If you've read one of my other Bleach fanfics you know I'm a fan of protective Yamamoto. Well, here's a story focusing on his relationship with Ukitake that I hope you all enjoy.

Disclaimer: Still not mine…boo.

Summary: "I can't ask forgiveness for what I've done, because I'm not sorry I did it. The only thing I regret is earning your hatred." FemUkitake

Warning: FemUkitake

Rating: K+

Time Frame: Takes place a few days after Aizen leaves Soul Society.

Family We Choose

"It's late Jūshirō. You should be resting."

Ukitake turned her head to look over her shoulder at the Captain-Commander. It was then that Yamamoto saw just how wore and tired his former student looked. "Retsu said the same thing. I just can't sleep."

Yamamoto groaned softly as he sat down next to the white haired woman, looking out over his beloved gardens. "After everything that's happened it's understandable."

They sat in silence for a time, but it wasn't the usual, comfortable silence they experienced before. There was a tension between them that had not existed before. "You don't trust me anymore, do you, Yamamoto-sensei?"

"What makes you think that?"

"Shunsui and I raised our blades against you."

Yamamoto gave a heavy sigh. "I was angry yes, but I'm partly to blame as well. I taught you to stand up for what was right. While I don't agree with your actions, that is exactly what you and Shunsui did. I am disappointed that you put the safety of your subordinate above the safety of all Soul Society. I will admit," he said quickly, cutting off any protest Ukitake would have made, "it hurt to have to fight you both, but I did what I believed to be right. Not even for the two students I love most could I forget my duty to uphold justice."

"I can't ask forgiveness for what I've done, because I'm not sorry I did it," Ukitake whispered, unable to look at her sensei. "The only thing I regret is earning your hatred." She tilted her head forward, letting her hair hide her face. "I regret that you will no longer see me as your daughter."

"Jūshirō," the Captain-Commander whispered softly, unable to conceal the shock from his voice. He reached out slowly, tilting Ukitake's head toward him. "Jūshirō, listen to me," he said, wiping away a tear that slid down her cheek. "No one can choose their family. It doesn't matter if they are related by blood or not, they are still family. No matter what you do I will always see you as my daughter."

Ukitake couldn't stop herself. She threw her arms around him, silent tears falling from her eyes. Yamamoto patted her back, letting the white haired woman cry. After a time, Ukitake took a deep breath, pulling away from the Captain-Commander. "Thank you, Sensei."

Yamamoto graced her with a rare smile as he stood, pulling her up with him. "Come, I will walk you back. We have a lot of work ahead of us, and you'll need your rest." Ukitake nodded, walking back to her Division beside her Sensei.

Yamamoto delivered her into the care of Kiyone and Sentaro before leaving. Kyouraku sat outside on the porch, waiting for him. He walked passed him without a word, stepping into the street. It was then that he paused, although he didn't turn around. "I leave her in your care, Shunsui. You must now do what I cannot."

Kyouraku nodded. Anyone else would have been confused by the Captain-Commander's words. Yes, he still loved Ukitake. Yes, she was still his family, but the trust they had held in each other was gone. Yamamoto would no longer be one of Ukitake's confidants; she would not feel comfortable approaching him with her problems. He had grieved many loses in his life time, but lose was unlike any other.

"Take care of her."


Yamamoto is so hard to write! Grrr! Well, let me know what you think, especially about how I portrayed Yamamoto. I really want to get better at writing him.