Okay so this is VERY AU:) Lol my take on this what if scenario: What if Quinn, Puck, Finn, and Rachel were all bestfriends? What if they had been bestfriends since seventh grade? Now, tenth grade comes with fights, crushes, surprises, and more:)

Chapter One: Introduction and Beginning

Rachel Berry was lucky. She may not have been very popular, and she may not have thought she was very pretty,(Which any one could tell you, she so was) but she had good friends to back her up. They had been there for her since the seventh grade, and now they were still there.

Her very best friend whose a girl, was Quinn Fabray. Captain of the cheerleading squad and drop dead gorgeous. She could be friends with anyone she wanted, but she choose to be friends with Rachel, Puck, and Finn.

Her other best friend was, Finn Hudson. He'd been there for her a lot. He was sweet and kind, and always knew how to make her feel special. Being quaterback, he could also be friends with anyone he wanted to. Which he was friends with a lot of people, he just always made sure he had time for his girls and Puck.

The last one in their group, was Noah Puckerman Aka Puck. A self proclaimed stud and badass. He was a good guy, when he wanted to be. And he only showed his soft side to the people that mattered most to him.

Rachel looked out her window as she sat on her bed. Her house was quiet because no one was home except for her. She sighed and stood up to go turn on music. She smiled when 'Defying Gravity' started playing. As she sang along she checked her phone.

One new text message from: Quinn.

Hey you! Let's hang out! It's Friday Night! We should go to the mall and then maybe you can spend the night? - Quinny

Rachel thought about it for a moment, and then decided she should take a break from her studies to go hang out with her friend. And a sleep over didn't sound so bad.

Okay:) I'll meet you at the mall. And then afterwards I'll run back by my house to get my things- Rachel*

She didn't need to ask her dad's, when they were gone because, they didn't care. As long as she wasn't spending the night with boys or going to wild parties it was ok.

Rachel walked over to her closet so she could pick what to wear. She figured Quinn would be wearing her cheerios uniform, so she thought she needed to try and wear something presentable for her. So Quinn wouldn't be embarrassed.

She looked at everything, and then she found what she was looking for. A short black skirt, and a white tank top with a pink sweater. She loved this outfit. She hoped it wouldn't make Quinn embarrassed.

Rachel brushed her hair and kept it down. She parted it to where she had side bangs. Then she put on a black head band and black flats. She grabbed her keys and walked out the door.

Quinn arrived at the mall before Rachel. She was dressed in her cheerio's uniform, and she had her hair pulled back in a high ponytail. She looked down at her red blackberry curve. She saw that she had two text messages. One from Finn, and one from Puck.

Hey Q. I'm bored. Wanna hang?-Puckasauras Rex

She smiled then read her other message.

Oh my god! Puck will not stop bothering me about hanging out with you and Rachel! Are you guy's busy?- Finny-D

Quinn rolled her eyes. Then laughed. Of course they were together. She was about to respond when she saw Rachel walking up to her. "Hey girly! You look adorable!" Quinn smiled and hugged the small brunette. "Thanks," Rachel smiled as well.

"Before we start walking around, I have to know. Do you want to hang out with Puck and Finn?" Quinn asked as if she didn't know the answer. Rachel smiled big and nodded. Rachel loved hanging out with her boys.

Quinn got her phone back out so she could message Puck back.

Rach and I are at the mall. You guys can meet us here:)- Quinny

Moments later she got a text back.

Kk Finessa and I will be there soon- Puckasuaras Rex

"They'll be here soon," Quinn smiled as her and Rachel began to walk around. Talking like they hadn't talked in forever. Even though, they had just talked this morning.

"So...any new crushes?" Rachel asked and giggled. They loved talking about buys. It was so much fun for them. "Yes...one, but I'm not telling anyone!" Quinn told her with a small smile. Rachel just shook her head. "Fine, I'll tell you then. His name is Jesse St. James. He transferred to McKinley from Carmel!" The tiny brunette said excitedly.

Quinn just gave her a look. She hated that kid. They had known him freshman year, because he was in there competing school's Glee Club. He was the reason they had lost regionals last year. "Ew." Was all Quinn said. Rachel frowned and Quinn laughed. "That guy is a creep Rach." Quinn told her. Rachel sighed and they smiled when they saw Puck and Finn walking towards them.

"Noah! Finn!" Rachel shouted excitedly running up and hugging Puck first. "Berry! It's Puck babe," He winked and she rolled her eyes. Finn was a little ways behind Puck, so when he walked up she hugged him and he kissed the top of her head. "Hey, Rach," Finn smiled his signature half smile as the three walked over to were Quinn was.

"Ready to walk around?" Quinn asked after she hugged Finn and Puck. Everyone nodded, so they began talking and laughing as they walked around.

When they were finished walking around the mall, Quinn and Rachel went back to Quinn's house after getting Rachel's stuff from her house. They walked in, and Rachel plopped down on the couch.

"Quinn, do you think we could let Jesse hang out with us?" The brunette looked up to the blonde and asked hopefully. "No! I really dislike him!" Quinn whined. Rachel just rolled her eyes. "He's really not that bad." Rachel laughed. Quinn gave her an alarmed expression. "Oh yes he is. Ask anyone in Glee club. We all hate him." Quinn informed her.

"He's joining glee club." Rachel told her. Quinn sat down and threw her head back on the back of the couch. "No," she said over dramatically. Rachel looked at her friend, and said once more, "He's not that bad!"

Finn and Puck got back to Finn's house so the could play COD(Call of Duty for anyone who doesn't know) "Dude I'm gonna own you!" Finn shouted then turned on his X box. "Okay, but first..." Suddenly Puck punched Finn in the arm very hard.

"Ow! What was that for?" Finn screamed and rubbed his arm. "Kissing Berry's head! Way to make your crush for her obvious!" Puck said to him as he got the game set up. "I do not like her," Finn informed his Mohawk-headed friend.

"Yeah, and I hate to eat!" Puck yelled at him. Finn rolled his eyes. Saying Puck didn't like to eat was like saying the sky wasn't blue. "Whatever. Let's just play!" Finn laughed and hit his friend back.

Before they started Puck paused the game and looked up at his freakishly tall friend. "Do you honestly like Rachel?" He asked.