This is my first time ever writting a Monochrome Factor fic, not to mention a Shirogane/Akira one as well!
Well anyways, I guess I'm a new member to Monochrome Factor. I finished the anime within 2 - 3 days and I've caught up to the recent manga within 4 - 5 days. My friend was the one who recommended me the anime and (since I'm a yaoi fan) since I thought the manga would be shounen-ai, I read it and even if its not, I have to say, it is a really good manga and well-drawn!
But you guys don't care so yeah, I'll stop talking~ Enjoy my 50 Words - One Sentence Challenge!
(*) They represent the ones that go together; every star added means its a new sentence that connects to another and so on. You will understand once you finished the story and start getting used to it.
50 Words / One Sentence Challenge
01. Fragile
Sometimes, Shirogane notices, Akira looks so fragile sleeping; he wonders why though.
*02. Teacher
As his elder, he is suppose to show his student the ways of life;
*03. Student
As a junior, he's suppose to listen;
*04. Never
Too bad none of that actually happens between them.
05. Balloon
Aria is surprised that the man doesn't know what it is; so when he buys one for him, all he sees is a small smile as he ties the string on his wrist.
06. Squirmy
He likes watching the brown-haired boy squirm under his touches and gentle caresses.
07. Crazy
Either he misses the arm wrapped around his waist every night or he's gone crazy; he hopes its the second one.
*08. Pencil
Pencils are dull and boring, sort of him like, but he doesn't mean to be dull and boring.
*09. Crayon
And this is the crayon that brought color to his life.
10. Colorful
"Rainbows… are pretty colorful, aren't they Shirogane?"
11. Train
Sometimes, he prefers to wake up to the sound of the trains passing by.
12. Harmony
When he found out that Akira could play instruments, he finds it ironic that there's no harmony in his life.
13. Beautiful
" You're eyes look beautiful, Akira-kun~!"
14. Wizard
Akira can't seem to destroy the evil wizard in his video game; he's also wearing a black trench coat and a hat.
15. Running
Sometimes, he wonders what would happen if he starting to run as fast as possible; would he still follow him?
16. Patience
Akira has only a small amount of patience and somehow, he's able to wait for Shirogane when he's in the shower, taking his sweet time.
17. Doctor
When he heard about Kengo's sister playing Doctor with Akira, he wondered if he could do the same.
18. Speed
He may be the fastest boy on the track but his mind is slow when it comes to those goodnights and soft whispers.
19. Flaming
Shirogane never told him this but when he has red eyes, it looks as if the world is flaming around in them; somehow its beautiful.
20. Bus
Thought the bus may be crowded, if it gives him a chance to squeeze against him, he'll gladly take it.
21. Dancing
" Would you like me to teach you how to dance, Akira-kun?"
22. Peaceful
He takes the boy's hand and leads him in his own room; its peaceful and Akira enjoys it.
23. Diving
Sometimes, he feels like he's sinking in a pool of ice blue, only to be snapped from his thoughts by an amused laugh.
24. Grey
Despite how similar he looks to him with red eyes, Shirogane still prefers the deep grey than the bright red.
25. Gentle
No matter what, his touch is gentle, as if he'll break so easily.
26. Purple
"Purple is also pink, Akira-kun."
27. Sauntering
Its nice seeing him walk around and skip class as if life was just a breeze.
28. Crickets
He is accompanied by the light snoring of a certain teenager and the small crickets.
29. Potato
He never thought that cooking would be harder than what it looks; on TV, they made it seem so easy!
30. Fleeting
He looks up at the fireflies that surround his house; there existence are so fleeting.
31. Nostalgia
"Are those your parents, Akira-kun?"
32. Carrots
" Carrots are orange, not red, Shirogane."
33. Driving
There's something about him that makes Shirogane smile when he tries to hard.
*34. Wrathful
"Lies, lies, lies; when are you going to starting telling me the truth, Shirogane?"
*35. Forgiveness
" I hope that you would trust me but since it annoys you so much, perhaps I can ask for your forgiveness?"
**36. Squeezing
Akira wonders how in the world is he not suffocating when he's being squeezed like a teddy bear?
**37. Sinister
Speak of the devil, he's somehow awake and already staring at him with sinister eyes.
***38. Ambling
Sometimes, its nice to take a small stroll in the park, even with an annoying shadow tagging with you.
***39. Tripping
Somehow, his body falls forward but it doesn't hit the ground; he's faced with a black trench coat and a familiar smile.
40. Jolly
"How can you be so happy all the time?"
41. Blink
"You blinked, Akira-kun; you know what that means?"
42. Floating
He'll never tell this to him but whenever he touches his hair, he feels like he's floating on top of water.
*43. Morning
Every morning, he's greeted by icy blue eyes and pink lips.
*44. Evening
Every evening, he's greeted by a warm laugh and a small kiss.
*45. Night
Every night, he's greeted by a warm whisper and arms wrapped around him.
*46. Dreams
In every dream, he's repeating the same thing over and over again.
47. Wishes
"Its your birthday, Akira-kun; make a wish!"
48. Talking
Even though he complains about him talking to much, in reality, he loves his voice.
49. Books
" I didn't know you could read, Shirogane,"
50. Glasses
Truth be told, he would look damn sexy if he wore his glasses often.