Carly turned towards they door and felt her jaw touch the carpet beneath her. "S-Sam?" she stuttered out. The blonde glowing figure in white nodded and smiled. Carly Shay stood up and walked slowly towards the ghostly figure standing beside her neighbor. She reached out her hand to touch her, but went right through her. She pulled her hand back.
~~~Sam's POV~~~
W-why did she go through me? I turn to sir-dweebs-a-lot who shrugs and puts his hand on my face, pushing, and fails to go through.
"Why doesn't Freddie go through you?" he perked up, baring his I-KNOW! look.
"Carly, is Sam dead?" Whoa.
"W- of course not! She's right there!" All of a sudden there was a small flash of light it mid-air. The pink smoke cleared, leaving the smell of flowers, revealing a pink note. I snatched it and brought it to my nose. Sniff… perfume.
"Chenoa." I look up to their quizzical faces. "My guardian angel." I squint at the note, unable to read it. "Hola Sammy, es Chenoa. Carly no te- Freddie read it." I shove the note in his hand. He scans it, muttering,
"Hola Sammy, es Chenoa. Carly no te puede tocar porque se niega a aceptar su muerte. Freddie, hacerle ver que Sam está muerto, sin ofender a Sam. El amor de, Chenoa." He looks up into Carly's eyes. "It says that Carly needs to understand that Sam is really dead." Carly looked down.
"Say it, Carls." I encourage her. She sighs and looks into my eyes.
"I understand that Samantha Joy Puckett is dead." Another flash, and there is Chenoa. She walks over and taps Carly's forehead before vanishing. Carly smiles and hugs me, not going through.
"So," Carly says after letting go, "Who's Chenoa?"
"Didn't you just see her?" She shakes her head as Fredbag plops down on the couch with us. I guess only I can see her.
"So, why are you here?" She asks. I sigh and explain it all.
I check my watch; 6d 23h 27m 18s. I tap the screen twice and it changes to 1:36.
"So, you have no idea what the mission is, do you?" Carls asks for, like, the fifth time.
"She said that I have unfinished chizz. Only the people who I've shared memorable moments with can see me. If I don't complete the mission then I will have never existed at all. If I do, my life will chance for the better. I just hope I get to keep my powers!" I grin.
"Powers?" Carlotta asks.
"She walked though the side of the apartment and she's got wings." Frednub explains.
"She was talking to me!" I flick his forehead. "I walked through the side of the apartment and I have wings."
"Sam, being dead doesn't mean that you can keep treating Freddie that way. You might only have a week left with him." My eyes filled with tears at that. Wait, can the dead cry? I touch my eye with my finger. When I pull it make, it's covered in some bright gold cream. Slowly I bring it to my tongue; it taste like salt.
"Whoa, angel tears are gold." I mutter before being engulfed in a double hug. I breathe in both of them; one like perfume, and the other like… Well it's hard to describe how Freddie smells. They pull out, Frednub looking bashful and Carls' makeup running.
"What color is your spit?" he asks. I stick out my tongue.
"Whab bo you sthee?" We all laugh as Spencer comes down the stairs.
"Carly, how can you ne laughing while Sam-" we stops, wide eyed, "is sitting on my couch." He looks up, at the ceiling. "Chenoa?" he whispers. How does he know about Chenoa? I stand up and glide through the couch and look into Spencer's eyes. I search for a pathway and once I found it I try and let my eyes tell him everything. I remember Chenoa saying that she can read minds, so I close my eyes in concentration. Okay, he knows Chenoa, something about a charred knockwurst, seeing the future… and nug-nug? I wrench my eyes open to greet Spencer in a ginormous hug.
He smells like glue and plastic.
I pull back and we seem to know everything. "I need to thank Chenoa." He reaches in his pocket and pulls out a matching white pouch and from that he takes out a piece of paper. He brings the paper to his lips and blows. With a flash of light he's holding a paper airplane. I walk back over to sit between Carly and Fredhead as Spencer throughs the message out the window, when I see something odd. Carly lays her hand on Freddie's. But that's not the weird part. The weird part is, I called him Freddie, and he pulled away, giving her a strange look. Did he not want her holding his hand? I gotta sit down.
~~~Freddie's POV~~~
Why was Carly resting her hand on mine? I jerked it away; giving her a look that plainly says what-the-
"SIIIIGH!" Sam plops down between us, resuming her solid form.
"So, how does Spencer know Chenoa?" I ask her.
"Remember when he got zapped by my security system in my locker?" I nod. "Remember how he claimed to have seen the future?" I nod again. "Not only did he see Nug-Nug, wow I feel like such a dork just saying that, he also saw Chenoa. She knew that this was gonna happen, so she only told Spencer, to be safe." Ooooh.
"Well that explains a lot." Carly says, batting her eyelashes. Geez, what's up with her lately? I turn to Sam, who looks distracted.
"No, now? Why? But I'm- you can't-" she sighs, standing up. "Chen needs help. Be back in two." Poof! she's gone. I turn to Carly, who's practically sitting on me.
"WHOA!" I shout, scrambling backwards and ending up flipping over the side of the couch. I look up to see her face, her hair hanging down.
"Are you ok, Freddie?" I stand up as she does. She moves closer, putting her hand on my shoulder. I shake it off and step back. Geez, can she take a hint?
"What's up with you lately?" Now I'm getting mad.
"Well, I was thinking, now that Sam's dead, we should get back together." WHAT!
"No! Besides, Sam could come back!" She waves away my thought as if she's swatting a fly.
"Come on, we both know that Sam won't be able to complete the mission." I- wha- wait- huh?
"How can you not have faith in Sam?" I shout.
"How can you have faith in her? You and I both know that she's gonna blow it and never exist. She doesn't have the skills or the talent to do just about anything." She did not go there.
I was furious, and apparently, so was the room. The lights started flickering as the room was overcome with a slightly red glow. A hot wind swept through the apartment, pots rattled, there was a faint hissing sound; I balled my fists. With a crack of lightning and a flash of red light, there was Sam. But she didn't look like Sam. Her dress was now blood red and she was covered with thin, red, gypsy-like scarves. It seemed as if a very strong fan was behind her, making her hair, dress, and scarves fly forwards, giving her and eerie, evil illusion. Her black converse were now red, tall, plastic heeled boots. Her halo and wings were blood red. Her eyebrows scrunched together, fisted balled. Now you get how I picture her whenever she's about to kill me. She walks forwards to Carly and me, shaking in anger.
"So, I'm not good enough for you to have faith in me?" Her voice trembles as her cheeks flush. And her ears, and neck, and fingers. It's amazing how her entire body turned red within about seven seconds. Carls looks taken aback.
"I- I-"
"Why? Was I too bad of a friend?"
"Well, not really, but- sometimes?" Carly squeaks, stepping back from Sam's advances, her squeaking boots shattering the momentary silence.
"Really? This from the girl willing to throw away iCarly because of a grungy mutt named Missy! From the girl that was too oblivious to see that Missy was evil and will to sabotage my life? Did you ever think about what could've happened if she didn't win that cruise? Did you think about how my life would be ruined? All I've have would be my mom with her beer bottles and cigarettes. Now that, Carly Shay, is selfish." She stands next to me and I can feel the heat radiating off of her body.
"Listen Sam, I only said that because I know that you'd-" Sam silences her with a snap of the fingers. When the smoke clears it seems that Carly was hit with a miniature bomb. "Sam!" she shrieks. "My hair!"
"There's more where that came from." Alrighty now this is getting out of hand. I position myself in front of Sam, bend down and pick her up over my shoulder. I walk briskly to the door while she pounds my back shrieking. I think this is the first time I've ever heard Sam shriek. I fling the door open, letting the room return to its normal colors. I open the door to my apartment and bring her in.
"Fredward Benson if you don't put me down now I'm gonna kick your- oh hey Mrs. Benson!" I feel her wave to my stunned mother. I open the door to my room.
"Mom! If you need me, don't!" I say, throwing Sam down on the bed. I lock the door and turn back to her. Her aurora has decreased, but I can still tell she's mad. "Saaaam?" I test. I walk slowly over to her. She looks innocent enough, sitting on the edge of the bed, her hands folded in her lap, staring at the floor. I sit down next to her as she slowly returns to normal.
"Sam?" she turns away. Slowly, turning blue. Not like losing oxygen blue, but literally, blue.
"Why?" she breathes.
"Why what?"
"Why doesn't she trust me? And why do you?" oh, that.
"Sam… I don't think you'd understand."
"Try me." She flares. I lay a hand on her shoulder to cool her.
"Sam, Carly's never really trust anyone. I trust you because I know for personal experience how determined you are. Carly-"
"Carly was my best friend." She interrupts.
"Come on, she only-" interrupted again.
"Sticking up for your 'ickle wittle Carly-poo'? Pfft, figures." She stands up and heads towards my wall.
"Where're you goin'?" I ask, following her. She wipes something from her face.