Alright guys. This chapter is short but it is the end *cries* I might be doing some AU's now – high school TIVA just because I like to read them. Historical TIVA because the only one I found is LittleSammy's 'Flavour of the Wind'. Or maybe something to do with Tony wrestling guilt, anyway keep your eyes peeled and send me a message because I have German Orals tomorrow and English Language exam on Monday and I really need the inspiration. So please I am begging you REVIEW!


She stood there staring at the gravestone its sleek marble gravestone which remained cool to the touch all year round. The wind softly whistled through the trees and the autumn leaves gently fell to the ground. The sun was shining and beginning to burn off the morning mist it appeared that it was going to be a beautiful day.

"Hey." Ziva said as she dropped down to her knees in front of the gravestone. She tried to visit as often as she could but if a particularly gruesome case dragged on she fond herself unable to visit.

She methodically began to clear away the dead flowers and replaced them with white lilies which she had bought only an hour ago.

"So Abby is pregnant. She found out yesterday and you know how hard her and John have been trying. I wish you had been there when she walked in and announced it, god her smile lit up them room" Ziva smiled softy as her hand gently brushed the gravestone.

"I miss you so much you know that? Every day when I wake alone I try to cling to those precious moments when I imagine you beside me, before I realise that you are gone – forever."

"You would have been so proud of your son yesterday, he won the gold medal in sports day and he looked so pleased with himself you should of seen his expression when they said 'first place Anthony Jethro Jonathon DiNozzo." She smiled kindly rocking back on her heels.

"He accepted that he wanted to be a DiNozzo like his father not a David like me. They had to give a talk today in school about their father. He came home, lip trembling asking why all the other kids had a dad to turn up to the meeting with them and he didn't. Now what do I have to say to that Tony? How the hell to I answer that?" She furiously blinked back her tears "I need you Tony."

"No you don't." She turned around to see an old ma limping towards her, his left leg oddly shaped.

"Gibbs." Ziva whispered, nodding her greeting. Five years ago Gibbs had been caught in a bomb blast which had forced him into retirement due to damage to his left leg.

"You tell him the truth Ziver." Gibbs said placing a hand upon Ziva's shoulder.

"What that his father was brutally murdered as a result of me?" Ziva snapped as the tears began to well up again.

"No, that Daddy was a hero." A boy stepped out behind one of th crypts and began to walk towards Ziva. He was an identical copy of his father apart from the deep brown eyes that he had inherited from his mother.

"Anthony." Ziva whispered as she embraced her son and wrapped him close to her chest needing his support as much as he needed her.

"Daddy was a hero wasn't he Mom?" AJ asked

"Oh yes sweetheart," Ziva said brushing back the tears which were now falling down her face "The bravest man I have ever known."

AJ nodded slightly before shuffling towards the headstone and gently kissing the top of it "Hey Dad," He started as the words seemed to get caught up in his throat "I'm really sorry that I never got to meet you because the way everybody talks about you, you must have been one hell of a guy." The boy smiled softly "Grandpa Gibbs told me that you died protecting me but I don't really know how to say thank you because I never met you but I am grateful because it means that I can go on and have a great life."

"Anthony." Ziva said softly but her son wasn't finished yet.

"My mum says that when I smile I look like you and I hold your sense of humour but also your decent sense of right and wrong. When I grow up I want to be just like you and work at NCIS with Aunty Abby and Uncle John and Mum. I want to be the hero which everybody loves and cracks jokes no matter what the situation. I want to be just like you dad." The boy smiled as he drew out a scuffed and ripped journal from inside his coat "I found your diary, it starts when you first started under Grandpa Gibbs to the day you found out Mum was pregnant with me. I promise to be a good man like you were dad because, well I guess that I love you."

AJ smiled as he stepped back from the grave and placed the diary back inside his coat and walked up to his mother.

"Come on Mum lets get home it looks like it is going to rain."

With that the three people walked down the cemetery pathway towards the gate leaving the grave of the man they loved in different ways behind.


Ziva David had lived a happy life, she had watched her son grow up into a fine young gentleman and marry a woman that he loved. They had children and Ziva had watched in content as they grew up as well. But in the end we all have to go, it is our turn to leave those who we love behind.

When Ziva died she was given the option of who she wanted to spend forever with, Rivkin, McGee who had died a year before or Tony. The choice was obvious and as she glided into his waiting arms they were finally together after years of separation.

Together. Forever and Ever.

Alright guys that is it for the whole saga so please review even if you don't like it just leave a constructive review PLEASE. Even if you have never reviewed before do so now! Please, pretty polly?