Jou sat nervously at the back of the crowd. The wedding had come around quickly, and he could feel his heart racing at the idea of trying to stop it. Not only was he going to defy his family, his company and his ethics, but also himself. He didn't want to do this. He loved Kaiba, he needed Kaiba, but so did the rest of the world, and announcing his 'kind of love' in public was sure to get him shot.
Why did Kaiba even want him to stop it anyway? Did he was Jou to make a proclamation of love and then publicly shoot him down? Why couldn't he do it himself?
Because it's fucking Kaiba, and if he can get anyone else to do stuff for him. He will. That's why. That and he wouldn't want to do anything bad for his image. Stupid Kaiba.
He twirled his thumbs nervously as he watched the people file in. He tore the dancing fingers apart to stuff one hand into his pocket. Yes. It was still there. That's all he needed. As long as he had that, everything would be over with quickly…and that should solve it.
He watched as everyone took their seats, chattering amongst themselves. He was supposed to be sat up front with everyone else, but the cameras were about, and he wasn't ready to be seen yet…he didn't think he ever would be. He glanced to the clock on his wrist…5 minuets. The pain in his chest was becoming insufferable. His body began to burn with sweat and freeze under pressure. He felt sick. Horribly sick and there was nothing he could do.
Then he arrived. Kaiba walked between the gathering of people with his father, shooting a determined glance at Jounouchi, who simply nodded. Jou watched through raw eyes as Kaiba took his place at the front, trying his best to smile and look excited.
Then it began. The music. The slow…dreary music. The crowd stood up, and after a short delay, Jou followed them. He smiled meekly as his sister walked passed. He had to admit, she looked beautiful. He wanted to cry. He looked at her saddened expression, and the glare she shot him.
Could he really go through with this?
His eyes followed her down the aisle, his gaze often dropping on the members of the crowd with their handkerchiefs out, dabbing at glistening tears. She took her place at the front, smiling at Kaiba, and the people took their seats.
And so it began.
Jou could feel his mouth heat up, and he forced the vomit down. He could do this. He needed to do this, and Kaiba was relying on him. He'd thought all week about what he would do, and here it was. The final stand…his only chance to win the affections of Seto Kaiba, once and for all.
The vicar droned on, his words a messy dull blur. Jou could feel his head bang, his heart race. His watch again…10 minuets in. Now was as good a time as any.
He stuffed his hand into his pocket, and stood up. Keeping his head down, he walked silently up the aisle, his heart pounding harder and harder all the way. Heads began to turn as he passed, their curious eyes bearing into the back of his skull. They itched, but he didn't touch his hair, he just kept his hands firmly lodged in his pockets. He reached the half way point in the crowd, and the vicar stopped talking.
This. Was it.
Taking a drawing breath, he pulled his left hand from his pocket, firmly holding the contents towards Kaiba, who looked suddenly pale. Jou closed his eyes for a few seconds, before looking up, a darker shade covering the usual honey brown. The vicar's jaw dropped, and Shizuka froze, dropping her bouquet.
There, in the centre of the crowd, stood Jounouchi Katsuya, his arm out stretched with a pistol.
'It's over.' He said slowly. He looked to the people at either side of him, and cocked the gun. 'I said, it's over!' They didn't need telling again, they got up, and fled. The crowd disintegrated in seconds, the park now clear. Jou walked forwards, staring at the paparazzi. 'Fuck off.' He narrowed his eyes. Shooting a warning shot into the sky, he glared once again, 'I won't tell you again. I'm not bluffing.' Slowly, they etched away. 'If I see one fucking flash, you're all dead. Ya hear me?' That was enough to send them running. 'Kaiba./ you're fucking coming with me.' He pointed the gun to the shocked CEO's, 'If anyone tries to stop me, I'll kill your heir, then myself. If you try to stop me, I'll kill us both. Are we clear?' the party nodded slowly, and Jou grabbed Kaiba's wrist, placing the gun to his temple. He began to back away slowly, watching the frightened faces as he did so.
He backed up enough to a clearing, where a black van was placed. 'Get in.' He stated simply, and the brunet did so. As soon as they were belted in, Jou leaned over, kissing Seto firmlu on the lips, he smiled widely,
'Where to?'
So that's it!
I hope you all liked it. I have a long shift tomorrow and maybe a trip to the hospital as I have glass in my foot and it's making me really ill…but I had a great night out! Even if there are some weird people about!
I get to celebrate again on Tuesday now…lucky me!
I'll start Seto's story Wednesday I think. Other than that the sequel on 'Broken' will be up tomorrow, slightly delay-sorry. As well as a Seth x Jou oneshot. So I hope that's enough for now!
Thank you for reading this far, I hope you all liked it,
R&R one last time,
Much love