The Ballad of General Shepherd: Author's note.
Disc one: Track 0
Overture: N/A
Due to my writers block and my promise to work on my other projects, I've decided to start this story as a way to combat that. And since I wanted to try something new, I decided to do this.
A Ballad is normally a poem, set to song and dance, but I'm no poet, or composer.
Or dancer.
So I've decided to create this, kind of a Ballad/Story about General Shepherd that takes place during Modern Warfare 2, with its own unique twist.
The story is set up in three Acts, or 'Discs'. And each chapter is set to an overture or piece of music corresponding to the chapter.
Read the chapters while listening to the overtures, adding a music element to the story. You can most likely find them on youtube or somewhere on the internet.
And as always, rate and review. I hope you enjoy.
Disclaimer: All music belongs to their respective owners/composers. I do not own any of the music/characters from Modern Warfare. All rights reserved by their respective owners and copyright dates