Jupiter's_Magic: Okay, this is my first YGO story featuring the three DOOM bikers. There are two people whom I would like to acknowledge for interesting me in this series again, and they are Alister's Girlfriend and KoK (Kohakuhime of Konoha). Their stories are excellent and really entertaining to read. I really hope that they, as well as yourself, enjoy this story. And I want to mention that this story has been edited and my beta is Kok.
I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh
"So now what?"
"Dunno, mates," an Australian voice replied honestly. "I'm not the master planner, y'know."
"It's all over," a gruff voice said. "We need to move on."
Skye looked up at her three companions—two men and a teenager—as they stared out at the open road. Her hazel eyes went back and forth between the three of them, watching the expressions on their faces carefully.
Valon, the youngest of them, had the most emotion visible on his face; compared to his older companions, the Australian had always been the most vocal and open of them. His blue eyes, normally glowing with a cheerful light, were considerably dulled. As a fairly strong wind blew past them his fluffy brown hair was tossed about.
Raphael looked straight ahead, his face giving almost nothing away of his thoughts; there was a subtle tightness about his jaw and his facial expression was grim. His blond hair was too short to be blown around by the wind.
The final member of their group was a quiet young man who had barely said anything in the past ten minutes, his features stoic as stoic as a statue. There might have been something in his gray eyes, but whatever it was Skye could not interpret it. His red hair was being tossed gently in the dying breeze.
As for her, she was content enough to just watch the three men as snatches of memory went through her mind; since the day that all four of them had been brought together she had been she had spent most of her time with them. The idea that they would soon be going their separate ways actually frightened her.
"Where are you all going to go?" Raphael asked at last, breaking the silence as he looked at the three of them.
"'m not goin' back t' Australia, tha's f'r certain," Valon said with a forced laugh, looking absolutely miserable in spite of his efforts.
"I don't know, either," Alister said, not looking at them. "I'll probably just wander around for a while. It's not like I have a place to go back to, anyways. What about you, Raphael?" he continued, fixing the oldest of them with emotionless gray eyes.
"I'm not sure yet either," said the burly man after a brief pause. "I might go back home to France, though I won't be going to my relatives any time soon. Skye, do you know what you're going to do?"
Skye did not immediately hear his question, still caught up in her thoughts. Raphael repeated his question a little more firmly and she snapped out of it. "Sorry Raphael, I wasn't paying attention," she apologized.
"Obviously," snorted Alister, rolling his eyes and showing the faintest hint of exasperated amusement.
"Oy, Alistar!" Valon snapped indignantly. "There's no need t' be so nasty!"
"It's Alister. Ter, not tar. Get it right, dweeb," retorted the redhead boredly.
Skye shook her head, a small smile appearing on her face in spite of herself. Remembering Raphael's question (and realizing he was still waiting patiently for an answer), the smile slipped off her face and she turned to the eldest of them. "I'm going back to live with my parents," she said quietly.
At Skye's comment both of the other bikers paused, forgetting the argument. The emotionless mask on Alister's face returned and Valon looked visibly dejected.
"So this is really it, then?" asked Valon unhappily. "We're jus' gonna…go?"
"Looks like it," said Alister curtly.
Skye bit her lip and looked away from them, struggling not to cry.
"What's wrong?" Raphael asked Skye almost immediately, the grim expression on his face sliding off and being replaced with a concerned one. That was the quality she liked best about him, she decided absently. Despite his tough appearance he genuinely cared about the people around him—and he always seemed to know when something was wrong with Skye.
"It's…I…I don't want to be separated from you three!" she burst out, startling them. "I've spent too much time with you guys to just simply walk away! You can't tell me that you aren't feeling the same way! You guys don't even know what you're going to do from here!"
"She's right, y'know," said Valon quietly, looking up at the other bikers. "I mean, I don' 'ave anyone but you blokes as a fam'ly 'n' I don' 'ave a place t' go back to. Isn' there some way we c'n stick t'gether?"
"We could find a way," Raphael said slowly, though he seemed to be relieved; Skye wondered if all three of them had wanted to stay together to begin with but had said nothing about it, likely uncertain of their other comrade's intentions.
"We don't exactly have enough money to buy a house, though, and after spending a good portion of the past few years in an apartment I'm not crazy about sharing quarters with three people," said Alister. "Even if we combined our money I don't think we'd have enough."
Skye frowned, thinking over their options. Seconds later she remembered something and her eyes lit up, a smile beginning to grow on her face. "I think I have the solution to our problem, guys!"
"What would that be?"
"My stepdad has two vacation homes in Domino. He only uses one of them; the other one he rents out occasionally. He told me once that, if necessary, I could use it as long as I moved in with a couple people. It's a four bedroom place and really spacious. We can go there if you three want to."
"I'm in!" announced Valon almost immediately. "Wha' about you blokes?"
The two other men glanced at each other. Alister merely shrugged, though his shoulders seemed to lose some of their rigidity, and Raphael gave Skye a small but genuine smile. They did not say anything, but the looks on their faces clearly spoke their answers.
"Sweet!" she said, pumping her fists in the air. "Lemme call him to book a flight and to let him know what I'm doing. Be right back," she continued, taking out her cell phone and walking a good distance away from them.
She dialed her dad's number and a few seconds later there was a click on the other end of the line. "Hello?"
"Hi Daddy!" she said, smiling at the sound of his voice.
"Oh sweetie! Thank God you're alright...we haven't heard from you for so long and we were about to call the police! Where are you?"
"I'm in Florida and I'm all right," she said, hesitating for a moment before adding, "I would have told you sooner, but I had a job opportunity come up and I had to leave right away; it's over now, though. I'm sorry I never called you, but the job was intense."
She wondered if he would accept that explanation (it was rather flimsy), but it seemed that he would. "I'm glad you're all right. You're coming home now?"
"Kinda. Hey Dad, listen. You know that extra vacation home in Domino that we never use?"
"Yes…Why do you ask?"
"Can a couple of friends and I stay there? They don't have anyone and they have no place to really go. Please?"
There was silence on the other end before her father replied, "Of course, sweetheart."
"Also, can you book us a flight?" she asked hopefully.
"I was just doing that," he said with a small laugh. "There. The flight is booked and it leaves in two hours. Do you have any luggage?"
"Yeah…we also have motorcycles, is there any way to transport them?"
"Motorcycles?" her dad repeated in shock. "What type of people are these friends of yours?"
"Relax Dad. They're some of the nicest guys around. If they did hurt me, though, you have every right to maim them."
"…I'll hold you to that, sweetie. Anyways, the airline can transport the motorcycles as well, though it'll be on a separate flight and it may take a while until you get them again; you'll have to take a taxi for a while. I have to go, honey, but I'll see you soon."
"Bye Daddy. Love you!" she said brightly, hanging up the phone before practically skipping back to the bikers.
"What did your father say?" asked Raphael, raising an eyebrow as she continued to skip.
"He said that it's alright and that our flight leaves in two hours," she announced. "The motorcycles are going to have to go on a different flight, but other than that we should have no problem."
Skye skipped over to her motorcycle and began humming as she pulled her helmet over her face. "You guys coming?" she asked, her voice muffled by the thick padding of the helmet.
The three men exchanged brief looks with each other and got onto their bikes, the vehicles engines revving up as they followed after their female partner.
"Home sweet home!" Skye said cheerfully, extending her arms outward as they exited the terminal. "Our bikes won't be in for a couple more hours, though, so I guess we'll have to wait around."
Alister sighed. "It would figure. Maybe we should have sent Valon with the motorcycles. At least then my side wouldn't be so bruised."
"I 'ate long flights," grumbled Valon. "We were all packed in there like sardines."
"I'll be glad to be able to sit down without hunching over," said Raphael, stretching his arms with visible relief.
When they collected their bags and exited the airport, however, they received a surprise: their motorcycles were sitting all in a row nearby one of the doors. Next to them was a man in the airport uniform with short brown hair.
"I thought they weren't supposed to be here for a couple hours?" said Alister, looking at Skye for an explanation.
"Daddy must have found a way to make sure they got here when we did," she said, surprised.
After handing the man their cargo ticket stubs, the man let them pass and they mounted on their motorcycles, their engines roaring to life. "Last one there is a rotten egg!" Valon yelled, popping a wheelie before taking off.
"Give it a rest, Valon. We don't even know where we're going yet!" Alister called after him, nonetheless going in the same direction.
Skye glanced at Raphael, who honestly looked as if he wanted throttle the both of them. "How long do you think it's going to take before they realize that we aren't behind them?"
"I'd give it twenty minutes," he said in amusement.
"Oh joy. We're gonna be here for a while, aren't we?" she asked sarcastically, leaning against her bike.
After waiting for a good fifteen minutes the two other bikers finally came back, arguing as usual.
" 'ow come you didn' know where the 'ell we were goin'?" Valon demanded of Alister as he came into earshot.
"You're the one that took off. I merely went after you to get you back here," Alister retorted, crossing his arms as he looked at the other two. "Thanks for not leaving us," he said, addressing them with this comment.
They both nodded to acknowledge it. "Come on. We need to get going before it gets too late. I'm getting tired," Skye said, getting on the motorcycle and starting up the engine.
After spending the next few hours settling into their new home and getting the necessary groceries, Skye settled herself down onto the sofa with a book. Valon was on the floor playing video games, Alister was in the shower and Raphael was looking for a job on the nearby computer.
"You sure you don' wanna play?" asked Valon, waving the video game enticingly at her.
"I'm sure, Valon," she replied, not looking up from her book. "Besides, you're only rotting your brain."
He merely shrugged and went back to playing. The door bell rang a few minutes later and Skye went to answer it. She got a pleasant surprise.
"Daddy!" she squealed as she hugged him.
"Hi Skye," he replied, eyes softening in relief. "I wanted to come check up on you and make sure you were okay."
His gaze then shifted over to Valon, who had come into the hallway to see who was at the door. "Is that your boyfriend, Skye?" he asked, looking to her for an explanation.
Her mouth dropped open. "No, Dad. He's one of the ones I told you about over the phone."
He just stared at her, waiting for a further explanation.
"Come on in!" she said, dragging him inside. "So Dad, this is Valon. He's from Australia."
" 'Ello. 'ow ya doin' t'day?" he said, offering a hand hesitantly. Her dad, being the gentleman that he was, shook it firmly.
"Pleasure to meet you," he said, looking at Skye and then to Valon with a contemplative gaze.
"Who was at the door, Skye?" Raphael said, coming out of the kitchen.
"Dad, this is Raphael, He's another one of my friends staying here," she continued, noting the equally startled (and in her father's case open shock) that appeared on their faces. "Raphael, this is my dad."
"How do you do, sir?" said Raphael politely when he recovered.
"Quite alright, thank you," her father replied with a hint of disbelief, a little bit intimidated by Raphael's size. "You said there were three of you. Where's your third . . . friend?"
"In the shower at the moment, but—"
"VALON, YOU'RE SO DEAD!" Alister roared from upstairs. They all looked at Valon, who could not quite hide the amused grin on his face.
"What did you do, Valon?" Raphael and Skye asked in unison, briefly forgetting about Skye's father.
"Payback," he merely said, fleeing from the room and into the kitchen to hide.
Alister stormed down the stairs, a hat jammed over his wet hair and water still soaking through his sweatpants and t-shirt. He did not immediately noticed Skye's dad—at least, he didn't realize who was there until the older man said, "Thank God, Skye. You have at least one girl living with you."
Alister, who had almost passed them, almost immediately halted and whirled on them. His gray eyes were narrowed indignantly, turning his glare on Raphael when the man let out a laugh. From somewhere out of sight Valon also was laughing.
Skye spoke up quickly, remembering all too well what happened to people who confused Alister's gender. "Dad, that's Alister. He's not a she," she said.
"My bad," he replied, visibly embarrassed.
"Alister, this is my dad," explained Skye, sending the redhead a silent don't kill him with her eyes.
"Nice to meet you," said Alister curtly, though he was still bristling. "Where is that Aussie? He's dead when I find him."
"What did he do to you now?" Raphael asked in resignation.
Alister then took the hat he was wearing off to reveal that his hair was no longer red; instead, it was a murky brown. Valon was laughing even harder from the kitchen and Alister headed in that direction almost immediately. Raphael apologized to her dad quickly before hurrying after him, and Skye was about to go after them as well until her dad stopped her.
"Skye Maria—"
"I know, Dad. They're not what you expected but they're my best friends."
"Why are you living with three men? One I can understand and two I can tolerate, but three?"
"Because they have nowhere else to—"
"Are you pregnant?"
"What kind of ridiculous question is that? I am NOT pregnant!" she snapped loudly, indignant and embarrassed all at once. She heard Valon's laughter from somewhere else in the house and she sighed.
"Please don't jump to conclusions. You raised me better than that," she said, lowering her voice so that Valon (wherever he was) wouldn't hear them.
"Then why are you living with them?" he demanded, crossing his arms.
"I told you, Daddy. They were all orphaned at an early age and they don't have anywhere else to go. I met them at my job and we all had to work together; they didn't want to split up and I didn't want to leave them either."
Her dad was silent for a while, contemplating over what she had said while a tense silence hung between them. "Fine," he said at last. "I'll trust your judgment, Skye. You better not be sharing a room with one of them though, because that's where I'm putting my foot down."
"Thanks Dad!" she said, hugging her father ecstatically.
"Do any of them work?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at her but ruffling her hair.
"Raphael is currently looking for one. Valon should be going to a community college sometime soon, and Alister might get a job," she responded, stretching the truth a bit with Valon. She couldn't quite picture him going to any kind of school.
"Are they educated?"
"Raphael and Alister both have diplomas and bachelor's degrees."
As she answered the three bikers reappeared, Valon holding a steak up to his eye and Alister keeping an ice pack in place on his head. "I don't even wanna know," she sighed as she put a hand on her hip and looked at them.
"Now," her father started. "I have something to say to you three boys," he continued, and all three of the men immediately straightened in place.
"Daaaad," she whined, turning pink. "Don't do this."
"I's alright. Let your father talk," said Valon cheerfully, though he was watching the grown man tensely.
"Skye's told me about your situation, and while she's assured me that I have nothing to worry about I still will be stopping by every now and then to check up on you. I also will be making sure that you aren't trying anything…well, I believe you understand what I'm saying—" (Skye smacked her forehead and groaned). "—and I expect that all three of you will treat her with respect."
"We understand," Raphael said reassuringly. "Let me assure you that she is in good hands."
"Like I told you, Daddy, they're good people. They wouldn't do anything to deliberately hurt me. The only thing you have to worry about is if Alister and Valon burn the house to the ground with all of their revenge pranks. I was just kidding!" she added hastily when her father immediately looked concerned.
Skye's dad remained for a few minutes longer and asked a few questions about what Skye had been doing since she had left, but then he left and the four were left alone in the house.
"I can' believe tha' 'e thought you were pregnant!" Valon said, laughing.
She felt her face turn red with embarrassment when Raphael and Alister both looked at her in surprise. Smacking him upside the head, she ground out an indignant, "Shut up, Aussie," before heading for the stairs. "Jet lag's getting me, guys. I'm going to bed."
"I think it's time that we all went to bed. Valon, that meant you," Raphael said over his shoulder as he went up after Skye.
A few days passed by, during which everyone further settled into their new home; there were minor retaliation pranks between Alister and Valon (some of which involved a thrown toaster and a blow dryer), but beyond that nothing overly exciting happened.
It was not until the weekend hit when the three men in the house decided it was about time to get some different clothes—most of theirs were designed for their "during Doma" days and they needed some casual wear.
"Are you sure you don't want to join us, Skye?" Raphael asked as he passed by the sofa.
"I'm sure. I have to go to my other house and bring over a few of my things."
"Where is your other 'ouse, anyway?"
"Not too far from here. I'll walk over and have my brother bring me back with my things. You three go on without me."
"You sure?"
"I insist, Raphael. Go have fun. I'll be fine; if you want you guys can borrow my car. It'll be easier carrying your clothes back. Just don't scratch it."
"If you're sure... Valon, Alister, I'm walking out the door; whether you're in the car or not I'm leaving," he called over his shoulder, disappearing out the front door.
"So you're living with roommates now?" Declan asked, hefting a box onto his shoulder. Her brother was only a few inches taller than she was, putting him at about six feet; his chestnut hair was always shaggy and his emerald eyes were filled with a constant light.
"Yeah. Three of them," she replied as they shuttled boxes from the car to the house. She went and grabbed the last box just as her car pull into the drive way. The boys were back.
"Hey Skye!" Valon said, jumping out of the car and bounding over to her. "Whatcha got 'here?"
"A box," she said simply. "I'm taking it inside."
"Are those all of the boxes? Is that your boyfriend, Skye?" Declan asked, coming outside again.
"Why does everyone think he's my boyfriend? No, he isn't. Valon, this is my brother. Declan, this is one of my roommates, Valon."
"Wait. Roommate?" he asked, looking confused. "You're rooming with a guy. Dad allowed that?"
"Valon! Come help us with your crap!" Alister said, coming around the car.
"Dude, Skye, that chick is hot!" Declan stated, grinning at his sister.
"I'm a guy!" Alister said angrily, gray eyes instantly snapping onto Declan with a murderous light in them.
"Oh. My bad. Sorry, dude," replied Declan, shrugging. Alister glowered at him before pointedly turning his back and ignoring Declan.
"That was Alister, my second roommate. My third roommate is Raphael," she said just as the man in question came past them. Declan looked up at the blond and she knew her brother was intimidated.
Raphael seemed to sense Declan's unease. "I'm friendly, I promise," he said as he passed them. "Valon, go get your things."
"A'right," replied the brunette, grabbing his bags from the car and running inside the house.
"Well, all your crap is in your room sis. I'm off," Declan announced, getting into his car and backing out of the driveway. He waved at her before driving out of sight.
"Sorry about what my brother said, Alister. It seems the men in my family are blind," Skye apologized.
"Next time I'm curb stomping someone," he replied irritably, walking into the house. Sighing, she followed the now pissed off red-head and placed the box she was carrying by the stairs where Declan apparently left the last two.
"That's my brother. Never does all the work," she said, shaking her head. She lifted one of the boxes, only to drop it again due to Valon screaming and running downstairs.
"There's a dingo in my room!" he wailed, hiding behind Raphael and shoving the man toward the stairs.
"A what?" Alister said, having overheard the boy's shout. "There are no dingoes here, Valon."
"Dangit," Skye said softly, suddenly realizing what it was that had scared Valon.
"What do you know?" Raphael asked sternly, looking down at her.
"Well...we might have another roommate with us."
"Another roommate?" Alister repeated, arching an eyebrow.
"Hang on, guys," Skye said as a loud crash that came from upstairs. "Let me go get him—and Valon, stop muttering about a dingo."
Skye disappeared up the stairs and went into Valon's room, where the culprit was lying innocently on the bed. "You're a stinker," she said affectionately as it leapt off the bed. "Come on. People want to meet you."
Skye returned to the top of the stairs and looked down at them. "How do you guys feel about a—?"
"Dingo!" yelled Valon, pointing at the creature that had appeared next to her.
"That's a dog, Valon," Alister snorted.
"Guys, this is Jasper," she said while she went down the stairs, Jasper going ahead of her to investigate the other three bikers. "He's a miniature Australian shepherd."
"So 'e's from Australia?"
"No Valon, it's just a name," she looked at Raphael, who looked at Jasper with an uncertain expression on his face.
"Why are we keeping a mutt here?" Alister asked.
She sighed. "My mother said that since Jasper is my dog whenever I move out he goes with me."
"As long as he doesn't chew any of my things, I'm alright with him," Alister said with a shrug, getting up and grabbing his bags before going upstairs. She looked at Valon and saw him petting Jasper.
"'e's cool with me," Valon announced, scratching Jasper's stomach when the dog rolled over.
"Raphael?" Skye tapped the older biker's shoulder when he continued to say nothing about Jasper's presence.
He sighed. "I'm more of a cat person, but I'll make an exception since he's your dog," he responded with a small smile.
"Thanks, Raphael!" Skye cheered, jumping up and hugging the older biker (and completely catching him off guard).
"You're welcome," he replied after a quick pause, hugging her back hesitantly while a faint blush crept upon his face. Valon noted this and filed it away for future blackmail as he continued petting Jasper.
Skye let go and smiled at Raphael, quickly turning her attention to the dog. "Jasper, who wants to go for a walk?" she said, adopting a high, baby-tone like voice.
Valon almost immediately howled in laughter, nearly falling onto the floor. "What?" she asked him after she clipped the leash to the dog's collar.
"Tha' voice was 'ilarious!" the Australian gasped in between breaths. "Do it again!"
She rolled her eyes and opened the front door. "I'll be back later, guys. Try not to blow anything up," she said, closing the door and leaving the others in the living room.