Hi. This is a pokemon ranger fan fiction. It is both Fiore and Almia so there will be some crossovers.

Disclaimer: I do not own pokemon or any of the characters or places in the game. It would be really cool if I did but I don't.


Kellyn walked around the Union trying to find something good to do. To a Ranger, unless you had a mission, everyday was so boring. Of course, to people like Sven, there was never a dull day. He just had to walk into Pueltown and come home with girls following him.

Kellyn didn't really understand Sven, I mean, who wears a hat all the time. Ok, so in the Haruba Desert, Kellyn could understand. You could get burned by standing there for two seconds. Btu knowing Sven, he'd probably get a tan. Sven got all the luck. The closest Kellyn ever got to a girl was at the Ranger School when the girls and boys had been in the same class.

Although some people might argue that on account of his room being beside Chairperson Erma's he was beside a girl all the time. But Kellyn didn't even want to think about that. Kellyn suddenly remembered that there was a big party tonight for Chairperson Erma as she was resigning. Kellyn, like all the rangers, would be sad to see her go but there were rumours going around about who would be the next chairperson. Some people said that it would be Spenser. Some people said that it would be Elita. Some people even said it would be Cameron!

To be honest, Kellyn didn't think the role of chairperson would suit any of them. None of would like having to sit around all day instead of being able to go out on missions and capture pokemon. Well, maybe not Elita and Spenser. From what Kellyn had heard, sitting around all day was pretty much all Cameron did.

Kellyn decided he had better get up to the tree of harmony and help the others decorate for the party. He ran down the hall and was just about to talk the stairs up when he stopped by the Situation room. He saw Chairperson Erma talking to a man. Kellyn knew it was dishonest to eavesdrop but, as usual, his curiosity got the better of him. He leaned forward and put his ear against the door but was unable to hear anything. 'Oh well, thought Kellyn. At least he hadn't got into trouble. He sprinted down the hallway and up the stairs to the tree of harmony.


Wendy stood at the foot of the tree of Harmony and looked around her in amazement. It was one hour before the party was scheduled to start and the place looked amazing. All the rangers had captures Volbeat and Illumise and they were now flying around the tree of harmony, lighting up the roof with colours. The rangers, operators and scientists had used all their spare time to decorate the roof. A metal fence had been placed around the roof to stop people from falling off and Wendy's Staraptor had gathered more Staraptor and asked them to fly around the roof and catch anyone who did happen to fall off. It was very unlikely but it's better to be safe than sorry. Streamers lined the branches of the Tree of Harmony and a table had been put in the middle of the roof. This table held all the refreshments and also the cake, which was in the shape of a big styler.

There were loud cheers when Chairperson Erma walked up the stairs to the roof and a band started to play music. People danced and ate and shared stories with and about Erma. The party went on late into the night and by the end of it, the rangers couldn't wait to get to sleep.

Hope you liked the first chapter, please review!