This is just plain smut. If you don't like teacher/student relations, don't read.

Warning: In this story, all characters are human, Oh Stefan is not Damon's brother.

Damon Salvatore walked down the hall. His hair was messy and his eyes were covered by dark black sunglasses. He wore a leather jacket with a blue button up underneath and faded black jeans with black boots. He had one book in his hand and he hoped to continue reading in class.

All this morning, his friends wouldn't stop texting him about the new teacher.

Oooooh, like she was supposed to be scary.

It was a new school year and he hoped that after this year he would be able to get out of school and never ever attend. His father told him if he finished being a senior then he would give him ALL the money from his business and even hand over his business to him. Damon agreed and decided that he was going to work his ass while keeping his bad boy appearance. He didn't want his friends to think he was going soft on them.

He was still badass Damon. He was still tough and a rebel.

He acted like he didn't care. So he didn't.

"Dude," Damon stopped at his locker and didn't even have to look to see who it was. It was most likely Jeremy. He was one of those surfer California dudes that decided to stay in little ol' Mystic Falls. Damon still didn't, to this day, why. Jeremy slapped his back and then leaned against the locker next to Damon's, shuffling his keys between his hands. "Senior year is going to rock ass. I already seen the teacher she is fine ass heck. Would love to spread her thighs and fuck that bitch."

Damon rolled his eyes beneath his glasses and placed his book inside the locker, pulling out a box of cigarettes and placing them into his leather jacket. He dug through his jacket pockets and moved his keys into his pant pockets.

He'd hate to lose his keys to his new Harley Davidson.

That would suck ass.

"Teacher? What does she teach, anything interesting?" Damon raised his eyebrow, peering at Jeremy. He was watching as Bonnie Bennett walked by, with her friends. Her short skirt was up to the back of her thighs. If she bent over then you would have seen her underwear or her lack of.

"Jeremy, if your going to just stand there and not say anything then you can leave. I have an appointment with Jackass Alaric and I don't really want to be late." He said sarcastically. He was bored and didn't want to be next to Jeremy. He'd rather see what was Stefan doing. They hadn't talked since last night.

"Sorry, dude. The teacher is named Elena Gilbert. She's twenty three, long dark hair and a nice ass, tiny ass tits though."

Damon slammed his locker shut and groaned in frustration as the warning bell ranged.

Shit he was late.

"How do you know all of this?"

Jeremy shrugged his shoulders and then dragged his wet tongue across his dry lips.

"I work in the office with Miss. Cheslie. She likes me. Can't even get over my dick. She gossips. I know almost everything."

Damon made a mental note.

Go to Jeremy for any other information.

"Well good. Go to class. Tell Stefan, Matt, and Tyler meet at the table at lunch we need to go over the chicks."

Jeremy clapped his hands together in excitement.

"A'ight, got ya. Laters."

Jeremy turned around on his heel and walked away.

Damon rolled his eyes again and made it towards the principal's office. Alaric was going to have his head for being late.

Oh fucking well.

He was a senior and didn't have to put up with this shit.

They still had the same ugly ass teachers that were stuck up and no fun. Still had the nasty ass food that they were served. Still had the same girls that wanted Damon's and his friend's attention.

Same everything. Nothing was going to change.

Damon didn't realize this but he was...



Elena Gilbert huffed in annoyance as all the desks in her class were all over the place. The desks were mostly turned over and the chairs were stacked.

She understood that she was the new teacher so would have a dirty and a class that no one used in years but damn.

Couldn't they have at least cleaned up the place just a little bit.

Just a little.

She rolled her eyes and then dropped her big Alice and Wonderland bag on the desk.

Leas that was clean.

She ran her hands through her own hair, to calm her nerves and walked towards the desk.

She was wearing a tight white blouse that showed off a little stomach but not too much, and a long pencil skirt that hugged all her curves and black heels.

She wore no glasses, just for play, and her hair was long and dark down her back.

She'd have to remind herself to put it in a bun, if she didn't forget, before class started.

Yup, class.

Elena couldn't tell how happy she was that she was finally going to be able to teach. She had been wanting too since she was six and was glad that her dream came dream. She also hoped for a two- year boyfriend living with her but some dreams had to wait.


Elena cleared her mind from her thoughts. She was at work and didn't need to think about that while at work. She was a new teacher and needed to stay on top of things.

She instantly looked on top of the desk and thought of someone hot and sexy like Ian Somerhalder, taking her against the desk and working her over.

Dirty Dirty Elena, She scolded herself before she made her way towards the desk and fixed them to her liking. They were all in pairs of twos.

She was a creative writing teacher and English. She knew that with someone sitting beside them, they'd be able to share ideas, or even thoughts.

If they wanted to share then they'd share. They don't. They don't.

Minutes Later, Elena had fixed the desks and was sitting in her own, looking over her tablet for what they were going to do, since today was her first day of school and theirs.

She had to remember that.

Elena suddenly felt nervous as the warning bell ranged. She walked towards the door and looked over at her chalk board.

It was green and wide and long.

And completely blank.

She walked over towards it and picked up a white chalk and then saw a tiny one that was blue. She picked that one up, after placing the white back, and wrote in straight jagged English her name and the date and the lesson for today.

She reached her arm up high so she could draw a picture of an apple. She wasn't a very good artist, she knew, but liked the fact that she tried. There was no point to life if you didn't laugh at yourself.

She drew the stick and the worm coming out of the apple before she placed the chalk down and turned around.

Students were piling in and sitting down. Some with glasses on their faces, some with their noses in their books and others texting on their cell phone.


After everyone settled down and she closed the door. She stood in front of the class and looked at it. It was white and naked. The walls had no posters and the only thing in the room was a shelf and the desks and the students.

She couldn't forget about the students either.

"Hi, everyone." Elena smiled and then dusted her hands off, slapping them so the chalk would come off. Everyone glanced at the teacher.

The boy's mouth dropped and their privates spurned attention.

The girls popped their gum and put away their make up or cell phones. They would deal with it later.

"My name is Elena Gilbert. I'm your creative writing teacher and English. Most of you will-"

She paused as she heard the classroom door opened. She stepped back and turned around, looking at the door and her mouth almost dropped before she caught herself.

He looked like a damn God.

His hair was dark and black and short. Most of it was in his face. She couldn't see his eyes but she probably guessed that they were bright. Had to be. He wore a leather jacket with a blue button up and faded black jeans with black boots.

Damn, she felt herself grow wet in her thong.

She didn't say anything as he walked in the class, sat down next to a a boy with brownish, blonde hair that was short as well.

He was sitting in front of the class. IN FRONT!

Elena sighed before she continued.

"Like I said, I'm your creative writing and English teacher. You can either call me Elena or Ms. Gilbert. I'm very fun to be around. Graduated high school at fifteen and went to college a year later. I'm twenty two and will be turning twenty three in two months. I'm very easy to get along with. If you have a reason to do it then go for it." She paused and took a quick glance at the Greek God that walked into the room. He had removed his glasses sometime during her little 'life story' and was looking at the board.

Elena noticed he had sexy ass blue eyes.

"Alright, any questions?"

She heard the murmurs of 'nos' so turned around and smiled as all the guys ogled her ass.

She knew she had an ass and knew it was wrong to be liking the approval of seventeen to eighteen year guys but it boosted her confidence.


"I have a question, what is a life desire? You want us to write about..." Elena turned her head to look at the girl who spoke. She had blonde hair and it was curly and long. She was twirling one curl around her finger and chewing on her gum. "Oh, wait, do you have any rules?"

Oh shit the rules.

"In this class, I don't really mind what you do. It's creative writing and I believe one gets the best experiences by having and doing experiences. You can text on your phone, you can chew gum. Dye your hair for all I care. If you want to do work then do work. If you don't then don't. You can stay till roll call and then leave. It's your decision, not mine." She bit her lip and turned around again, walking towards her desk to pick up her tablet.

The entire time she talked. She couldn't help but feel like the Greek God wouldn't take his eyes off her.


The bell ranged and everyone picked up their things and left. Elena smiled and nodded their head as they left.

First class and she had gotten through.

She felt so happy.

So good.

So wet.

The Greek God, she later found out to be Damon Salvatore. Had a sexy voice as he answer with a rough, 'Here'.

Elena almost melted into the ground at that point.

She could have.

But now everyone was leaving, except for all.

She still felt like someone else was in the room.

She looked up and sighed. It was Damon, her Greek God.

He was picking up his things very slowly.

And he was walking to her.

Oh god.

Her heart couldn't stop beating.

"Ms. Gilbert?"

Elena nodded her head yes and her eyes scanned down his body. She saw muscles but where was the abs.

"I know your new and everything but I was wondering if me and you could talk about my grades when they start pouring in. I really really need to pass this year."

Elena nodded her head and smiled. She couldn't stop looking at his blue eyes. "Of course. If you want to get a head start you can stay after school or lunch and we can work something up. I know how it is to be a seventeen..."

Damon laughed and shook his head. "I'm not seventeen. Had a birthday two months ago. I'm eighteen."

Elena opened her eyes wide. This was too good to be true.

She could ogle him and drool and dream about him, maybe, because he was an adult like her.

Life was fucking great.

'Sure. I have a meeting to attend too at lunch but I think I can work something out." He smiled at her while waggling his eyebrows which brought heat and more wetness between her legs. "See you later Miss E-len-a." He drew out her name all sexy and slow and it turned her own more as he raised an eyebrow, looking at her seductively before walking out of the class.

Damn he had a nice ass.

Do you like it or hate it? I'm going to continue writing A batch of black roses and this one. I wont post till I get a review. I want to know what you think.
