Hi! New One-Shot! WOO-HOO! Anyway, I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh GX... Enjoy~~

Jesse was walking toward the Obelisk Blue dorm when he noticed a head with bright blue hair in the Slyfer Red dorm. It was of course, his crush. Jade Yuki. Jaden's cousin. He knew he liked her and he also knew she liked him back! She was just too stubborn to admit it. He told her to admit it a while ago but instead of agreeing she gave him a challenge.

"Stupid challenge" he thought.


"Hey! Jade, wait up!" Jesse called over to the girl.

"Ah~ Hiya Jesse-kun!" she called back.

"What are you doing with all those books" He asked, looking over at her backpack.

"Studying... Crowler gave me extra work to do"


"I know! But you will help me, right Jesse-kun!"

"Only if you admit that you like me"

"Grr... um..." She started thinking about something.

"Don't hurt yourself" Jesse warned sarcastically

"I have an idea! I will admit how I feel about you if you can figure out the seven things I like about you as a friend"

"Cool idea! You are on!"

"Get ready to lose Jesse-kun, you have a week! "

"Why a week?"

"That's went all this work is due..."


*Flashback Over*

It was six and a half days since that talk and Jesse was really upset that he wasn't going to win... He was about to continue on to his dorm when he heard a crash coming from Jade's room. He ran in to check what it was.

"ARG! STUPID HOMEWORK!" She screamed.

"Don't be mean to the books, they help us learn" he scolded playfully.

"Jeeessee~ please help me! I'm really, really stuck on this chapter!" she cried.

Now, Jesse, being the nice, helpful boy that he was, could not stop himself so he found himself helping her with her homework all through the night.

"See! That wasn't hard now was it?" he asked. He got no answer. "Jade?"

"No... I want the last... It's mi-"She had fallen asleep on Jesse's shoulder.

"Oh Crap!"

Jesse was wondering what to do when he noticed a pink notepad that had fallen off the desk. He picked it up and saw in big bold letters "JADE'S DIARY" He knew himself that he shouldn't read it but he felt that one quick look wouldn't hurt! He flicked through the book till he reached the last page.

Dear Diary,

Today Jesse wouldn't help me with my work when I asked him to! He said he wanted me to say that I liked him. I didn't want to say how I felt so I made him work for it! He has till next week to figure out seven reasons why I like him as a friend! It is obvious that he won't figure them out... Here they are!

1# He's Nice!

2# He's kind too~

3# People are drawn to him.

4# He is kind to his duel monsters!

5# He doesn't care if you do something wrong...

6# You can trust him!

He had a look at seven and grinned. "I win" He whispered and lay her down, kissed her lightly on the forehead and went to sleep.

7# I can't help but fall in love with him...

Like it, love it, Is it okay? Review and be nice!~~ Thankies!