I feel like no one reads my stories Jake

"Why do you say that?"

Very few people review them D: And those are what keep me going to write.

"If you keep writing and stay on the first page then people are more likely to read the story and review no?"

Yeah, but I also need inspiration, candy, boys, the works.

"Don't you already have a boyfriend?"

Don't you have a crush on me?

"…No comment…"

I'm joking Jake, so Halloween is near! I just can't wait for the mountains of candy, amazing costumes, makeup, and pranks…hehehe…

"I know that laugh, you got an idea."

Yeah, but that's for a different time, now if I remember correctly…today would be Thursday in the story timeline, so in about another 10 days it's the heist!

"Wouldn't that end up in a lot of chapters?"

I need to set up the setting just right, if I rushed it then there's no story at all.

"Let me get this straight, its been about 4-5 days but only 15 chapters?"


"…Man you're a slow writer."


*sits* "Damn!"

I trained you well my pet…that sounded weird.

"Ok…back to the story."





I don't own Detective nor Magic Kaitou, both belong to Gosho Aoyama.

"Now to the story."


The Friend of My Enemy…Is My Friend?

Conan was sitting down in a couch in the Mouri residence with a book down in his lap, the only thing that was odd from this apparently normal picture was that the individual in question was not reading the open book at all. The shrunken detective was pondering about that days events, especially his random team work with the annoying magician to clean the name of a foreign girl. Not only did he help someone he didn't really like, he actually enjoyed it. Say what again? Edogawa Conan enjoyed solving a case with the amateur magician Kuroba Kaito. He didn't understand it himself. The quick thinking of the teen to use one of his tricks in the nick of time was probably the answer, but it might also have been that he wasn't that bad as a detective, not the best, but if the magician decided to become a detective he wouldn't need much training or experience to reach his level, although it was obvious that his talent resided in magic tricks and illusions, he still couldn't decipher how Kaito was able to put the card inside his closed book. For some odd reason, he was beginning to believe he was starting to get along with the magician.

Who would have thought? I'm starting to like him, even though he's an annoyance. Thought Conan while closing his eyes for a couple seconds, just to open them wide was not right. The case was close but he felt as though he got information that he ignored completely, something unusual. Then the image of the Hispanic girl came to mind.

That girl…she seems familiar…as if I have heard of her before…but where? On that moment, Daniela became a person of interest in the detective's mind.

Meanwhile the thief was doing something he had never done before…He was going to an older girl's house. After helping Daniela out she invited him to her house, her house! A coffee shop would have been nice, heck even an ice cream or gelato stand, but she invited him to her house. Wasn't that too personal? Or maybe there was a cultural difference from what was considered personal? Kaito wasn't even sure why he was nervous at all, he brought the idea of her giving him ideas for the fiesta he had planned for the Anti-Kid Force and Tantei-kun, he never thought that she wanted to help right away.

Or Mexican girls are bold, or she is unaware that inviting a guy to a girls house is rather a "personal" thing to do… Thought Kaito while walking behind Daniela. At least she is not a nosy detective…

"Here we are!" said Daniela. They arrived at a one story house, beige in color with two windows up front and a brown wooden door, quite modest but it was noticeable that it was bigger than it appeared at first glance. Daniela took out her key and opened the door, Kaito followed and noticed that she did not take off her shoes at the entrance, actually there were no shoes or slippers available, also she did not affirm she was home.

"Erm, Daniela-sempai why didn't take off your shoes?"

"Why would I?" asked Daniela slightly perplexed at Kaito's question.

"Well it's common here in Japan to take of your shoes inside a home and wear some inside shoes like slippers and have a couple extra available for company…just saying."

"Oh, I was not aware of that, you could just leave your shoes there, I cleaned the floor this morning so it's ok to be in your socks, I don't mind, although now I have to put slippers in my shopping list." said Daniela while she decided to take her shoes off as well. Kaito did the same and followed her to what she assumed was the dining room.

"Sorry to ask but are your parents home?" Kaito's curiosity got the better of him apparently, obviously her parents must work late if she did not announce she was home, also she must be an only daughter as well.

"Well, no. I live on my own."

"What? Seriously?"

"Yes, I got a scholarship to study in Japan for the following six years, and since I turned eighteen by the time I got it I was allowed to come here alone. My parents send me money so I can buy groceries and pay the bills, and a little extra for school supplies, clothes, and other stuff."

"So…aren't you scared? I mean, you are a girl and you are alone." said Kaito, why was he nervous all of the sudden?

"Nope, I know how to take care of my self. Plus I have Jake to take care of the house."

"Je-ik*?" asked Kaito, and if on cue he could hear tiny stomps coming from the far end of the hall, and a thing jumped up and landed on top of Daniela who was now with the back on the floor. It was a puppy. A freaking puppy who looked to be a Husky with the typical ice-blue eyes they had, but the body build, ears and tail weren't right, the tail was longer, the ears slightly shorter, and instead of being a mixture o black, grays and whites, he was completely white, some parts of the fur shone as if they were silver, it was a rare dog but also very pretty.

"Parale Jake! Tenemos compania!*" said Daniela in her native tongue and the pup stopped from licking its owner's face. Afterwards it looked towards Kaito…and growled at him.

What? What did I do?!

"Jake, comportate.* Sorry about that Kuroba-kun, Jake is not very fond of strangers." said she while picking the puppy up, an adorable picture of a canine and its owner, except the dog was still growling, and scowling? at our favorite magician who was not having a very pleasant day per say.

"No, it's alright, so…care to tell me how to make a good fiesta?" said Kaito. It was time to get things in movement as soon as possible.

"Well first of all there's the food and decorations. We have the papel picado* serpentinas*…let me bring my computer, I'll need to show you how they look like and how to make them. Oh! I could show you how to make some salsa's and traditional Mexican food today, if you're not too busy that is."

"It would be my pleasure to be taught by you milady." said Kaito while doing his typical bow and offering a white rose to the girl. Daniela, unlike all the other girls he did this too, did not blush, she was not charmed at all. Still she said thank you with a smile and took the rose from Kaito's hand. Either Kaito was losing his touch, or she was gay. Probably the latter. Mean while the dog kept staring at Kaito in not a friendly manner throughout his whole stay at Daniela's home.

It was very late by the time Kaito had finished learning to make six different type of salsas, cut paper decorations, and some very traditional entertainment, he especially memorized the kind of clothes, if he started now, he would have enough outfits for the taskforce and the detectives for the heist the following week, now he just needed to get a bunch of tortillas, fabric, and paper to make everything possible.

"Thank you again for your help today!" said Kaito while leaving Daniela's house.

"Are you sure you don't need someone to walk with you? It's already dark."

Shouldn't I be the one saying that if our roles were reversed? "No thanks! I don't live far from here, thanks for offering though!" said Kaito taking into a sprint and heading home.

Tantei-kun, you better come prepared, because this might be the biggest "party" you'll ever attend…

Back that the Mouri Detective Agency, Conan was using the bento-computer the professor made him a long time ago, it was a shame he didn't get to use it as often as he did with his other inventions, but at least he now didn't have to go to the library of Agasa's house to do research.

"What was her name again? Oh, right…" said Conan while typing the name of the Mexican girl. Nothing came up on the first pages until he decided to clink in the link on United States news page. What came up was not what he expected at all.

Is this for real? She's…Seriously? If so why did she…All of the sudden why Conan was making those questions to himself the page encountered an error and the screen went black, it had encountered a virus, and on the black screen was a image of a Monarch butterfly with a message below that read:

Stalking is not nice, next time it won't be a virus.


"…What just happened?.." And more importantly, who or what is GAL?…

In a dark room, lit by only a computer screen, was a person just finishing typing a couple of things.

"I thought you said no one would look up that name." said a person from the corner of the room and the only thing visible were his eyes which were of an icy color.

"I thought you said someone must be extremely smart to suspect anything." said the person in front of the screen in a mocking tone.

"Maybe it was that guy from before."

"Highly doubt it, I've been here a month and he only knows how to make a mess. It must be someone else."

"Who? The one with the accent?"

"No…it was…someone who did not belong…"

"Did not belong? You are not making any sense."

"I know I'm not making sense, but…I'm sure it was someone we overlooked entirely."

"What about that guy?" said the person of an icy stare toward a newspaper clipping.

"Him? That's a possibility but unless we have proof we cannot do any assumptions or moves, it would be too risky."

"Whatever you say."

"Just zip it. But whoever it was, I couldn't trace the IP address back…"

"Really? That's unusual, say…are we still doing that?"

"You mean the mission? I have no choice, the outcome has already been planned but I simply cannot continue nor interfere unless the situation says so."

"It's getting late, you should go to bed, I'll keep guard incase someone wants to sneak in again."

"Alright, be sure to rest in the morning after I leave."

"Got it."

Kaito was in his room with a sewing machine still going even though it was past midnight, he had already finished seven outfits, he decided to make the easiest ones first and the most complicated ones for later. On the other side of town in Beika, Conan was having chills run up his back, something told him that the next time he saw Kid, it wasn't just going to be "fun".


Translation notes:

Je-ik*=Kaito's pronunciation of the name of the puppy belonging to Daniela.

"Parale Jake! Tenemos compania!"*= Cut it out Jake! We Have Company!" also my computer cannot make the "n" with the "~" on top, it's supposed to be in the Spanish word for "company" .

"Jake, comport ate*." = "Jake, behave." it's her pet, of course he would only understand Spanish and not Japanese right?

So? What did you guys think? I know I took forever to update but can you blame me? I started writing this chapter in October and then I had to study for finals and other stuff, at least I wrote some of the idea down to not forget about it no? Who are the mysterious shadows? How is the fiesta going to turn out? Will we see Conan in an embarrassing outfit? Will I make a picture of said outfit? Who in the world is GAL? Did you guys notice that my editor made a cameo? To those who don't know Jake is my assistant, a product of my imagination that plagued my mind for a while in the shape of a white puppy, he turned into a shape shifter, a werewolf per say with white and silver hair, and he's my editor for the story and comic relief for myself and other authors who know him as well, like Benze-chan and Shingo-sama, amazing writers, you guys should check them. Well, next chapter will be up…Sunday, or sooner, whenever my working muse decides to wake up again, I'm tired, it's late, and I need to tend to my hermit crabs, Elliot, Misaki, and Holmes. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
