I've got so many wicked ideas for this story, I cant wait to get on with it, but I promise I'll be updating 'Sleep, Glorious Sleep' soon, I'm loving that one too!

Thanks for the support as always and the reviews, they mean more to me than you'll know.

The sun was shining, the birds were singing, it was a glorious day in Bonnie's backyard. Bonnie was running about all over the place, getting excited as she had Jessie ride Bullseye.

Buzz was stood on top an old shoe box, painted glitter pink, one arm up and one down. Woody was leaning back against a cardboard box, standing next to Rex and the Potatohead's, Hamm was in Barbie's dream car with several other Barbie dolls.

All the toys were thoroughly enjoying some bonding time with Bonnie; she always gave them such wonderful adventures to go on. Quite often different entirely to the ones Woody, Buzz and the others were used to. But it didn't matter, Bonnie was one in a million and absolutely nothing was going to spoil this perfect day…

"WHAT!" Woody shouted at the top of his voice, his heart pounding as he and Hamm talked away from everyone else.

Buzz looked up, away from Jessie and Slinky. "What are they talking about?" He asked them curiously.

"If we knew that we wouldn't be trying to ear-wig." Slinky pointed out.

"NO!" Woody again shouted, he sounded seriously worried.

"Woody! Calm down!" Hamm looked to him sternly.

"Calm down? CALM DOWN?" Woody cried out.

"Yes! In other words if you don't shut up, Private Dick over there is gonna get REAL suspicious."

Woody's heart felt like it was going to erupt from its chest, his head was swimming, and he was going numb all over.

"Tell me this isn't happening!" Woody started to pace, back and forth, over and over.

"Look on the bright side, it'll only be a week, you can manage that cant you?"

"A…A…Week…" Woody said nervously, he began to pace faster.

"Will you stop pacing? You'll give yourself a heart attack! And Buzz will kill me!"

"Oh my god Buzz…What am I gonna tell Buzz, this can't happen there has to be a way out of this."

"Look, the guy said it could be any day now, he wasn't sure, just relax and let it happen I'm sure Buzz…"

"BUZZ DOESN'T KNOW!" Woody yelled, this obviously caught his attention, he wasn't just curiously worried anymore, and he wanted to know what the heck was going on that he was keeping a secret from him and the others.

The gang rounded up, unbeknown to Woody and Hamm, Buzz lead the group closer, coming up behind Woody.

"Oh wait I got the message wrong, he said two weeks not a week, what am I talking about." Hamm laughed, Woody fainted.

Fainted that was, right into Buzz's arms. Buzz caught him with ease and gently eased him down into his thighs as he knelt down on the ground.

"Is he okay?" Jessie asked, Hamm panicked.

"Err… I think I should go now." Hamm started to run, Buzz sent Rex after him and dragged him back.

"I may not have long arms, but my teeth are like razors!" Rex said as he dropped the evil Dr. Pork Chop down.

"Talk." Buzz shot him an evil glare. Woody was still being cradled in his lap and Jessie was fanning him with her cowgirl hat.

"I…I don't know what you're talking about…" Hamm tried, backing up.

"What were you and Woody talking about?" Buzz asked a little more calmly.


Buzz nodded.

"And me?"

Buzz nodded again, getting slightly annoyed,


"YES!" Buzz got angry at him; he didn't mean to, he was just worried about what was so secretive.

"Somebody…I…Err…I told Woody that…The ice cream man is moving up to two days a week now!"

There was a silence, none of them believed him and Mr. Potatohead was the first to perk up.

"I say we have a bacon sandwich for dinner…"

"But Hamm isn't really a pig." Trixie pointed out.

"I know that…" He replied, rolling his eyes. "Never mind, the moments gone."

"Spill it, or you loose the cork." Buzz smirked, he knew Hamm's weakness.

"You wouldn't!"

"I would!"

"You would!" Hamm panicked…

A few moments later Woody began to stir, the world around him spun like he was trying to play catch up. He instinctively brought his hand up to face, trying to stop the sun from blaring in his eyes.

"Urghh…." He moaned, suddenly a face appeared over him, he knew instantly who it was, that's when it all came flooding back.

"Tell me I'm dreaming…" He looked up at Buzz. Buzz shook his head, smirking playfully.

"Oh no cowboy, it's all very real."

Woody gently sat up; there was no-one around but the two of them. "Where did Hamm go?"

"He went for a little walk to the backyard with the others."

"O…K…." Woody tried not to sound worried.

"Lay with me cowboy." Buzz said as he picked a spot in the shade, patting the ground next to him. Woody knew he knew something, but whether it was what only Hamm and himself knew was a different matter.

Woody scooted over and sat up next to him, leaning on one hand and looking down at him. Buzz was smirking constantly, moving his hand to Woody's thigh and stroking it lovingly.

"So…Why did you faint?" Buzz asked.

"I err…I just felt…" Woody tried, but the lie wouldn't come out, he just couldn't lie to Buzz.

"Dizzy?" Buzz asked, but before Woody could answer he continued. "Or shock maybe?"

"Okay Buzz Lightyear, what did the pig spill…"

"More than his change!" Buzz laughed, bringing his hand up to Woody's neck, bringing him down and kissing him lovingly. Woody of course replied with just as much enthusiasm, but he wasn't finished with the subject yet. When the kiss broke, Woody flipped Buzz to his back, straddling his waist and interlocking his fingers with the space ranger's over his head.

"Please, please, please tell me he didn't…"

"Oh he did…"

"How much?"

"The whole thing, from start to finish including bits he didn't tell you before you went for a head swim."

"Oh no…" Woody hid his head down into Buzz's chest.

"Woody…Its not that bad…Come on…" Buzz lifted his head with a finger under the chin.

"Bad? BAD?" Woody burst out, running his hands down Buzz's sides, making him shiver. "Buzz this is my worst nightmare. How could my parents find me? Here of all places…"

"I'm not sure but I can't wait…It'll be interesting!" Buzz laughed.

"Buzz, I haven't seen them since we got separated…They were a rare collectable items and got sold off to some rich millionaire who didn't want a Woody doll to boot."

"Do you remember them?"

"Not a lot, I just remember what they were like…Annoying, loud, my dad he's a proper cowboy, thinks he is anyway. He can't shoot rope for no one, but mom would always make me go throw it onto that cardboard cow when he wasn't looking, just to make him feel better."

"Sounds like you take after your mom then…Kind and caring." Woody would have blushed if he could.

"Aww shucks Buzz…"

Buzz leant up and kissed him softly, looking into his eyes. "So why all the secrecy?"

Woody didn't really have an explanation; he was embarrassed more than anything. For the most part he was absolutely unique, out of all the toys he was probably the only one who did have parents, since he, himself and his parents were also rare collectables.

"I don't know…"

"Ah come on Woody, this is me you're talking to…"

Woody looked to him and saw the love in his eyes; he saw the compassion in his face but most of all he saw the smirk forming at his lips. "Buzz…"

"Okay, okay I can't say this won't be funny as heck and ironic to boot, but cowboy, there wasn't a day when I didn't wonder if there was something about you I didn't know."

"Oh Buzz there's a lot of things about me you don't know…" Oops, that was the wrong thing to say.

"Oh really?"

"Now Buzz don't you dare! My parents will come and go and that will be the end of it, we'll talk, we'll laugh, they won't be staying in Bonnie's room EVER and hopefully they'll never come back…"

"Woody their your parents!"

"Fine Buzz Lightyear, how about we invite you parents too?"

"I don't have any!" Buzz smirked.

"Oh really, then why did Rex tell me about Zurg in the elevator shaft of that hotel when you were trying to rescue me and Jessie and Bullseye?"

"Eh…" Buzz tried to come up with an excuse but he couldn't. "Now Woody…"

"Don't you 'now Woody' me mister!" Woody looked to him sternly pulling him up into the sitting position, still sat in his lap.

"But there must be thousands of Zurg's out there…"

"Not exactly…" Rex said as he was walking past, Hamm had an evil look on his face.

"Hamm!" Buzz scowled.

"Don't worry Buzz, I told you I'd get you back for taking my cork."

"Go on Rex…" Woody stood with Buzz.

"Well you see, before we left that elevator shaft I spoke with Zurg and he told me he was a one off too, he even had a Mrs Zurg!" Rex spoke.

"This just gets better…" Woody laughed, Buzz's face dropped.

"You, my friend, just happen to be one of their 23 million sons." Trixie added.

"We found it on the internet!" Rex added.

"We also found that he was living not far away from where you met him and invited him over! He was completely excited and couldn't wait to bring himself and Mrs Zurg round to see you Buzz!" Trixie topped it off.

Buzz felt his knees shaking, his heart pounding, Woody put his hands on his shoulders from behind and leaned in to whisper. "Now tell me how bad it is."

"This cant be happening!" Buzz shouted.

"They'll be here tomorrow and they'll be staying for two weeks! How exciting Buzz and Woody's parents coming! This is will be one very interesting meeting!" Mrs. Potatohead chimed in; the toys nodded and began to walk back down the garden.

Woody leaned in, pressing his hips to Buzz from behind. Buzz moaned softly when he felt the erotic cowboy fiddle with the buttons on his chest. "Now I just can't wait to hear your excuse." Woody laughed gently.

Buzz spun around and grabbed the upper parts of his arms, pulling him in close and passionately taking him to the ground, kissing him all over his neck. "Neither can I…" He whispered.