Disclaimer: I do not own any characters in this story

Rated: Teen+ Now that I've had more experience with fanfics.. I'm sure my story won't be getting into "mature"

Hey guys!

This is my first chapter of Our Love - a Jacob and Nessie story! This is my first fanfic, so please go easy on me! Constructive critisism would be great! Please let me know how you like it! I want to know if I should pursue writing, even as a hobby.

I'm sorry for any typos! ): I don't have spell check, and I'm usually writing around midnight, so I'm too lazy to go over everything!
I wanted to capture the bond between Jake and Ness... It's what captured me. Every character SM has created all have such soul deep bonds with their significant other. I love that. Because it's so real. Im TRYING to capture that.

This takes place a month or 2 after Breaking dawn (: Nessie is still small. Don't worry, I plan on making this long, and in that time, Nessie will grow. So will her relationship with Jake. wink wink.

BTW: I do not like making my stories dirty. The characters will share intimate moments. Yes, physically intimate moments (when she's fully grown...i would hope that would be obvious). But not dirty. Because that's just not them.

Sorry for the ramblings! please enjoy!

CHAPTER 1 - Surprise!


The green blur of the trees flying past me was comforting. The mellow silence of the run was soothing. It was rare for me to enjoy a silent run through the forest. Usually the mental gushing of thoughts wouldn't leave my head until I phased back to my human form. I wondered why none of the pack had phased today. Maybe they were eating. Food usually kept them in their human form, considering the inconvinience of eating with no fingers, aswell as the fact that they never got full.

I noticed I was more excited then usual. Giddy, almost. I guess I was always happy when I was running to see Nessie. My excitment grew with each mile that flew beneath my paws. Of course I saw Ness every day, but the same excitment of putting the distance behind me, each step closer to her never ceised to fill me. No matter how many times I could be with her, It would never be enough. The slightest seperation caused me pain. The pain of seperation from Nessie was beyond words. The hollow aching of the emptiness in my whole person was too much to handle. But I knew if she ever needed space, or time away from me, I would leave. Because that's what she wouldve wanted. If that was what wouldve mad her happy. I would comply. I would pray that that day would never come. The pain that would engulf me then would be more than too much to handle. I sighed. No matter my trials or tribulations during the day, she would always occupy my mind to the fullest. 24/7.

As soon as I hit the opening infront of the house, I phased back and put my shorts on, before running up to the door. The doorbell was now never used. It was actually sort of funny as I thought of it now. The cullen's home was my second home. I opened the door and strode in.

"SURPRISE!" I jumped back. What the hell? Surprise? What? Was it some sort of special occasion today? I was surpised to see my whole pack here too. Actually everyone was here. Edward and Bella, Carlisle and Esme, Jasper, on the foot of the stairs, Pixie, a few meters away from me, Blondie and Emmet on the sofas, by the TV. Maybe the surprise was for someone else, and when I walked in they thought I was the other person. Jeez the days were slipping by me, What was the date again? My face must have reflected the confusion I felt.

Edward smiled at me, beside Bella. "Happy Birthday, Jacob" He hinted to me, grinning at my dumbfounded expression, obviously hearing my confusion. It was my birthday? God, I'm such an idiot. I automatically smiled, so that no one would get hurt. Alice obviously went through alot to pull this off. The whole house was decorated with streemers and balloons - brown and blue. There was also a big banner that said HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

The table in the back was centerpeiced with a blue and brown 4 teir cake. Alice must have known the damage the pack could do to food. I chuckled. "Thanks guys", I smiled.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JAKE!" Ness squeeled as she pushed through my pack and her family who were hovering around me. I noticed she was wearig a pale yellow sundress, her hair tied back with a pale yellow bow. I guess I always noticed what she was wearing, how she looked, how she changed. She was always adorable - her mahoganny ringlets bouncing as they passed her waist. She never ceised to amaze me at how perfect she was. She finally got through and leaped into my arms. This movment was perfectly synchronized now - from months of experience.I held her close to me, and closed my eyes, as she wrapped her tiny arms around my neck. She nuzzled her face in the nook between my shoulder and my neck. She had claimed that spot when she was only a few weeks old. I held her tighter against my chest. Perfect. This word could not describe the feeling of overwhelming relief that flooded through me like this, every time i would hold her to me. She was happy, she was healthy, and she was safe. And she was with me. The joy and relief swirled in me. I felt myself smile from the unbearable sense of it all. I was whole. Her tiny warm body in my arms. So soft, so perfect. Nothing ever seemed warm to me now except her. She pulled her head back to smile at me. She touched her palm against my cheek. '

'I love you Jake', Whenever she spoke my name in her thoughts, there was always a possesive edge to it. I was hers. I belonged to her. The happiness flooded through me again. I smiled widely "I love you too, Ness" I whispered, and spun her around in my arms, as she hugged me again. I closed my eyes, still smiling as I took time to inhale her scent. I sighed. contented. She smelled sweet, and floral. Like lilac and honey. If there was a definition of perfect, it would be her. It was kind of funny and more than true, as I thought of it now; I was holding my life in my arms.

I finally realized that we weren't the only people in the room when Emmet cleared his throat and chuckled. Ness giggled, gave me a quick peck on the cheek, and climbed her way up to my shoulders, where she would sit most of the time.

"Jake! Happy birthday, Bro!" Seth and the others greeted me with a fist pound when he saw my hands were free.

"Thanks guys"

"Happy Birthday, Jacob!" Alice sand as she danced her way over to me, and wrapped her pale arms around my torso. I cringed, but tried not to move away from the icey coldness. She was hugging me? This was unexpected, usually the vamp family liked to keep our proximity to a distance.I guess this was supposed to be touching. I wrapped my arms around her ice cold figure. Cringing mentally at the icey hardness, my nose wrinkled as the bleach scent burned my nose. "Thanks, Shortie. This place looks awesome" I smiled at her. Though I knew as well as anyone else in this family that Alice would use any occassion as an excuse to decorate and through a party. I knew I was right when Edward chuckled lightly beside Bella. "What?" Bella whispered to him. Whispering was usless because everyone in this house had super hearing. "I think Jacob knows our family a little too well" he whispered back. "That's because he's part of the family, Edward" She smiled at me. I smiled back at my best friend.

Alice pulled away and danced her way to the center of the room.

"Okaaaaayy!" Alice chimed." All you... Uhm, human wolf, things. Oh whoever can actually digest food, the food is on the dining room table. Wolves, please be gentle when eating. Esme is very fond of that table." Esme mouthed 'Thank you' to her from the top of the banister where she now was, sketching. Nessie giggled from ontop of my shoulders. The sound of her laugh egnighted a spark in me. It made me want to laugh with her, and forget everything else. It was the most beautiful sound in the world.

Surprisingly enough, I wasn't that hungry, so I let my pack do the eating. Leah was beggining to put up with the Cullens. She tried to see them through my perspective one day while we were hunting. Though she was not here today. Baby steps.

Nessie leaped agilely off my shoulders onto the floor. "Im gunna go eat Jake," She told me before running off to the dining room. Nessie had begun to warm up to human food. Mostly the good stuff, like steak, and bacon, and most other meats. From the smell of it, Alice had that prepared for today... maybe I would go get something later... "Hey, Ness?" I called after her

"Yeah, Jake?" She called back.

"Can you save me something before my pack demolishes everything?"

"Okay," She giggled as she peeped her head out of the doorway, and leaped onto Seth's shoulders to get a better view of the selection of food on the table. I chuckled. Everyone had dispersed amongst themselves. Esme was sketching on the head of the large staircase, From the sound of it, Bella was bickering with Alice upstairs in hushed tones as Alice tried to convince Balla on buying a certain designer sun dress. Jasper was, by the sound of it, in his office on the computer upstairs. The hum of the computer was pretty loud to me. Carlisle was probably in his study. Though he made no noise. Rosalie and Emmet were sitting on the sofa infront of the TV. Edward was lounging on the sofa accross from theirs, flipping through channels, not even looking for something to watch. Probably just listening to Bella's conversation with Alice. I knew this because everytime Alice would whine like a baby, he would frown, then smile when he heard Bella's excuses. Knowing Edward, he was waiting for Bella to wither give in or turn Alcie down so that he could be with his one true love. He smiled, and chuckled lightly. And I knew I was right. Considering I had nothing else to do, i decided to try my luck at pissing off the Barbie doll again.

"Hey, Blondie," I called her as I walked over to collapse on the other sofa. She ignored me. Obviously. "What? I don't get a 'Happy Birthday' from you?" I teased.

"Oh, my apologies, Dog." she snorted. I grinned shamelessly.

"You're forgiven," I said just to push it a bit more.

"Well you get my birthday wishes, man. Happy Birthday, Bro!" Emmet chortled, and met me in a fist pound. Emmet was actually pretty awesome. We wrestled once in a while. Apparently I was the only acceptable contendor since everyone else in this house 'cheated'.

Rosalie's eyes glinted in discust when she saw Emmet's friendly greeting. That reminded me...

"So, Blondie, How do you make a blond's eyes sparkle?" I continued when she snorted. "You shine a flashlight through her ears!"

Emmett chuckled in the corner. Rosalie hissed at him. "Sorry, babe." Emmett defended himself. "It was kind of funny though". Blondie snarled quietly. Emmet stood up and backed away slowly with his hands up in mock surrender. He slowly left, probably to keep his head on his shoulders. Rosalie stalked out the room, to work on her cars I was guessing. Edward chuckled loudly from the sofa again. I turned to him. What, Edward? "I guess you are part of the family, Jacob." He answered. " That's three in a row now." I grinned at him. Get used to it, Edward. You can't keep me away. Couldn't do it then, and you can't do it now. I smiled. "I guess that's true. Except I don't think anyone wants to chase you away...well except maybe for Rose. But other then that, you are family, Jacob."

Jeez. The bloodsucker was breaching the subject of me being part of his bloodsucking family. This was a bit too much at once. I tried to keep my face casually happy while my my mind turned over the thought of being part of their family. They were a family, there was no doubt of that. They were people. Human or not. And they could love. The loyalty and understanding, the selfsacrifice i had witnessed in this in this coven was more abundant than in any human family i had ever seen. It had been very unexpected to me. My discust for them before, would haze over any clear sence of observation. Then I saw Nessie. And everything changed. The question was, did i want to be part of their family? I ran through this question again and again. Yes. I did. I couldn't imagine not seeing them everyday. I was Nessie's family, and I was Bella's family. Therefor I was a part of them were part of my life, and for once, I didn't regret that thought. Who wouldve known i could ever say that i was a part of a vampire family. "I guess I am," I admitted.

And to think, if bella hadnt fallen in love with Edward, and if all that crap hadnt happened, I wouldn't be here. My pack wouldnt be here. And I wouldve never imprinted. I would'v never known my Nessie. I saw Edward cringe slightly when i thought about "my" Nessie. Jeez Edward, It's not like I'm saying she's mine and only mine. You know my thoughts, you know how it is. She is yours and bellas. shes your daughter. But you have to understand my feelings for her. Edwards mouth mashed into a hard line before he spoke.

"I understand that, Jacob. I do not have any problems with your particular claim on my daughter. But Bella however, has a particular affront with anyone besides her or myself who would place claim on her. You remember the first day of her transformation."

Yeah. I did remember. Bella was really O.A. But She would've had to understand by now.

"I think she might. I never know the direction of her thoughts, Jacob. Maybe with a bit more time and persuation, she might come to understand. She is more than extremely stuborn, as you know. She can't dee into minds like I do. Or understand the reasons behind thoughts. Many issues similar to this one. Issues that are close to her heart, if I may, seem insurmountable to her." He said, empethetically. Yes. I did know that. Bella was very stuborn. if anyone would understand that, it would be me and him.

"PRESENTS!" Alice anounced, disrupting our conversation. Oh great. Presents. I rolled my eyes.

"You guys really shouldn't have gotten me anything." I told them.

"We didn't" Paul laughed at me.

Great. I hated presents. It was always so akward. Someone gives u a present. You smile at them stupidly. Slowly open the present akwardly because everyone in the room is watching u in expectation. You take out the item. The item you really dont want. Say thankyou to the person. Hug them. Say I've always wanted this! I'll pass.

Edward chuckled lightly. This guy seemed to really find me funny.

"Bella" Alice directed, "You go first" She said as everyone crouded around the main room.

Bella stepped forward holding a tiny brown box with a big blue bow.

"This is from me and Edward." she told me. Edward smiled, when I shot him a questioning look. What could the possibly have to give me? There was absolutely nothing I would want. Oh here comes the akward part. Bella handed me the gift akwardly. She hated presents just as much as i did. I wrapped my fingers around it and gave it a shake. It sortta jingled. I was curious by this point. I slowly untied the bow and opened the box.


Oh God, please don't let it be a house. Knowing the cullens, they would do that.

Edward chuckled. "It's not, Jacob." he assured me, "Here, follow us" He said as he and Bella made their way out the door. I frowned, but followed them to the garage. The garage door was already open, Rosalie still working on one of her cars in the far end of the garage. It was a place to hold cars and it was probably bigger than my house. There was a few cars that were covered up. Probably Edward's or Carlisle's. Why were we here? Its not like he would get me a -

My jaw dropped. In that moment, the cover off the middle car flew off, and in it's place stood a gorgeous, breathtaking navy blue Aston Martin Vanquish. He had to be kidding.

"Nope," he smiled. "I remembered last month, when you were... troubed that day, and I lent you my car... you seemed to enjoy it. Bella and myself spoke about it, and it seemed suitable."

"I will never understand guys and cars" Bella muttered to herself.

You got me a Vanquish? I thought to him. I was still not able to speak.

Oh my God. He got me an Aston Martin Vanquish.

Edward cleared his throat. "We" He corrected me. Right. They got me a Vanquish.

My thoughts blurred and scattered as I tried to comprehend anything.

Wait a second. Why would he get me a Vanquish? Why would he get me a car? What do you want from me? I asked him.

"Jacob," He said, offended, "You must understand that when gifts here are given, it is not so we recieve something in return."

But why?

"You have to understand that I do think of you as a brother, Jacob. I know. I never thought it would happen either, but you to me are truly one of my most reliable friends. I truly do think of you as a brother."

Wow. He thought of me as a brother. I didn't know weather this was a bad thing or a good thing. Edward. My brother? I never thought of it being like this. Being as close as brothers with a vampire. With Edward. The Cullen's had become family to me. We fought alongside one another for the ones we loved. But what was I supposed to say now?


"You're welcome," He answered simply. "Go ahead, take it for a drive."

Oh this is going to be fun.


The ride was amazing. It was beautiful. Glorious. Perfect.

As soon as I got home,...home?...I guess there was no denying it. The Cullen home was my home now too.

As soon as I got back I went straight to the couch where Edward was sitting.

"Thanks, Edward. It's amazing."

"You're welcome," He smiled.

I suddenly remembered. "Where's Nessie?" Was she okay? Where was she?

"She's ... fine, Jacob. She's just with Alice. She's... In a bit of a predicament at the moment. She has a present for you too, you know."

Nessie had a present for me? The thought warmed my heart. A predicament? What?

"She's sitting in the back with Alice."

I nodded a thanks as I quickly darted out the back doors, to look for Alice and Nessie. I instantly saw them sitting on a bench by the river, their backs facing me. I jogged towards my life as fast as I could. As soon as I got to them, I smiled. "Ness," I breathed, smiling. She didn't look at me. A sudden pang of worry hit me like a tidal wave

"Alice, Wha-"

"She's fine, Jacob," She halfsmiled. "I'll leave you two to talk,"

Alice was gone before I could blink.

I sat beside Ness, and wrapped my arm around her immediately, pullling her onto my lap. She sniffled. Was she crying?

"Ness, look at me," I whispered gently, lifting her chin up so she could meet my eyes.

She was crying. My world instantly crashed. My Nessie was crying. She was hurting.

"Ness whats wrong, " I asked urgently, yet gently.

She placed her palm to my cheek. The flashes of thoughts finally organized as she settled on a scene she saw earlier today. Her Dad showing me my gift from him. Me and obviously how much I liked it. And her pain, because she thought that what she could never beat a car.

"Mine's just a peice of junk," She whispered, sniffling again.

"Nessie, noo" I tried to comfort her. How could she think that? I'm sure anything she could give me would be a million times better than a car. She had given me her. I could never think of anything else in the world that could even come close to that. To spending time with her.

"Yes it is," She whispered again, almost unintelligably.

She was stubborn. "Can I see it then?" I almost smiled.

"You're not going to like it," she murmured, but then handed me something that she had kept beside her. A brown paper box with a blue bow on top. There was also a handmade card taped to the top. Written on the front of the card was Happy Birthday! In perfect handwriting.

"Can I open it?" I asked gently

She just sniffled in response. I smiled, and peeled the card from the tape.

Dear Jacob,

Happy 17th birthday! It's great that you don't get old though, isn't it? Daddy told me that Momma was always worrying about her age, but now she's changed so it's all good now.

I couldn't think of what to get you that would be just right. Aunt Alice told me I should make something. She said that it means alot more than something you can buy because there is nothing else in the world that is exactly the same. And there's no one like you that is is exactly the same. Because you are special. Especially to me.

I made the whole thing aaaalllllll by myself. I really hope that you like it.

I love you much, Jacob.


Nessie 3

My smile could have made a blind man see light again. My heart was swelling inside my chest. This alone could have made me cry, though I would get hell from Emmet and Edward if they saw that I was.

"I love it, Ness!" I assured her," And I love you much too!" She sortta giggled, then sniffled. She whiped her eyes with the back of her hand. She bit her lip, and her cheaks flushed pink. It made me want to just pick her up and hug her all day.

"You can open it," She told me

I ripped a way the brown wrapper, and opened the box inside.

My heart stopped. It probably exploded. I wouldn't know.

Inside was a perfect portrait of Nessie in my arms, both of us laughing. The frame was an intricate woven was woven with twigs, and wooden vines. Tangled together, offering a woodsey, homey feeling.

Nessie touched my cheek again. It was her, picking each twig, and stick off of he forest floor with care. Examining each one making sure it was perfect for the gift.

I couldn;t take it anymore. I scooped her up in my arms and hugged her to me as tight as I could without breaking her.

"Nessie, I love it. I can't beleve you made this. Its perfect!.It means soo much to me, Ness. You have no idea. I can't even find words."

"So you like it?" She murmured into my shoulder.

"I can't even begin to tell you how much i love it. Soo much Nessie. Soo much. And I love you soo much, You perfect little girl." She giggled when I hugged her tighter to me.

"Jake," She gasped "Can't breathe!" I pulled away.

"Sorry," I whispered, then grinned, as her brilliant, glowing smile lit up her face, and she wrapped her tiny arms around my Neck and hugged me as tight as she could.

"I love you more. Jacob." She mumbled.

"That's highly impossible, Ness" I scolded her playully.

"I don't think so," She murmured. She touched my cheek.

I think we love eachother the same amount. And that's alot.

"I think you are absolutely right." I smiled and kissed her nose. She giggled. "So you made this all by yourself? Jeez, Ness. I'm still drawing stick figures."

"Daddy taught me the basics. Aunt Alice taught me the more difficult stuff. She loves drawing and painting her fashion designs. She said I could help her sometime." She smiled.

She had worked soo hard at it for me. I thought about the gorgeous car Edward and Bella had gotten me. And realized I all but forgot about it. This gift from Nessie was absolutely priceless.

"That's amazing, Ness. It's the best gift I've ever gotten. I'm going to put it right beside my bed."

Her eyes lit up ,as her breathtaking smile lit up her face. "Really, Jake? You really mean that? The best presnt you ever got?"

No doubt about it. "Absolutely," I promised her. She giggled again and kissed my cheek.

"I love you, Jake." She smiled, and pressed her palm to my cheek again. My Jake. I smiled again. Or maybe I just never stopped. "And I love you, Ness.



"Soooo," Aunt Alice prompet me, her eyes lit up. "Did he like it?" She said, almost bouncing on my bed.

We were in my room, Aunt Alice and I always talked about everything. Sicne she taught me how to make the present she really wanted to know how it went.

I pressed my palm to her cheek. I showed her everything that happened. The love I felt for my Jacob couldn't help but seep into the thoughts. When I pulled my hand away, she smiled.

"Aw, I'm soo glad, Nessie! See? I told you he would love it!" She had told me that.

"Thankyou, Aunt Alice. I love you." I said and hugged her as tight as I could.

I had asked Momma and Daddy if I could go sleep over at Jake's house tonight. They had said yes. They knew just as well as I did that if anything happened, Jake could protect me. I was extremely excited ro see Jacob. To sleepover. It was always lots of fun when we did this. Staying up late, watching movies, building forts out of sheets. I loved it. Jacob was the only one I did things with. He was my best friend.

Auntie Alice always helped me pack for trips like these. She did let me wear Tshirts, as long as they were cute and not dirty and worn. I did like to dress up sometimes, like for Jacob's party. I loved that yellow sundress Aunt Alice had gotten me.

"Okay Ness." she said as she flitted around the room, throughing things neetly into my mini custom made designer suitcase. "Im just about finished. Just choose between your red monkey pj's or your blue penguin ones." She smiled. Alice was considerate to say the most. Instead of forcing me into uncomfortable designer pajamas, she let me choose my own. It was pretty cool today, so I chose my cotton monkey ones. I handed her the pajamas and she smiled at me. "Ohhhhkay! You're all ready. Jacob should be here in a few minutes to pick you up. I couldn't help the bubble of excitemnt that burst through my lips. I grabbed my suitcase and ran downstairs with the speed of light. And there was my Jacob. Standing infront of the door with his arms crossed and his grin spreading from ear to ear. I leaped into his arms like I had done since I could remember, and cuddled into the nook of his neck. He kissed my hair.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Yup" I grinned.

So there's my first chapter of my first fanfic.

Did I get their characters right? Their personalities? It's really important to me that they stay them. That i don't change them. Please, I would really enjoy some feedback!


Please let me know! Constructive critism and comments(: Anything you liked about it specifically?

Review Review Review! It's very important to me. Thankyou for taking the time to read!

Lots of lovee!


Soul Deep Love