Hello to all my 'Of Weeds and Rose' fans :) and if you are new to this story then welcome :D however if you are new, then you should probably read the origional or you won't get it because it gets quite complicated :)

I promised you all that I would write in DPOV so here is the first chapter

All characters belong to Richelle Mead

This chapter will be dedicated to my first reviewer and I shall mention you in the next chapter :)

Dimitri's POV

Patrolling the border of the Academy, nothing was out of the ordinary, as usual. But I refused to let my guard down. The phrase 'better safe than sorry' was my motto.

Nevertheless; my thoughts strayed to Rose as I walked. I had left what she liked to call my 'duster' back in my room.

Rose had been slacking in her training for the past few days, she moved sluggishly, as if she really couldn't be bothered. I sighed, I was constantly thinking of her now, she was always there, with her cutthroat attitude and her protectiveness when it came to the Princess, constantly niggling at the back of my mind. It was occasionally inconvenient, whenever I was in a particularly boring Guardian meeting and the mental image of Rose voicing her opinions loudly was usually enough to make me crack a smile, and then I would be questioned on what I found so funny, but it was never unwelcome. It was times like this that I let the Rose part of my brain free to caper in my minds eye.

Yes. She had definitely been acting oddly lately. She hadn't been as sarcastic or opinionated in the classes I was in with her and I could tell Stan was starting to notice too. However it was normal enough for Rose not to be bothered in 'correcting' Stan.

It was still early; about 7 in the evening and the sun was still visible over the brick walls of the Academy.

I stopped to watch it sink absentmindedly, thinking of home; and of Rose.

How wonderful it would be to combine the two. Roza had been through so much; Victor, Natalie, getting kidnapped and losing Mason. I could tell that the latter still haunted her. I would love to take her to Russia, show her all the beautiful architecture that I grew up in. I could imagine the look on her face.

Maybe that's what has been bothering her lately. The funeral was only a week ago. She must still be dwelling on his death.

Typical Rose.

I think I had better keep her busy, she hates being idle. Maybe I could up her training a notch, make it more difficult so she has less time to think about things that may be upsetting her.

I shifted my weight. I know I was trained to stand all day without becoming uncomfortable but I was getting a dead leg. The sky was starting to gradually darken, and I knew it would turn from azure to navy in the next hour or so.

I checked my watch; Half past. Alberta would be sending a Guardian to come and relieve me around now, so I could get ready for Rose's training session at 8; I resumed walking to get to the exchange site as quickly as possible.

My replacement was Iosif Matinova, a tall, thickset man, who I was not overly fond of. He tended to be jealous and vengeful and he taught advanced combat for Novices.

He hated Rose with a passion. I had often caught him saying spiteful things about her. Never openly to my face of course, he was too cowardly for that, but he sometimes let slip a snide comment about her, he knew as did everyone, how protective I was of her, although he assumed it was because I was her mentor and I took my role as such very seriously and that I was proud of my student.

Which is half the reason.

However the other half is that I have fallen for her. With her feral temper and her untameable wit; not to mention her beauty.

I thank the Gods for the day I dragged her reluctant form back to this place and I thank Kirova for appointing me as her mentor.

Oh yes, I've got it bad.

Unfortunately, Matinova felt like talking,

'So Belikov, you off to go and set up for your charity case?' I flexed my fists but gave no other outward sign that he bothered me.

'Oh dear' I retorted sarcastically 'did she beat you in combat class again?' his gaze hardened, giving me the smug satisfaction that I was right.

'Oh, so he does have a sense of humour' he said dryly 'have you been working on that joke for long?'

'I don't have to' I replied just as coldly 'you see I'm talented in a certain type of humour, it's spontaneous and it's called wit'

And with that, I turned on my heel and left Matinova glowering after me.

So it begins. Let me know what you think so far :) I know it's slightly short but so was the first chapter in the Rose's POV so I can be excused XD.

Please review and let me know all your opinions about anything at all :)

Love you

Tibbins xx