Duties of a Drudge
Disclaimer: I do not own Vladimir Tod or any of the characters. All credit goes to Heather Brewer.
It was dark out, the moon floating high in the sky as it cast its silvery glow over the grass of the neighbourhood's backyards. Dozens of stars twinkled in unison, giving the night sky a calming feeling to it. A cricket was chirping nearby, the only thing that could be heard as there was no sound in the backyard where two shadowy figures lay.
One of them, the lanky raven haired boy, parted his lips in a silent yawn and shuffled on the grass to ease off the rock that was jutting painfully into his back. His blonde friend also readjusted himself, but their eyes remained unmoving at the sky almost as if they were waiting for something.
"Any second now," the blonde whispered.
"Don't forget to make your wish when it comes," the dark haired one murmured back.
"You, too."
A few more moments of silence and waiting went by before a shooting star suddenly cut across the sky and the raven haired boy sat up abruptly, his eyes flashing for a brief second as the light was there, and then it wasn't. His friend joined him a half second later.
"Wow, that was amazing! Did you see that, Henry?" the first boy exclaimed.
"Yeah, that was pretty cool," Henry replied, his eyes still fixed on the spot, then flickering over to his friend's pale face who looked awestruck. "Did you make a wish?"
Henry's dark haired friend suddenly slumped his shoulders and he moaned. "Oh, right, I forgot about that. Dammit…"
Henry smiled. "There's always next time," he murmured, getting up off the grass and dusting off his faded jeans. "Come on, Vlad, your Aunt Nelly said she was going to make dessert for us. It's probably ready by now."
Vlad nodded, and with a hand from his best friend, he got to his feet and sighed, brushing his black hair from his eyes. Tonight was special because he had heard of the news that there was some irregular cosmic activity going on and that hundreds of shooting stars had been reported. Vlad had never seen one in his lifetime and neither had Henry, so he decided to have Henry over to watch it together.
Except he had forgotten to make his wish.
Cursing under his breath at the fact that he had forgotten, Vlad opened the back door and stepped into the much warmer atmosphere. The scent of chocolate floated up his nose as well as the unforgettable aroma of blood and the vampire licked his lips of the thought of ripping into a warm blood bag that Aunt Nelly had gotten from the hospital.
Nelly was in the kitchen, her hair tied up in a messy bun and an apron wrapped around her waist. Flour littered the counters and there was a smudge of chocolate on her cheek. She smiled when she saw the two boys enter.
"Hey boys, just in time. The brownies just got out of the oven," she chirped happily, slipping oven mitts over her hands and opening the oven. Warm air wafted into the room, bringing a smile to Vlad's face as Nelly pulled out the brownies and closed the oven.
"Thanks, Aunt Nelly," Vlad thanked her and Henry did the same, settling himself at the table.
Nelly smiled and tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear while she put the oven mitts away. "It's my pleasure, boys. Just give them a few minutes to cool off and they should be ready to go. Oh, and Vlad, your brownies are the ones on the left side of the pan, all right? And there are a couple more blood bags in the freezer. I'll get more when I go for my shift tonight."
"So you're working tonight?" Vlad asked, wandering over to the freezer and rummaging around for a blood bag.
"Yeah, they called me in. They need a few extra hands and no one else is free," Nelly explained, quickly making herself presentable as she glanced over at the clock. "Shoot, I'm going to be late."
Vlad plucked a bag from the freezer and popped it in the microwave while Henry got up from the table and began to cut the now cooled down brownies.
"See you later, Nelly, and thanks for having me tonight!" Henry called after her as Nelly disappeared from the room to look for her car keys.
"Anytime, Henry!" she hollered back, reappearing a moment later. "Um, what else am I forgetting? Oh! Vlad, the sleeping bags are out and if you need any blankets, they're just in the closet."
"Okay," Vlad replied, taking his bag out of the microwave and exchanging a glance with Henry. "Um, Aunt Nelly? Can Henry and I sleep outside tonight? We have a tent, don't we?"
Already halfway out the door, Nelly paused and pursed her lips. "I think it's upstairs in the attic, but I'm not sure; you'll have to check. I'll see you boys in the morning!" Nelly blew a kiss at Vlad and then closed the door and hurried out to the car. The start of an engine was heard a moment later before the squeal of tires faded into the distance. And with that, Nelly was gone.
Vlad sat back at the table with his blood bag and Henry joined him, handing him his brownie before he tore into his own.
"So, what do you want to do for the rest of the night?" Vlad asked as he slurped down on his warm blood bag, his fangs fully elongated. Henry was his drudge, so it didn't really matter that his best friend saw his fangs or not. Besides Nelly, Henry was one of the very select few that knew about Vlad's secret.
Henry shrugged, dabbing his finger onto his plate and licking the crumbs from his fingers. A devilish smile suddenly played on his lips. "How about we play Race to Armageddon? Whoever loses two out of the three games has to set up the tent."
Vlad's eyes widened under his black hair which had fallen over his eyes. "But I always lose at that game when I play against you!" he protested through a mouthful of a blood filled brownie.
Henry's eyes twinkled. "Exactly."
Vlad deposited his blood bag into the biohazard bucket and grinned at Henry. "You're on."
Within minutes, both boys were curled up on the couch, their eyes glued to the TV screen as their fingers worked furiously at the controllers, each trying to defeat the alien king. But, hard as Vlad tried, Henry always managed to sneak in at the last minute and defeat the alien king before Vlad could.
Two rounds later and the controller fell from Vlad's hands and onto his lap. "I suck at this game," he murmured.
Henry laughed. "You're not so bad. I'll even help you with the tent. Where did Nelly say it was?"
"Up in the attic," Vlad yawned, surprised on how tired he already was. "Come on, I'll show you."
Letting his own controller drop to the ground, Henry followed Vlad up the stairs and towards the hidden door that lead to the attic. Vlad handed Henry the flashlight that was on top of his dresser and followed his friend up the narrow stairs where he couldn't help but notice how nice Henry looked like from behind… He'd never really thought about it before, but Henry had a pretty nice butt, especially with the way that his jeans hugged it so perfectly…
Vlad suddenly jerked out of his thoughts, surprised at himself for thinking such things and pushed open the final door to the attic.
"Have I ever told you how much I hate the smell up here?" Henry asked, his nose wrinkling up in disgust as they entered.
Vlad sighed. "The sooner we find the tent, the sooner we can get out."
Both boys were soon tearing into the boxes that littered the floor until a joyful yelp came from Henry who pulled out a giant green tent that had rods sticking everywhere out of it.
"Found it!" he exclaimed.
Vlad sealed the box that he had been searching through and went over to join Henry. "Great job, let's go."
Henry moved first, carrying the tent, but one of the rods stuck out and tripped Vlad as he followed. With a yelp of surprise, Vlad's arm's flailed and he grasped onto the first thing he could find which happened to be the sleeve of Henry's dark hoodie. The tent fell from Henry's hands and clattered to the floor as they both fell.
Henry landed first, the sound of his head loud against the floorboards. Vlad managed to catch himself, barely missing Henry's head as his hands landed against the sides of it. It was suddenly then as Henry moaned and opened his eyes that a familiar churning feeling in Vlad's stomach arose. He had felt it when Henry brushed by him all those times at school, or on those nights when they went out that Henry would get scared sometimes and cling onto Vlad for a few seconds. And even when he caught himself staring at his butt coming up the stairs…
This was like all those other times, except different at the same time because as Vlad stared down at Henry, his best friend was also staring back at him with some expression that Vlad couldn't pinpoint. But Henry's breathing was heavier as was his own, but instead of it being from the fall for Vlad, something else was aching in the back of his head that he had longed to do for so long.
Then, without any warning, Vlad lowered his slightly crooked head and closed his parted lips around Henry's.
The kiss lasted no more than two seconds before Henry squirmed underneath Vlad and pried his lips away from his. Vlad also realized what he had done and scrambled backwards into a box which fell.
"What was that?" Henry asked, his voice shaking as though he were somewhat frightened.
Vlad felt like shrinking away or backing away into a dark corner and not ever coming out. "I-I d-don't know what came over me. I'm sorry, Henry," he murmured.
Henry was silent in the moments he picked up the fallen tent, but just shrugged it off. "It's all right; no big deal," he said and smiled at Vlad which only made Vlad's stomach churn again and make is cheeks hot. It was a good thing it was dark so Henry couldn't see him blushing.
"You sure?" Vlad asked quietly as they exited the attic.
Henry let out an exasperated sigh. "Like I said, Vlad, no big deal," he said, his voice firm which caused Vlad to fall silent.
The two boys were quiet the remainder of the walk out to the backyard, mostly because a huge lump had formed in Vlad's throat and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get rid of it.
Way to go, you've blown it this time, Vlad, he thought bitterly to himself.
Henry dropped the tent on the grass and quickly went to work on assembling the tent, struggling with the rod poles that were jutting out here and there. Vlad was busy with another part of the tent, fastening it to the ground so it wouldn't fly away or fall over at any time in the night. Once or twice, he caught Henry looking over at him from the side, but when Vlad looked back over, Henry quickly looked away. Every time that it happened, Vlad cursed under his breath, mentally chastising himself for being so stupid…
"Listen, about the incident upstairs…" Vlad started, coming around the tent to be beside Henry. "I'm sorry, I don't know what—"
"Vlad, you worry too much," Henry interrupted him with a chuckle, putting his hand on Vlad's shoulder. "Relax, it was no big deal. It's cool, alright?" He looked Vlad straight in the eyes for a long moment and Vlad could even swear that he saw Henry's eyes flicker down his body and then to his lips for a brief second, but he couldn't be sure. Henry then caught himself and licked his lips nervously before he removed his hand and went back to work on the tent.
This only left Vlad even more confused than what he was before. Sure, he and Henry were best friends, so they were closer than most other people in his life, but Vlad never thought about them being more than that. At least…not until recently.
Vlad had been having the same re-occurring dream every night, and it kept getting more and more intense as the nights past. It was about him and Henry…doing things. Things that Vlad didn't even know he could ever fantasize about and he would always wake up in a sweat, breathing heavily and being extremely confused…not to mention aroused…
Lost in his thoughts, Vlad hardly heard when Henry suddenly yelped and collapsed on the ground, holding his hand to his chest, but the scent of blood made him fully alert.
"Fuck!" he groaned, taking a moment to glance at his hand which Vlad saw was dripping with warm, sweet smelling, crimson blood. Beside Henry, there was one of the rods that he was trying to fix, and on the end was a spatter of blood.
"What happened?" Vlad asked, dropping beside his friend.
"I was trying to fix the rod and it slipped and stabbed me," Henry groaned.
Vlad swallowed uncomfortably, his fangs that had started to slip out poking his lower lip lightly. "Wait here," he said, getting up to get the first-aid kit, but Henry grabbed his arm before he could get anywhere.
"No," he murmured, looking into Vlad's eyes pleadingly and Vlad knew instantly what Henry wanted him to do.
"No, Henry, I couldn't… Please." But the look on Henry's face was almost impossible to resist and he couldn't bear himself to pull away. "Henry… I can't."
"Vlad, look at you, you obviously need something to drink again. I'm your drudge—this is what I'm here for," Henry said, his voice a pained whisper as a drop of the blood landed onto the grass.
He was right. The scent was taunting Vlad and torturing him inside. In fact, at the moment, he would give anything to plunge his fangs into Henry's hand and drink to his hearts content, but Vlad had never felt comfortable feeding form the "source".
"Please, Vlad."
Swallowing painfully, Vlad, almost robotically, lowered himself back down onto the grass to where Henry was, but Henry moved and kept moving till he was in the tent. Vlad had no choice but to follow as his bloodlust was making his mind spin. He crawled in the tent beside Henry and it was only then that Henry offered him his bloodstained hand.
"Drink, Vlad."
It almost felt as though the roles were switched between master and drudge as Vlad obeyed with no complaint this time, taking Henry's bleeding hand in his hands and closing his eyes running his tongue lightly over the wound to get a taste of his friend. The lick earned a shiver from Henry and a small moan, but Vlad paid no notice. His breaths were shaky as he moved closer to Henry, his lips brushing the wound so they turned a dark shade of red which he quickly licked from his lips.
"Drink, Vlad," Henry repeated, and once again, Vlad obeyed without question.
His fangs slipped from his gums, fully elongated, and still clutching Henry's hand tightly, the vampire sunk his teeth into the wound, his mouth filling with Henry's sweet blood. He fed hungrily and greedily, his throat constantly bobbing up and down as he guzzled the blood and swallowed each mouthful.
Henry seemed to be enjoying this as well, his breath coming in short gasps and his free hand whipped out and tangled in Vlad's raven locks, preventing the vampire from escaping. But Vlad was strong and after a moment, Vlad pried his fangs from Henry's hand, his mouth stained and his still parted lips dripping the crimson fluid onto his black jeans.
Henry gripped his hand which was throbbing from where Vlad had bit him, but the blood flow had ceased considerably. One thing remained, though, and it was the feeling that the feeding had given him; a certain erotic feeling, and the way Vlad looked right now with his heavy breathing and pained expression sent a jolt right through Henry to the front of his pants.
Vlad was unaware of everything at the moment as Henry slowly slunk towards him, his eyes half closed and his lips parted. He was breathing irregularly and before Vlad knew it, Henry was over him, sitting on his lap and straddling his waist as he held the vampire's head between his hands.
"Henry… What are you doing?" Vlad asked, inhaling sharply as Henry pinched his thigh.
"Continuing what you started," Henry murmured lustfully, moving his hands up to tangle in the raven locks of his friend before pressing his soft lips to Vlad's.
Vlad would have squeaked with protest, but Henry was being so gentle at the moment, his lips moving slowly across Vlad's and Vlad had no choice but to surrender to the kiss and join in. He wrapped his arms around Henry, his hands trailing down Henry's back till he reached his perfect butt and grasped it with both hands.
Henry groaned which made Vlad smile on the inside and he took the kiss a step further, parting his lips and running his tongue along Henry's lower lip till the blonde allowed him entrance. Vlad explored every inch of his best friends moist cavern, tasting the leftover brownie that Nelly had made for them. As their kissing got more urgent and their tongues danced together in a lustful craze, Vlad reached up to the collar of Henry's shirt and began undoing the buttons so that his friend's chest was completely exposed.
Henry shrugged out of his shirt, his chest heaving as he only stopped the kiss for a moment to catch his breath and fumble with Vlad's skin tight shirt.
"You always did like wearing girls' clothes," Henry teased, clawing at the fabric till it came off of Vlad who took it from Henry and threw it off to the side.
"Shut up," Vlad chuckled, pulling Henry's lips back to his as Henry leaned forward till he was lying on top of his raven haired best friend. Vlad's porcelain white skin was baby smooth and felt like silk under Henry's fingertips as his hands roamed up and down Vlad's tiny body taking in every inch of him.
Vlad was doing his own exploring and his hands eventually found Henry's jean button, but through his lust filled mind, getting a button undone was harder than it looked. He growled in protest at the button's resistance, but forgot about it for a moment as Henry pried his lips from Vlad and placed tender kisses along his jaw line and the nape of his neck. Vlad's skin prickled with pleasure and the front of his jeans was getting immensely tight.
"Henry," he whispered.
He felt Henry smile through his kisses as the blonde understood and removed his lips from him and teased Vlad's nipple with the tip of his tongue as he removed his jeans and boxers as well as his own, tossing them aside so both boys were fully exposed to one another.
It took Henry just a moment to gaze upon what he had uncovered and just the sight of Vlad's naked body before him was enough to quicken his breathing and suppress a moan. Vlad had always been skinny, but with his clothing rid, he looked even more fragile than ever though his abs were well toned, though not visible at the same time. His eyes were half closed and his lips parted as though he were in pain and his hair was already a mess; a few stray pieces of his clinging to his forehead as he began to sweat. But that's not what caught Henry's attention. Henry was more focused on the now erect piece of flesh between Vlad's legs and he wanted nothing more than to close his lips around it and—
"Henry…" Vlad's moan cut off Henry's thoughts and without another word, Henry smirked and slid forward back onto Vlad, his hands running down the vampire's sleek sides as he pressed his lips to Vlad's again, more hungrily this time.
"You're so beautiful," Henry whispered between their kisses and began moving his lips downwards again, trailing playful bits in sensitive places on Vlad's neck and collarbone, earning a gasp of surprise from Vlad so that the raven haired boy bucked his hips and squirmed under Henry.
"You're torturing me, Henry," Vlad moaned, clenching his teeth and fisting his hands in how own hair, grinding his hips against Henry as his friend pinched his nipple and continued kisses down his stomach.
Henry smiled against Vlad's porcelain white skin and without warning wrapped his fingers around Vlad's length and gave it a test stroke. Almost immediately, Vlad let out a strangled wail and began to pant harder.
"I swear, Henry… Anymore and I might…" But Vlad's words were cut off as Henry, with a sly grin, removed his hand and replaced it with his mouth and Vlad moaned in pleasure, his hands tangling in Henry's blonde locks as his best friend gently sucked and ran his tongue slowly along Vlad's throbbing erection, each time taking more into his mouth until Vlad was practically writhing underneath him, agonized in his own pleasure.
Henry smiled and sealed the deal, gently nipping Vlad which caused Vlad to take in a sharp breath and arch against Henry as he climaxed, his seed filling Henry's mouth. Henry swallowed and gently licked Vlad to catch the fallen cum on his tongue before returning to Vlad's face and staring down at him as his friend recovered.
When Vlad opened his dark eyes a moment later, Henry expected to see his friend tired and relieved, but Vlad's dark eyes still twinkled with mischief, longing, and lust. Henry shook his head as he understood what Vlad wanted.
"No, I won't hurt you, Vlad," he said softly, stroking Vlad's hair off his forehead.
"Please, Henry…" Vlad breathed. "You won't... Besides…" Then a mischievous grin crossed his pale face and he reached down to grasp Henry's throbbing member, earning a shuddering gasp from Henry who started shaking with sudden pleasure. "…I haven't shown you what I can do…"
((Oooh, cliff hanger. I'll continue this if enough people ask me to and like it. :3))