
This is my first full length One Piece fic. I don't know what anyone will think of it, but the ideas have been floating around in my head for a LONG time now and I figured I may as well write it out. This is the story of my oc, so it may be slightly confusing, but I'm going to try and make it as clear as possible. So if you have any questions at all, please feel free to ask; I'm really good about replying to messages quickly.

Extra Note! The prologue takes place in Luffy's home town. At the time, Luffy and Emi are both eight.

Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece. Duh.


In the middle of a forest in the Goa Kingdom of East Blue, four kids sat around a blazing fire, chomping down on freshly roasted meat and laughing their asses off.

"Did you see that guy's face when Emi ran under his legs and grabbed the treasure?" A curly haired boy wearing a tattered top hat laughed.

A black haired boy with freckles swallowed a huge chunk of meat grinned and replied loudly, "Hell yeah, it was priceless! The loser didn't even know what hit him!"

This time the only girl, about eight years old, commented, "What about the way that scrawny guy shrieked when Luffy's arm stretched?"

The final boy, only a few months older than the girl and wearing a straw hat laughed obnoxiously.

"Shishishi, it was hilarious!"

The small group erupted into raucous laughter again, tears of mirth stinging at their eyes. A little while later, the laughter died down and the four lay on their backs, staring at the stars above them.

"I'm gonna miss ya when you're gone, Emi. You're a riot…" The boy in the top hat said, fighting back a yawn.

"Me too. Do you really have to leave tomorrow?"

"Yeah… Sorry Luffy, but my grandparents said we're setting sail in the morning. But I'll see you guys out at sea someday though, I know it."


"'Course, Sabo."

"Tch, all three of you sound like wimps," The freckled boy said, fixing his gaze on the smoke wafting up through the summer air.

Unfazed, Emi grinned and nudged the older boy with her foot.

"C'mon Ace, admit it. You're gonna miss me too."

"Yeah, yeah…" Ace retorted dismissively.

Emi was about to continue, but she noticed the corner of Ace's mouth twitch into a small smile and she gladly let the subject drop.

Silence settled over the group and before long, the elder two of the four were asleep.

"Hey, Luffy, are you still awake?" Emi whispered.


"Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure," Luffy replied curiously.

Emi rolled onto her side and looked him square in the eye.

"Why do you want to be Pirate King?"

A look of surprise flashed across the young boy's features before settling into a wide grin.

"Because I want to be free."

Emi paused for a second; she hadn't considered that they would have the same reasons for going out to sea, but it made her strangely happy.

"I want to help you," She finally said, a small smile creeping onto her face.

Luffy's face lit up in excitement.

"Yosh! You can be my Pirate Queen!"

"Promise?" Emi asked hopefully.

"Shishishi… Yup!"


The Next Morning:

"Hurry up you guys! I'm late!" Emi shouted as she darted through Windmill village towards the docks.

"Why do we have to come? We already said goodbye!" Sabo replied as the three boys caught up to the young girl.

By now, they had reached the ship. As she darted up the gangplank, Emi said, "Because I have something for you!"

Ace, Sabo, and Luffy watched the crew members load the ship while the waited. A few minutes later, Emi jumped over the side of the boat and landed in front of them. With a huge grin on her face, she handed each of them a white Lily, and tucked a fourth behind her ear.

"What are these for?" Ace asked, eyeing the flower in his hand as if it might eat him.

"My friend back home calls them friendship lilies. They're my favorite flower because they can grow everywhere," Emi explained, smile never fading.

Before the boys could reply, Emi's grandfather stuck his head over the railing.

"Wrap it up Emi! We're leaving soon!"

"Not before I get a picture of Emi and her friends."

The four kids groaned as Emi's grandmother came down from the ship, camera in hand.

"Oh hush; you'll thank me for the picture later. Now get together and smile."

Knowing they wouldn't get away until they complied, the four reluctantly stood together and grinned. As a spur of the moment decision, Emi threw an arm around each Ace and Luffy's shoulders, giving Ace bunny ears.

Laughing to herself, Emi's grandmother boarded the ship. After giving the boys hugs, much to their displeasure and embarrassment, Emi raced after her.

As the ship began to sail away, Emi heard someone calling to her from shore. She ran to the back of the ship to see Luffy waving frantically.

"OI! EMI! Don't forget our promise!"

A grin broke out across her face as Emi jumped up on the railing and shouted back, "I won't if you don't!"

Back on the docks, Ace, Sabo, and Luffy watched the ship until it disappeared on the horizon. Once it was gone, they turned on their heels and walked away, lilies still in hand.


So, what do you think? I know it's just the prologue, but it's a start, right? Anyway, please tell me what you think! I don't have much experience writing One Piece fics and I could really use some advice!

~Seeking Fireflies