So! This will be my second fic 'n all, and the idea has been stuck to me lately—it's based off of a book I read somewhat, teehee C: I guess I should post the full summary for the story, d'oho

FULL SUMMARY: With sniper lessons, poison extraction classes, and the teacher helping you assassinate that one disliked student—how the hell is Tsuna supposed to live in an Academy meant for Mafioso, spies, and drug dealers? Others think friends, and some think excitement…but how about 'love'? Isn't that what all high schoolers worry about anyway, now?

As Tsuna searches for a place in this new school, he meets some odd characters—soon to be dons, mad scientists, and homicidal maniacs. A-As long as they're friendly, he's sure to get by right? Right? And here Tsuna thought he would be ignored, like every other previous school year—however, most of the upperclassmen want a piece of him some way or another; how is this going to work out?







Just Another High School Story


They were hastened steps; excited giggles and eyes looking hither and thither as suitcases rolled noisily behind them. These were the new students of Timoteo's Academy for the Gifted; a school that wasn't so easy to get into. No, not at all. You needed to have top grades, a large memory, and good physical traits, not to mention suspicion. Yes, you are not allowed to get into this school unless you're as suspicious as Sherlock Holmes; the headmistress wants you to snoop around and prod the locals for information, and bawl when you get nothing out of them.

Not that the headmistress is mean.

She just wants the best for her students, and for her school to bring up exceptional successors to the most powerful mafia families, spy agencies, and assassin groups.

…And that's the information we haven't reached yet, so shall we now?

The Academy, from the outside, looked like a truly brilliant learning facility for just as brilliant students; the surrounding area around it was quite posh, luxurious even, and the students were diverse, ranging from Italian to American, Japanese to Swedish—however. If you ever think you're smart enough to come to this school, and even think about asking your parents to arrange a tour, get this: You'll be dealing with exploding vials, hidden infrared lasers, and numerous snipers…something you should not be interested in unless you enjoy the thrill of the chase, danger lurking around every corner, hell, all of that corny stuff you see in action movies even. Once an outsider arranges a tour of the school, lights go on and alarms go off—the entire school changes from guns and bombs on shelves in the hallways, to ribbons of achievement and spelling bee trophies. The laboratory changes to a simple science class, plutonium and liquid nitrogen are traded out for iodine and starch indicators.

A simple guise for those who shouldn't know about the school's secret.

Tsunayoshi Sawada thought he'd be one to be denied the school's secrets; every other school in the province and even out of the country he was born in would not grant him acceptance, which forced him to move to Sicily with his father and mother, Iemitsu and Nana Sawada. They lived in Licata for about a month now, and since there was but a week left for school-scouring, Iemitsu decided to take Tsuna to every school in the province—most denied him, and very few accepted him with open arms, but Tsuna immediately rejected their offers after a few rounds of culture shock.

After a few more complains and mewls from Tsuna, Iemitsu recommended to Tsuna the idea of going to a more culturally diverse school, and luckily, Tsuna agreed—but there was only one problem: Most culturally diverse schools were schools for gifted students, and if Iemitsu knew one thing, he knew that, well…er…Tsuna wasn't exactly the brightest crayon in the tool shed. Or the sharpest tool in the box…whatever that aphorism was. So with a hesitant sigh, Iemitsu took Tsuna to the school that he knew all too well; Timoteo's Academy for the Gifted.

The headmistress of the school, a woman by the name of 'Luché', greeted them at the gates—an odd way for the principal of a school to greet somebody, Tsuna thought. I mean…weren't they supposed to be in an office or something? Maybe there was something inside the school she didn't want a non-student to see, or maybe it was just untidy. Then again, Tsuna was always the suspicious type, so maybe he was musing a bit too much. Tsuna stared at Luché curiously, and the woman looked at him before smiling. "You're a smart boy." She said keenly, winking at him. And that only meant one thing in Tsuna's perspective:

If they had to grab him by the ankles and drag him through their nice, polished doors, they would. Tsuna had thought something was fishy about this school, and he was apparently right—for that, Luché was going to make sure that the brunette became part of their underground society.

Tsuna could have cursed aloud.

"Tenth!" A voice called hastily, snapping Tsuna out of his thoughts. He shook his head, looking up to be met with a pair of questioning green eyes.

"Ah, Gokudera-kun. Sorry about that, I was just musing again." Tsuna smiled nervously, causing his friend of one week to scoff. "Again? Are you that nervous?" He asked, his lips pulled into a frown, but his eyes twinkling in amusement. "N-No way, it's just the fact that I'm actually here, with all of these people who're…"

"Smarter than you? Luché is very kind to suspicious people, because she thinks those are the type who'll get by in life. Even somebody as stupid as you, tenth; you met her qualifications, so you're here. What's so hard to understand?" Gokudera teased, prodding Tsuna in the chest with a (quite bony, Gokudera needed to eat more Tsuna thought) pointer finger. Tsuna pouted, rolling his suitcase along and looking over to his left, where his other friend should be, laughing and telling them to take it easy. But instead, he was met with silence and a quite serious-looking face.

Tsuna audibly gulped, causing Gokudera to stare at the other boy's side. "What the hell is wrong with you, baseball freak?" He asked their oddly quiet companion, who in turn broke out of his 'serious' spell and smiled at the two.

"Oh, haha! I was practicing my poker-face for the teachers, sorry about that." The tanned boy smiled brightly, causing Gokudera to roll his eyes and turn his head away. Tsuna raised a brow, but smiled back nonetheless "Poker-face?" He asked, and Yamamoto simply nodded.

"You know, for when they assign us a mission, like infiltrating some important place, or defending a certain somebody. Every spy has a poker-face, Tsuna." Takeshi explained, waggling his index finger as if Tsuna should know this (which he did, but that didn't stop him from laughing). Takeshi was about to asking him what was so funny, when something—or somebody, cut him off.

And by god, she was hot.

"I am trusting you are all going to stop there like good freshmen, da?" The woman questioned, crossing her arms over her rather revealing red tank top. At this, everyone stopped; Tsuna gaped at the woman, who stared at every new student like a hawk eyeing its prey—and speaking of hawks. Standing beside her was a blonde man grinning cheekily, a hawk placed…on his head. Why in god's name would somebody have a bird on their head like that?

Tsuna sighed shakily, staring nervously at the ground.

"Eyes forward, chin up, freshmen" Came a growl, and Tsuna squeaked silently before staring up, eyes widening at somebody whom seemed to be staring right back at him. The man looked well kempt (although a bit odd, with those obnoxiously curly sideburns); wearing a pristine black suit, a yellow dress shirt, and a fedora with a band of yellow and…green? Tsuna blinked once, and looked back at the man, who still glared daggers back at him. Was that a—

"Chameleon?" Tsuna muttered in surprised, and Gokudera glanced at Tsuna in curiosity, but said nothing.

"You are calling me by Lal Mirch, and this one," a manicured nail pointed toward the blonde with the bird, "by Colonello." Lal said, with a thick Russian accent.

'Oh god' Tsuna thought, eyes widening in horror, 'Russians are dangerous! She's dangerous, oh god she can't be a teacher can she-'"I will be teaching the Operations 101 class, Colonello will be teaching the Weapons Specials" Tsuna's mouth cranked open automatically, eyebrows furrowing 'Oh my god.' At this, a few hands shot up, and Lal stared at some students, before picking one, who asked:

"Does that mean we'll be using weapons?" They asked a bit too eagerly, and Lal rolled her eyes.

"Arrangement of the parts, reloading of the guns, blade sharpening—besides that, I am not knowing what you will be doing for this semester." She said, and Colonello quickly winked at the students before returning to…whatever the hell he was doing. The man who had been staring at Tsuna for the longest cleared his throat, stepping forward to gather the students' attention.

"My name is Reborn, and I'll be teaching you scum Basic Worldly Knowledge." Tsuna flinched, frowning. Great, if anything, Tsuna knew that by 'basic', it meant he would indeed have Reborn's class.

"So, we will be giving you tour around campus. Don't get lost, ask questions at end please."

:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.House of the Millefiori

"Mmm, Giotto-kun smells so nice today~" A chaste kiss was placed on an exposed neck, followed by another more prolonged one, as teeth grazed teasingly against skin and a tongue licked happily away at goose bumps.

"You say that every day," Came a snort from the one named Giotto, as he wrapped his arms leisurely around the other's neck, "Sometimes I wonder if you say it just to make me feel comfortable, Byakuran." He hummed, fingers running through pallid locks of hair. Byakuran simply smiled, pursing his lips together in thought "So, Giotto-kun. Do you plan on doing anything with any of the new freshmen? Perhaps play a few jokes on them~?" He questioned, a hand exploring the small of Giotto's back. Said blonde shivered in return, frowning. "You've been asking that question for the past week. Unlike you and this . . . 'Irie Shoichi' character, I only need one person to please and fuck me. It should be me asking you this question."

Byakuran hummed thoughtfully, before kissing Giotto quickly on the lips. "What ever are you talking about, Giotto-kun~? Me and Sho-chan have just been getting along rather nicely, is all~" "'Getting along'? Bullshit Bya, I know when to spot a cheater, and you're definitely close to being one." Giotto snorts, getting up from his spot on the other's lap in favor of moving towards the door to the room. Byakuran glared at Giotto's back, once happy face now turned into a screwed one; eyes narrowed and his lips pulled into a grimace, he continued to stare contemptuously at the blonde's back. "If you think I'm cheating, then I should just go ahead and cheat, shouldn't I Giotto-kun~?"At this, Giotto turned the brass door knob and opened the door.

"Well, Giotto-kun? You wouldn't care if I fooled around with Sho-chan a little, would you?" Giotto stepped out of the door and sneered out:

"Do it and I'll kill you. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get back to the Vongola house." And with that, the male left with a loud slam of Byakuran's door.

"Temper, Giotto-kun~ I'm pretty sure you'll find a nice freshmen to fuck later on, anyway."

:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.Rosebush Maze

"You are now dismissed. I hope you will be taking care and preparing for club day tomorrow, da?" Lal said, nodding at the students before dragging Colonello off into the maze, probably heading for the only building that could be found on the other side of the maze for quite a few miles; that being the Class Hall. Reborn stared at the newcomers once more in a look of disgust, before trudging after the two teachers.

So that was it.

They were just given a tour of the school grounds, and now they were to find their way into their assigned dorms—which shouldn't be hard; Lal had escorted them through the Rosebush Maze, and had dropped them off in front of a hill. A hill that had two, very large buildings, and contained six floors each—which meant those were probably the two houses the Russian had informed them about; the House of the Vongole, and the House of the Millefiori.

After the three menacing teachers left, the students practically squealed, running to their respective houses to find their dorms. Tsuna, as soon as he had gotten his room number and house, tried to find Gokudera and Yamamoto to see what the other two had gotten—but his search was in vain, for soon he found himself being dragged into a mob, whom all rushed to the House of the Vongole—his house, thankfully. Apparently his room number was '027', which meant it was on the second floor…it shouldn't have been hard to find or anything, right?

The mob poured through the House doors like water in a rushing river that branched off, for as soon as they entered the students began to part ways, and Tsuna was finally able to find requiem on one of the columns to the side of the main lobby. This place was pretty huge…and fancy! How the hell didn't the makers of this school get caught by like...government officials or something? Tsuna stared nervously around at everyone who lingered in the lobby; students chatting openly with one another in different, colorful languages, others running around in glee, and some even peacefully stared up at the atrium like they had nothing else to do.

Good lord, they staring at the architecture when they know they're in a school for...well, secretive things? That doesn't deem as normal. Not that Tsuna deemed anything in this school normal yet. But he would wait to see if everyone in this school was batshit; I mean, not all of the students can be horribly insane and unstable right? Tsuna hoped so. With that in mind, Tsuna sighed, figuring it'd be best to find his dorm and settle in as quickly as possible; so with an intake of breath, Tsuna got up and began to w—

"Ouch!" The brunette mewled, falling to the floor along with his suitcase. Tsuna rubbed his head disdainfully and closed his eyes; he had bumped into somebody already, and it was his fault for not paying attention! And judging from the fact that Tsunayoshi didn't hear any sounds of 'sorry' from the other, they probably walked off.

Or, so he thought.

The boy flinched when he felt a hand run slowly through his hair, somebody…sit on him, and heard soft breathing. This person, whoever it was was very, very close. A-And that was disturbing.

"I'm sorry." A weak, raspy voice apologized—this surprised Tsuna and he quickly opened his eyes to see if the person talking was extremely injured—because with a voice like that, you'd think anybody were hurt badly.

The first thing he was met with was a lovely shade of cherry and ruby. Tsuna stared at the boy who was, at the moment, straddling the brunette; he had very vibrant, curly red hair, but his eyes betrayed the color—red as well, however, extremely dull and lifeless. If it wasn't the eyes that bothered Tsuna, it was the numerous bandages the boy had on his face; they littered the bridge of his nose and his cheeks, and a patch could be seen from behind the collar of his shirt. Tsuna snapped out of his thoughts when he felt the same hand that was once in his hair now flat on his forehead, as if soothing the spot where Tsuna was hit. "I'm sorry." The boy repeats again, and Tsuna cringed.

"Oh my god," Tsuna started out, eyes widening as he forgot about the fact that this complete stranger was practically straddling him and touching him; his 'Mama-Nana' instincts were kicking in as Iemitsu often joked and called it, and Tsuna placed both of his hands on either side of the stranger's face. "Are you okay? D-Did I hurt you or anything? Oh god I'm so sorry!"

Ignoring the fact they were accumulating attention from girls who happened to be passing by, the stranger placed his hands onto Tsuna's and sighed, pursing his, Tsuna immediately noticed, small, pink lips together. "I'm Kozato." He spoke, and Tsuna stared in confusion.


"Kozato Enma." Tsuna blinked in confusion, frowning. What was he talking about—"My name." Oh. That explained it. B-But why would he be telling Tsuna his name when he…just…god, he looked so injured! "Um, do you want to go to the infirmary? I-I'm sure they'll have one in the House—"And your name is?" Enma cut him off drearily, blinking.

Tsuna stared.

And stared

And stared a bit more until he came to the conclusion that: this boy did not care about his personal health whatsoever.

With a sigh of defeat, Tsuna blushed embarrassedly and muttered in return, "Tsunayoshi Sawada. E-Everyone calls me Tsuna though, s-so…" With that, Tsuna quickly retracted his hands away from Enma's cheeks and looked away. Good lord, could this get any more awkward?

"Tsuna, it's nice to meet you." Enma replied, voice frail as ever. Enma got up from his spot on Tsuna's lap, dusting himself off and holding out a hand for Tsuna to accept. Tsuna eyed it nervously; it looked like Enma would break the second after somebody even so much as touched him. In the end, he didn't want to seem rude and took the hand, getting up and grabbing his suitcase.

"S-So, Enma. What's your room number?" "000. I stay on this floor." "Oh. Well, my room is 027. I think I'm supposed to go onto the second floor—"You are. I can bring you there if you want. I've already settled in."

'Settled in this fast?' Tsuna questioned, and observed Enma— he did in fact have nothing on his person; not any suitcases or book bags, and he most certainly was wearing very comfortable wear: a simple yellow shirt with an orange E imprinted in Cloister Black font, along with black pants that clung loosely to the boy's hips, showing a bit of that lovely tan skin...

B-But wait, what did that have to do with Enma showing him to his room? Tsuna snapped out of his thoughts and nodded vigorously, and Enma thankfully didn't question—instead, the redhead grabbed one of Tsuna's hands into his feeble grasp, and began to tug him towards the grand stair case. "It isn't that hard to find the rooms, given the design of the place." Enma muttered, pulling Tsuna to the left as soon as they got up the stairs. "Your room is in the left hall. Once you get settled in, I can show you my room."


Maybe this Academy wouldn't be so bad after all; maybe Tsuna would just have to get used to the people here. Enma was a first, and he already knew Gokudera and Yamamoto…

'Three friends already? We're making progress, Tsuna!'

A/N: AHHHH. I hoped you liked this Prologue, oh man I fail so much OTL

I'll post the pairings next chapter if I get enough approval for this story, because really there isn't any use in writing something if nobody wants to read it right? ;w;