he would return in a moment. "I'm working, Harut."

"And we are simply supposed to stand here?" said Baldr.

"I gave you chairs." He started to make his way across the room, going past the Winchesters. He snapped his fingers at them and jerked his hand in a motion to follow him.

Sam and Dean exchanged looks. Sam shrugged his shoulders and began to follow Gabriel. Dean held back for a moment, afraid of the situation but ran after his brother when he realized that Sam was not going to think it over.

"I don't want a chair, Gabriel," yelled Baldr from across the room. "I want you."

Gabriel stopped in front of the crumpled body of Pastor Francis. The Archangel gazed down at the man and held his back to the god. "Are you sure you should be saying this to me, Baldr? Kali is right there. And you've only reunited a few minutes ago. She'll be jealous of your love for me. Though to tell the truth," he tossed his head back and winked, "I'm flattered."

Baldr flared his nostrils. He threw back his shoulders, preparing for a fight. "I am through with this, Archangel. If you don't-"

Gabriel threw his hand in the air.

Baldr was lifted from the ground. He flew to an overstuffed chair and was slammed down hard. He felt the wind knocked out of himself.

"The next person who dares to make a threat or whine or, so, help me, I'll put you in a tube top and make you sing bad karoke. We are talking Jefferson Starship bad." Gabriel took Pastor by the chin. "Am I clear?"

No one said anything. Kali walked over to the empty seat next to Baldr and sat down. The Aesir glared at her as if asking her to help him do something about Gabriel and Harut. Kali shook her head. Baldr was acting like an idiot and she knew she had to be the brains for him at the moment. She place her hand on his and squeezed. He glanced down at her hold and frowned. He remained still.

Gabriel softly slapped Pastor's face, trying to wake up him up. The man moaned as his eyes fluttered. He shook his head and focused on Gabriel. "Jack?" He sat up, feeling his forehead. There was a lump forming at his right temple. The pain was telegraphing against his skull. "What happened? I-"

He saw the mess the shelter was in and the new chairs in the middle of it. He spied Harut. The Angel was still glaring. Pastor went white as he clutched his chest. His breathing became shallow.

Gabriel touched Pastor's damaged forehead. The lump and the pain vanished. "Pastor, Pastor. It's okay. It's alright."

"What is happening?" He looked up to see Dean and Sam standing over him. "Boys?"

"Guys," said Gabriel as he looked at the brothers. "Help him up and have him sit next to the girl on the couch." He patted Pastor on the knee, "Nabuko will fill you in."

Sam and Dean nodded and helped Pastor to his feet. They took him to the couch as Gabriel went for Father Gallagher. He awoke the priest and had Dean and Sam return to help him to the couch. Pastor and Father looked at each other, then at Nabuko, who shrugged her shoulders. They then stared across at the familiar looking Harut in William's body and the strangers, Kali and Baldr. The gods and the Angel were stone faced as if the expressing any emotion in the presence of a Human was beneath them. Still, the three looked Human in their suits and vestments but the way the hair on Father and Pastor's arms was raised out of instinct, told the two Humans that they were not. Father and Pastor sunk deep into the couch and clutched the crosses that hung around their necks. Nabuko cleared her throat. Father and Pastor turned to her. She crooked her finger, bringing them closer. She told them what she had seen while they had been knocked out.

Dean and Sam walked up to Gabriel. "What now?"

"Now, you guys sit as well." He snapped his fingers. Two more overstuffed chairs appeared. They stood between the two other sets of furniture making a horseshoe shape.

Dean looked at the seats and then back at Gabriel. "You're kidding, right?"

"You've seen my kidding face. This isn't it." He head gestured at the chairs. "Go and have a seat. Personally, I like the plaid one with the high back."

Sam made his way towards the furniture. Dean was shocked at how easily his little brother was taking this. Sam was acting as if someone had told him to take a chair while waiting at the DMV. He then looked at the gods sitting there like children outside the Principal's office. Then at Father and Pastor who were as white as fresh ash. Their faces were twisted with bewilderment at what Nabuko had whispered to them. Then Dean looked back Gabriel. The Archangel was dancing his fingers in the air as if he was trying to mark things off of a mental checklist. Dean found the act odd. He was expecting the Archangel to be fighting his brother and Baldr. But instead, Gabriel was forcing everyone to sit down like he was setting up a town meeting.

A shudder ran up Dean's spine as the truth sparked in his head. He understood everything. Or at least, he thought he did. "Oh, crap, Gabriel. This isn't one of those 'all roads lead to Rome' deals, is it?"

Gabriel looked up at the young man. For a moment, Dean swore that the Archangel seemed to be relieved that someone got what was going on.

"For crying out loud." He threw his hands in the air. "This is bullcrap. And I am not doing it. I lost a month of life, Gabriel, searching for you. A month!" He went and grabbed Sam by his sleeve. "C'mon, we're going."

"You can't, Dean," said Gabriel in a solemn voice.

"Really, fly boy? Watch me."

"Rome, Dean." Gabriel frowned. "Rome."

Dean thought about what the Archangel was saying. He let Sam go. The younger brother sunk back in his chair, indifferent about the rift between Dean and the Archangel. Dean glared at Gabriel. The Archangel shrugged his shoulders and gave him a pathetic smile. Turning back to the chair, Dean shook his head and kicked one of the wooden legs. The chair scraped the floor as it move backwards. A moment later, the chair slid back to its original place. Dean made a face. Magic chairs? Really? He dropped into the seat, slamming his feet down as he did so.

Pastor Francis looked at the young man confused and then over at Gabriel, "Rome? What do you mean by that? And Nabuko said that," he nodded at Harut, "is not Father Gallagher but an Angel. And you are an Archangel. The Archangel, Gabriel. Is this true?"

"Yeah, it's true but give me a second for the rest of the explanation, Pastor." Gabriel chewed on the inside of his mouth, "I need to return the two missing players before we can kick off this shindig." Gabriel turned to Harut, who was still standing like a glowering statue. "Time to zap back the siblings, bro."

Harut slowly shook his head. "Sariel will drag me back to Hell."

"Sariel will do squat to you. I won't let her." Gabriel stepped up to his brother. "Look, I'd get her myself but the fact that she hasn't popped up, herself, in the last few minutes means that you've hid her well. So, well, that even she has no idea where she is. Do you honestly want me to go searching for her while you wait here for who knows how long? Like I promised, you are not going anywhere, Harut, and while that means no imprisonment down below, it also means no freedom up stairs. In short, quit your knee knocking and return her."

Harut stared into his brother's eyes. Gabriel was not joking. Given the choice of having an Earth Archangel mad at him or one of the four highest Archangels mad at him, he knew what he had to do.

He waved his hands. Sariel appeared. Her arms and legs were covered in chain shaped burn marks. The tips of her bangs were singed. Her eyes were raw red, not from crying but from not being able to blink. She reeked of sulfur and blood. She bared her teeth at Harut. Blood dribbled down her lips, revealing slashed gums and broken teeth.

She did not wait for Harut to talk. She threw a fist in the air. The open light over head buzzed. An arch of electricity ran down and raced through her. She pointed her fist at her brother, ready to destroy his vessel and return him to Hell. The electricity jumped from her fist but did not hit Harut. The bolt ran sideways to Gabriel's open hand. The Archangel molded the power into a ball and held it in his palm.

"Calm down, Sariel," he said as gently as he could.

Sariel threw down her fists, killing the arch. Her face went soft as she stared at her brother. "Gabriel? You're back?"

Gabriel shook his fist, ending the tingling in his fingers. "I'm back. And we need to-"

"Banish Harut," she spun to face her other brother. "I know. He belongs in Hell."

Harut took a step in retreat, switching his startled gazed between his sister and his brother. His heart sunk fearing that he had been tricked by Gabriel. Together, the two Archangels would have no problem throwing him into the pit again..

Gabriel jumped between his two siblings. He held his arms out, turning his body into a shield. "Look, I've already went through this mess with Harut and the gods there. No one is going anywhere."

Sariel frowned. "What are you doing?"

"Didn't you hear what I just said, Sariel. No one is-"

"But he's Fallen. It is our duty to keep him imprisoned below!"

"It's your duty. Not mine."

Sariel seized Gabriel by the shoulder before he could react. She tossed the Archangel aside. "Then let me do Father's law."

Gabriel hit the floor. He rolled around to see Sariel arching the electricity again. Harut was too stunned to move. Gabriel snapped his fingers.

Sariel vanished.

Everyone turned to Gabriel. He got up on his knees and face palmed. "Stupid, stupid, Gabriel. Why did I go with the Marine with wings first?."


Gabriel climbed to his feet. He looked at Harut. The young Angel's face was a show of disbelief and slight relief.

"You saved me."

"I told you I wouldn't let her hurt you." He dusted himself off. "Honestly, why is everyone acting like such pain in the asses?"

"She's going to be furious with you now," said Harut.

"Yeah, well, she's an Archangel of Earth. When are they ever not furious?" He took a deep breath. "Let's take this from the top again but start with the bookworm."

Feeling safer in Gabriel's presence, Harut nodded and did not resist the order. He waved his hand once more.

Castiel appeared. His vessel's skin seemed to have tanned, giving him a lovely copper glow. He was holding a hollowed out coconut shell that was filled with a cocktail and decorated with tiny blue and pink umbrellas. A reddish-purple and powder blue lei graced his neck. There was sand in his hair.

Dean was taken back by Castiel's new look. "Where the hell did you go to?"

Castiel turned to Dean. The Angel seemed confused as he glanced at the coconut in his hand and the rubble of the shelter around him. "There were bikinis. Many of them."

"Girls in bikinis?" Gabriel raised an eyebrow at Harut.

The Angel shrugged and smiled. "Told him I'd send him to some place nice."

Castiel spun around and glared at Harut. He dropped the drink, which Gabriel caught just as it was about to hit the floor. The Angel of Order threw back his shoulders. "Harut."

"Don't make me fight you again, Castiel," said Harut as he threw back his own shoulders.

"No, no, no, NO!" Gabriel stormed in between the two of them. He shoved a hand in Castiel's chest and pushed the Angel across the room. Shocked, Castiel stumbled but did not say anything. Gabriel snapped his fingers. Sam and Dean's chairs slid away from each other. A third chair, a low back green one with red checks, manifested between them. Gabriel seized Castiel by the shoulder and strong armed him down into the chair.

Castiel was too stunned to speak. He watched as Gabriel walked away. The Archangel shook his head muttering something about, "like herding cats." He sipped at the coconut drink, made a disgusted face and settled it on a table. Castiel took off his lei and placed it on the floor. He caught Dean giving him the hairy eyeball. The Angel bit his lip.

"You knew Sam was back, didn't you?." Dean leaned past the Angel to see Sam not paying attention to anything. "How long has Sam been back and how long of that time did you know he was back?"

Castiel sunk in his chair. He tried to avoid looking Dean in the eye.

Dean snorted. "Hey, don't you dare clam up." He pointed at Sam. "Well? How long have you been back? Days? Weeks? Months? And who else knows that you've been back." He blinked realizing something. "Does Bobby know?"

Sam and Castiel exchanged glances. Though they did not utter a word, their frowns made Dean understand everything.

"Bobby knows!" Dean slammed back in his chair. "Am I the only schmuck who didn't know that you were out of the cage?"


Dean snapped forward to see Gabriel shaking his head. "Now is not the time. You can play couple's therapy on your own dime."

The young man opened his mouth to say something but instead waved his hands in frustration.

"Dean..." said Castiel.

"Cram it, Cas." Dean folded his arms and stared off towards the kitchen.

Gabriel rolled his eyes. If he did not know any better, he could have sworn that he was developing a headache. "Okay, time to bring back Sariel...again." He pointed at the empty chair next to Baldr. "Harut, have a seat. It will probably be easier for sis to listen to me if she sees that everyone is sitting."

Harut obeyed.

Gabriel took a deep breath and snapped his fingers. Sariel appeared. Her skin and hair were healed. She no longer smelled of blood and sulfur but of flowers. There was a lilac sprig tucked behind her right ear. She threw back her shoulders as she realized she had been teleported again. Her eyes darted around, taking in the shelter and the people in it. Her gaze met Gabriel's. She bared her teeth. The lights began to flicker.

"Oh, grow up," said Gabriel as he glanced up at the light and made it stop. He pointed at the empty spot next to Harut. A new chair, grey with pink flowers, appeared. "You need to take a seat. I have to talk to you."

"I had forgotten how insane you are, Gabriel."

"Welcome to the refresher course, sis. Now sit."

Sariel barely shook her head. "I am taking Harut back to Hell and then you and I are going to have a long talk."

Gabriel snapped his fingers. The walls, the floor and ceiling vanished and were replaced by a black nothing. Dean jolted back in his seat, bringing his legs as tightly against his chest as he could. Father, Pastor and Nabuko did the same. Baldr and Kali were staring upward at the blankness to notice that the floor was gone. Harut and Castiel were both amazed but not shocked. Sariel folded her arms and let out a grunt.

"A sub-pocket?" she said.

"My sub-pocket." Gabriel folded his arms as well, "Some place you can not get out of unless I let you. So, if you want to stand there and pout, be my guest. But I am not letting you leave. With or without our brother."

The younger Archangel gritted her teeth again. She tried to build a field of electricity but found that she could not. She then tried to make the realm around her shake. Nothing happened. The anger in her swelled. "Gabriel, I am going to-"

"No, you are not." He walked across the nothingness toward his sister as if he was strolling along a park path. "Sariel, you want to follow Father's law? This is Father's law."

Sariel scrunched up her face. "What do you mean?"

"Gabriel, if you do not turn this place into something, I am going to puke!" said Dean. He was rolled up in a ball. His hands covered his face as he tried to block out the nothingness as best as he could.

Gabriel turned to Dean. "What now?"

Sam leaned over Castiel to spy on his brother. "He's afraid of heights. Forget about him going on planes."

"Shut up, Sam." Dean moaned from behind his hands.

Rolling his eyes, Gabriel snapped his fingers once more. The blackness disappeared, replaced by a medium sized room that was covered in graffiti. A small crowd surrounded the group. They acted completely oblivious to the new strangers that had pushed them to the edges of the walls.

"Better?" called Gabriel.

Dean peeked out from between his fingers. He smelled cigarettes, booze, leather and of people who had not bathed in a couple of days. The combination was a strange odor but still more welcoming than nothingness. He scanned the crowd. There was something off about them. Something very dated. He blinked when the truth dawned on him. No one was holding phones. Given the size of the crowd and the age group, having none of them sporting phones was a bizarre sight. Dean sat up in his chair and turned around in it. He knelt in the cushion seat and looked over the back. Right behind him was an empty stage with speakers and mic stands. An electric guitar was leaning against a well used drum seat.

Even though Dean had never seen that stage before in person, he recognized it from music videos and magazines that he used to watch and read as a teen. "This can't be... Is this?"

"CBGB's." Gabriel smiled. He was proud of his handiwork. "Circa 1976. The Ramones are about to go on stage in five minutes."

"Holy Crap," Dean felt his heart racing. He grinned like a little boy. "The Ramones?"

"Dean," said Sam as he scanned the crowd. "It's not real. It's fake. One of Gabriel's illusions."

"Fake or real, don't give a care. I never got to see The Ramones before Joey died." Dean dug his lighter out of his pocket and flicked it on. "Gabba Gabba Hey!"

Sariel muttered, "Idiot," under her breath. She went back to her brother, not willing to let the question go unanswered. "Gabriel, what do you mean by Father's law?"

"Yes, Gabriel." Harut leaned forward in his seat, "What do you mean by that?"

"This is pointless," growled Baldr, who could not tolerate any more Angel or Human antics. He simply wanted to grab Gabriel and go. "Archangel, what do we have to do with your family?"

"And what about us?" said Nabuko. "Are we involved too?"

Gabriel opened his mouth to speak.

"Oh, come on," interrupted Dean, who had turned back to the group. "Are you telling me no one else has figure it out?" He searched the puzzled faces of Harut, Kali, Father, Baldr and the rest. He turned to his brother. "Really, Sam? You got nothing?"

Sam shrugged his shoulders. He actually had no idea about what was going on.

"So, it's just me." Dean returned his attention to the stage, "Score one for the drop-out."

Sariel did not like being talked down to. Especially by a Human. "Then what is it, Dean Winchester?"

Dean did not turn around. Instead, he struck a finger in the air to make a point. "Destiny!"

The Archangel made a face. "Destiny?" She glanced over to Gabriel who seemed rather pleased with Dean's insight. "Is he saying that we are supposed to be here?"

"All roads lead to Rome!" chimed in Dean.

Sariel stared at her brother in disbelief.

He nodded in agreement with Dean. "Salve Roma."

"What?" Kali frowned. "Are you saying we were guided here?"

"Yes, kids." Gabriel made his way into the middle of the horseshoe of chairs. "What you thought was some mad, mad, mad, mad world goose chase, wasn't. In fact, everyone here is where they are supposed to be. This has been planned out for a long time. Gang, I am the Messenger of God and He's got a big ol' Candygram for you."