Right this is the sequel to 'Captives' and so I strongly suggest that you read that one first otherwise some of the things in this are probably not going to make sense to you.

Thank you to all the loyal readers and I hope you enjoy this chapter and please leave your lovely reviews.

Ziva David gently opened the door to Anthony's apartment; it swung open revealing a clean but deserted living room which was caked in a thick layer of dust after months of desertion. In the corner sat proudly a home cinema system with several bookshelves piled high with rows upon rows of DVD's.

"Home sweet home." Anthony DiNozzo whispered in her ear as he wrapped his arms around Ziva's waist, pressing her back into her chest.

Ziva slowly spun around in his arms so she could look at his face, the bandages had come off several weeks ago revealing the full horror of the burns on his face, the skin was bubbled and scarred. The skin was wrinkled and fissured. She traced her fingers down his face, following the burns down his face and neck, stopping when she reached the collar of his shirt.

"I need to go to work." Ziva whispered, gently pulling him into a kiss.

"I could come with you." He murmured nuzzling his face into her neck.

"Ut-oh-ah." She said waggling her finger in front of his face "You still have 2 weeks recuperative leave before you can even think about coming in!"

"I'm fine!" He protested, but she gently placed a finger on his lips, instantly quietening him.

"The new director has not even been assigned yet."

"Exactly why you should stay here with me." He then tilted her chin upwards and kissed her, Ziva melted into his embrace, returning the kiss with as much passion as he initiated it with. But eventually she pulled away.

"I really have to go, are you going to be alright here?" She asked.

"As long as you hurry back." He said gently

"I'll pick up some food on the way home." She said nodding her head towards the empty fridge in the kitchen.

And with that she hurried out of the apartment, her mini cooper keys already in hand.


Ziva strode into the bull pen to see Special Agent Timothy McGee and Leory Jethro Gibbs were already working hard at their desks.

"Morning." McGee nodded his usual greeting to Ziva "How's Tony?"

"Good thank you, scratching to come in of course!" McGee's brow creased with confusion.

"Good to hear he's well Ziva, and I think you mean 'itching' to come in." Gibbs smiled one of those rare knowing smirks before he ascended the steps towards MTAC.

McGee then nodded finally understanding as Ziva sat down behind her desk, booting up her computer.

"Ziva?" McGee asked quietly, though there was no response so he stood up and hovered by Ziva's desk.

"What McGee?" She demanded, breaking her gaze from the computer screen to stare McGee in the eyes.

"How is he, really?" McGee asked, placing his hands on the desk.

Ziva opened her mouth and she was about to say something, but she was interrupted when the elevator doors swung open revealing a six foot, clad in black, hyper active goth trotted out of the doors and into the bull pen.

"ZIVA!" Abby screeched as she quickly embraced Ziva in a bone crushing hug.

"Ah Abby," Ziva groaned "The ribs are still quite sore." Abby quickly released Ziva.

"So.." Abby exclaimed.

"So what?" McGee asked.

"Have you met him yet?" Abby exclaimed, practically hopping from one foot to the other.

"Met who?" McGee said, now getting exasperated.

Abby then punched McGee in the arm "The new director of course!"

McGee said Ziva were about to say something when Gibbs strode in, coffee already in hand and a Caf-Pow! In the other.

He walked up to Abby and handed it to her, she gently kissed him on the cheeks in thanks. He then threw his mobile at Ziva which she nimbly caught with one hand. Gibbs slowly began to walk away, he called over his shoulder to Ziva.

"Call DiNozzo, the new director wants to speak to him."

And with that he was gone.


An hour late Tony strolled into the bull pen, he was dressed sharply in a dark Armani suit. He walked briskly towards Ziva's desk, ignoring the staring eyes from all those filling the NCIS headquarters.

Ziva knew that a few months ago Tony would have eagerly welcomed the glances from his female co-workers, but now she knew that they were staring for all the wrong reasons and instead of glancing at Tony's chiselled jaw line, they were blatantly staring at Tony's burns and scars.

Ziva clenched her fists and her knuckles turned white, it took all of her self control to stop her from going over and smashing her fist into her and Tony's shameful co-workers.

Tony was stood next to her desk.

"Hey." He muttered

"Hey," She replied "How did you get here so fast, you know you are not allowed to drive with your arm."

"Took a cab." Tony replied, Ziva clenched her fists; Tony's answers were too quick, too emotionless. Ziva could see people's indiscretion had hurt him.

"Come here." She whispered softly, pulling him closer into her embrace, he offered no resistance.

He buried his face into her neck and softly whispered "Guess it is going to take some time to get use to."

Tony felt a stinging sensation on the back of his head, "Huh, thanks boss." DiNozzo smirked.

"Not in front to the new director DiNozzo." With this both Tony and Ziva spun around at exactly the same time.

Before them stood a man with sandy blonde hair, which was neatly swept to the side from the right. He was at least 2 inches taller than Tony and Ziva could see he had an athletic, and well toned body beneath the charcoal grey suit he wore.

"Sam?" DiNozzo stammered "Sam Foster?"

The man squinted and closely looked Tony up and down, before plastering his face with a large grin.

"TONY!" He exclaimed and pulled him into a tight hug, slapping him on the back.

Tony turned around to see the confused expressions on his colleagues faces so he quickly elaborated. "Sam used to be my partner back when I was a cop in Baltimore."

"God it's been a long time." Sam grinned "I can't believe you're the Tony I have heard so much about."

"Only good things I hope," Tony smirked "How the hell did you manage to snag the position as director of NCIS?"

"Jealous much?" Sam then grinned "And I still get to carry a weapon!"

Ziva snapped her head around to gaze at Tony, she saw the side of his mouth twitch, knowing that Sam's thoughtless comment had cut deep for Tony. She quickly grabbed it and squeezed it reassuringly.

"So Sam…." Tony started.

"That's Director or sir DiNozzo." Foster quickly cut him off.

"DiNozzo, can I see you in my office please." Foster took off the stairs which head up the stairs which led to MTAC and the Director's office.

Tony smiled at the rest of the team before he headed up the stairs, hot on the heels of NCIS' new director.


"Shut the door behind you DiNozzo." Foster called out.

"Come on, we are alone I think you can call me Tony now Sam." Tony grinned but Foster failed to return the smile and just glared at DiNozzo.

"Please, take a seat." The director gestured towards the free leather chair which sat before the desk.

"No thank you sir," DiNozzo replied "I would prefer to stand."

The Director then reached into his desk and withdrew a thick file, he dropped it and the office was filled with a loud 'thud'.

"You know what that is?" Foster asked gesturing towards the file.

"No sir, I do not." DiNozzo replied

"It's your file DiNozzo," The Director began to flick through it "It's filled with all the things you have ever done."

"Oh I seriously doubt that sir." Tony replied a smug grin plastering his face.

"Do you know what your chances of returning to NCIS are DiNozzo?" Foster asked dropping the file, he placed his knuckles on the desk and slowly rose, so he was glaring down at Tony.

"No sir, I do not, why don't you enlighten me?" Tony snapped back returning Fosters icy glare.

"Slim DiNozzo, slim." Came the directors curt response "So I wouldn't push your luck."

"What's this really about Sam?" Tony asked, his voice now lowered and he cocked his head to the side. "Is it about what happened in Baltimore?"

"NO!" The Director roared back "It is about how I cannot see you being able to offer anything to this agency with your…..incapacities." Foster said while slowly looking Tony up and down.

"I was offered a desk position by the Secretary of the Navy." DiNozzo growled.

"Well," The Director grinned "Consider me un-offering it."

Tony's fists were now white because they were so tightly balled up in fury.

"My I ask why Director?" Tony asked, it was easy to see how difficult it was for him to keep his anger under control.

"Your un-professional relationship with Special Agent Ziva David."

"I didn't believe there were agency rules about that sir." Came Tony's response.

"There aren't." Tony was about to say something but the director added "But there will be."

"Well," Tony slowly nodded his head "I am not leaving Ziva, and if that means I loose my job at NCIS, so be it." Tony turned to leave.

"DiNozzo!" The director barked, Tony turned back around to face him. "There is one way you can stay at NCIS, and keep a relationship with Agent David."

Tony arched an eye-brow "And what would that be sir?"

The director threw a file at Tony, which Tony quickly caught with his mobile right hand. "Undercover work DiNozzo, undercover work."