Howdy, y'all! I've been seeing the Super Seddie 100 Word Challenges, and I came up with my own challenge: a Super Seddie SongShot Challenge!

Here's the scoop:

Using an album of your choice, (I'm doing New Surrender by Anberlin) you will make one chapter for each song on the CD. They may or may not be songfics, it's up to you, but they need to at least be inspired by each of the songs. The chapters can be oneshots, a connected story, or somewhere in the middle (like mine will probably be). Any questions? No? Good!

But really, if you need more info you can PM me or review :)

Need a good Seddie-filled album? You can try:

Brand New Eyes by Paramore

MMHMM by Relient K

Hands All Over by Maroon 5 (adult Seddie, anyone? Also, is it getting hot in here?)

Hello Hurricane by Switchfoot

Outlandos D'Amour by The Police

And...I can't think of any more at the moment haha but I trust you to use your musical brains! I will be posting my own attempt right in this very place, so no need for a scavenger hunt. Reading mine might give you a better idea of the challenge, as well. Peace for now!