Alright, what's with no reviews on my last chapter? :'( You make smiley face mad sad! There better be reviews on this chapter! As like, a 10th chapter celebration! I'm gonna shut up and let you read now.
He better not leave me, he better not leave me, he better not leave me. This happened to become my new mantra in the last few months. Especially now since the wedding was drawing near. The horrible memories of our 1st wedding got worse. It got to the point of nightmares where I woke up crying.
How can I be so stupid! I don't deserve Courtney. But she thinks I do, she's too good for me. I deserve some crack head in prison. The wedding's tomorrow, I can leave her. Not now, not so close. Here she is, crying again. She looks at me with her bloodshot eyes and chants "He better not leave me." Over and over. I finally calm her down.
"Dad?" I hear a noise outside of my room. "Yes Lauren? Why are you up so late?" He faces me, and opens the front door. "I couldn't sleep, where are you going?" I grip my bear tightly and walk over to him. "I'm going for a walk. You should go back to bed." He's not going on a walk, he's going to see his old girlfriend. I've been spying on him when he thinks I'm sleeping. I can't bear telling mommy, so I keep it secret.
There goes Duncan on his long walks again. I know where he goes at night. He sees Mya. He comes home smelling like sex and beer and drugs. Really the only thing I have the strength for is to just keep quiet. It's 2 in the morning, and I'm tired and upset.
"You may kiss the bride." I did it, I forgot Mya, and married the girl I belong with. My Courtney, my Courtney Smith. The one girl I truly love.
I hopped onto the band stage, and grabbed the microphone. "HEY EVERYONE! DUNCAN AND COURTNEY GOT MARRIED! Who told me that? I dunno, but some chick requested I play this for them."
"If you feel better, telling me I'm cruel. Saying I'm unfeeling, I don't mind. If it's necessary, if it helps you out-" My violin player stopped playing and glared at me. "Oh yeah, wrong song. Sorry Mya!" Duncan gaped at my violin player and ran off. "Okay….well, here's another song I can play on piano! I'm your opheliac, I've been so disillusioned. No, you guys are not plague rats are you?" I left my piano and went to sit back at my table. "Aww, don't worry Sam! Izzy's always a plague rat! But not Explosivo or E-Scope. The traitors!" Izzy then proceeded to threaten herself….
Remember dearest plague rats, I have insanity issues, so…..yeah…You may have noticed that I changed my pen name to LivingPlagueRat, go on youtube and look for Emilie Autumn and you'll see why.
REMEMBER: IF LEECHES ATE PEACHES INSTEAD OF MY BLOOD, I would be free to drink tea in the mud! ;D