It's been a year and a half since the Fisher job.

Ever since Cobb got past immigration and went home, we all went our separate ways. Some would say everything was the same…while I believe everything changed.

I wasn't the Ariadne I once knew. From doing the Fisher job, and going back home to Paris, I just wasn't the same.

"Can anyone tell me the answer?" Miles asked the class.

No ones hands were raised, so he looked to me.


I snapped out of my thoughts and looked to him.

"If you want to make the best out of a model, I would do something with foam boards or a computer program. Foam boards are light, thin and easy to build on while the technology now a days is so highly advanced, you could go crazy." I replied.

He nodded, waiting for me to continue.

"Drawing is also helpful too. It helps show detail and so many other things you can't express in technology or cutting. It easy to change and move around."

He looked at me for a second and then moved on.

When class was over, I slowly collected my things and walked down to the professor.

"Miles?" I asked, standing in front of his desk.

"Ariadne, just who I wanted to see." He said in his British accent.

"Is everything ok?" I asked slightly confused.

He nodded and lay back in his seat. "How is your portfolio going?"

I shrugged nonchalantly. "It's going fine."

"Can I see?" he asked politely.

I nodded and dug through my bag, getting out the book.

He took it in his hands and slowly looked through it.

"I want to enter you into a contest for an architectural scholarship." He explained bluntly, shutting my portfolio.

"Huh?" I asked confused.

"You are gifted Ariadne. Truly one of the best students I have ever had."

I bowed my head smiling at his sincere comment.

"How about every Monday, Wednesday and Friday we meet up here after class and I help you perfect your portfolio?" he offered.

I looked at him stunned. "Really? Yes, of course. Thank you"

He nodded and gave me a smile.

When I left the professors office, I felt like doing a happy dance. This was amazing.

I was going to have the most perfect portfolio and maybe even graduate early!

The rest of the day went by smooth. I made sure to try extra hard in Miles class and perfect everything in my portfolio.

About a week after the professor's offer, when I was sitting in class, the professor got a call.

It was an unusual call…or so I thought. Everyone knew the professors schedule; and everyone knew not to interrupt him.

He ended the call abruptly and dismissed the class. Packing up my things slowly, I didn't know whether to go down and talk to him or not.

Something was bothering him. I could see it in his way he was sitting with his hands entwined together and his elbows on his desk; his face showing deep thought and sadness.

Acting on impulse, I made my way down to him and stood in front of him.

"Professor?" I asked softly.

He looked up at me with sad eyes and brought a seat close to him.

"Let's keep working on the portfolio shall we?" he told me with that British accent of his.

I looked at him confused for a second. That's not why I was there…

Sighing I pulled my bag over my head and took out my portfolio. We worked on it for hours until I set my pencil down and looked at him.

"Miles, you have been staring at me for almost an hour now." I looked at him, slightly over my shoulder.

He was leaning back in his chair with his arms crossed and his head to the side, just watching me.

I could tell he had mixed emotions…they were practically displayed on his face.

"I got a call today," he started.

"It was…" he sighed. "They have another job for you."

I looked at him surprised. "Oh."

He sat up and turned to me. "Ariadne, I know I have said this before, but you are talented. And…watching you use your gift for inception and extraction…"

I watched as he had difficulty with his words.

"I just don't want you to get caught up in this like my son did." He told me, referring to Cobb.

I swallowed and nodded. "Don't worry sir, I wont."

He nodded, and got out a piece of paper. He wrote something on it and then handed it to me.

"Here is the address."

As I took it, I could see him put up a mask to hide his emotions.

I packed my things, feeling exhilarated about another job.

When I turned back to the professor, I could see how unhappy and unsettled he was. I felt bad; he was about the steadiest thing in my life. He helped me get back on my feet after my first job, and he covered for me when I was gone.

"Professor?" I asked.

He looked up, giving me his full attention.

"I know how Cobb and Mal got lost in inception, but that's not me. It's not about the thrill of going under…or the way you can do practically anything and everything." I took a breath and went on.

"It's about how I feel when I'm building. It's about the way I can turn something from ordinary to extraordinary. The way I feel about architecture will never change. It's my job and my passion. It's pretty much the reason I get up in the morning." I laughed.

"But…letting my dreams and imagination go wild; turning them into something more…it's just…breathtaking. I know I may be gifted and blessed with something that I might not fully understand, but as much as I want to run away from it all…its apart of me."

I could see his face fall, and I became a little more nervous.

"I don't want to go into this job like I did with the other one. I'm going to think this through. I promise." I said. I looked at him one more time and then backed away, leaving class.

"Ariadne?" his voice echoed in my ears.

I turned around, stopping right in front of the door.

"What changed? I mean, you just told me inception was something you loved yet your going to think about the job?"

I gave him a sad smile. "After the job was over and everyone parted ways, it wasn't just me who left. It was like they each stole a part of me I can't get back. And I couldn't handle that empty feeling inside."

I pushed away the thoughts. "I'm not going to let that happen again, and im not going to loose my grip on reality. I can't afford it."

He nodded and gave me a small smile. "Have a good day." He chirped.

Flashing him a smile, I walked out of his class; whether he said it or not, I knew he approved of what I thought and my actions to do the job or not.

That feeling…it just made me think that maybe I could do this.