Hi there, if you read the update beforehand then you know my friend was recently murdered, her husband killed her and has left their daughter alone in the care of her grandmother. The last part of this update is dedicated to my friend and her daughter.

Please review but don't flame, flames really don't help me.

Disclaimer- I don't own Transformers just Moonlight and Phoenix.

Ratchet looked over his shoulder and chuckled quietly Moonlight had her arms wrapped around Prowl's leg as he walked; she was giggling wildly as he moved about, smiling Prowl picked her up and placed her on his shoulders. "Hi Uncle Ratch!" She said waving a little hand at him while clinging onto her father with her free one.

"Hello Moonlight, Prowl"

"Good evening Ratchet" Prowl said bowing his head to the medic as he walked over to the energon dispenser, taking Moonlight off of his shoulders he gently set her down on the couch before taking two cubes. After placing his cube on the couch arm he carefully handed Moonlight hers, the little femme smiled up at her dad.

"Thank you Daddy!" Returning her smile with one of his own he kissed the top of her head before sitting down beside her; looking away Ratchet turned his attention back to the monitors. The three fell into silence for a few moments before Moonlight yawned and put her half empty cube on the couch; looking down at her Prowl moved the cube and allowed her to curl up in his lap. With a quiet chuckle Prowl kissed the top of her head again

"Sparklings never cease to amaze me" Ratchet stated shutting the monitor off and grabbing a cube for himself, tilting his head Prowl looked at the medic in slight confusion. "2 hours ago she was recharging on the floor but when you come in here she's wide awake and giggling, yet ten minutes later she's back in recharge" The two mechs chuckled and looked at the recharging femmling. "Smokescreen was looking for you earlier, did he manage to find you?" Nodding Prowl made himself comfortable on the couch.

"He did. He was just informing me that he wasn't going to be leaving his quarters tomorrow because he wants to look after Phoenix and make sure that she's ok." Once both mechs had finished their cubes Ratchet took Prowl's empty one and Moonlight's along with his own and disposed of them; bidding Ratchet a good night Prowl picked his daughter up and carried her back to their quarters. Gently placing her down on the berth he wrapped her in the blanket and brushed a hand over her head before kissing her head gently. "Goodnight Moonlight" Swiftly moving over to his own berth he made himself comfortable looking over at her one more time before falling into a light recharge.

Phoenix opened her optics and looked over her shoulder smiling when her blue optics met Smokescreen's, with a soft smile she turned around in his arms so she was facing him. Tightening his arms around her he pulled her close kissing her gently, when they parted she gently trailed a hand up his shoulder until her hand rested on his neck.

"I know I've said it already but I missed you" Chuckling she smirked at him

"Autobots are such sentimental fools" Smokescreen's optics widened when her optics bled red once more

"Wha-?" He was unable to finish his sentence as she squeezed the main energon line in his neck immediately knocking him out. Removing his arms from around her she stood up and walked around to the other side of the berth.

"You are a handsome mech though" She said placing a hand on his face, tapping him several times in order to check if he was going to wake up she grinned when he didn't. Walking to the door she silently slipped out of the room and walked down the dark corridors, stopping just outside of the door she quietly opened the door and immediately her optics landed on Prowl. Entering the room her optics never left the recharging cyber-ninja, when he shifted she dived behind the large tree, checking that he remained in recharge she smirked. Approaching the smaller berth silently she looked at the young femme and grinned

"Why are you here?" Stiffening at the voice she turned around and narrowed her optics at Prowl "Decepticon" Grabbing his throwing stars he growled quietly intending to prevent waking Moonlight. "How could you? What did you do to Smokescreen?"

"Blackarachnia never returned thus I was sent to finish what she started and as for Smokescreen, don't worry he's still alive" Slowly and cautiously he walked began circling her in the hopes she would move; however when she refused to move he stopped in his tracks being careful to not allow her to turn her attention to Moonlight.

"What is wrong with you Phoenix? Why are you doing this? You've been Smokescreen's sparkmate for years, why would you betray him like this?" Narrowing his optics Prowl watched her move ever so slightly and she turned to look at Moonlight.

"Megatron...opened my optics and showed me things I never thought possible Prowl" Clenching her fist Phoenix walked towards Moonlight ignoring the warning growl from Prowl; when she was within inches of Moonlight Prowl darted between them glaring at her from behind his visor.

"Stay away from her Phoenix" He snarled taking out his ninja stars chuckling slightly she stepped back and tried to look around him; only for her view to be blocked by her brother-in-bond. "You may be my brother's mate but if you take on step closer to my daughter and I will not hesitate to harm you. Do you understand?"

With a smirk she replied "Oh I understand Prowl, but you will not stop me from doing what my Lord orders" With that she threw herself at him grabbing him by the neck and flipping him over her shoulder; at the sound of a crash Moonlight jumped awake and squeaked in fear when she saw her father grab Phoenix by the legs and pull her to the ground. Snarling Phoenix elbowed him in the face wrapping her legs around his neck and twisting him into a grip so that he wouldn't be able to get free.

"Moonlight go stay with Ratchet until I come and get you!" Prowl shouted as he wrestled with Phoenix, nodding rapidly Moonlight scampered from the berth and as quickly as her small legs would carry her ran out of the room and towards the Med Bay.

"Get back here!" Phoenix bellowed releasing Prowl and scrambling to her feet; with a roar of anger Prowl launched himself at her knocking her from her feet and once more back onto the ground. Lying down on her back he pulled her arms behind her back and pinned her down, throwing her head back Phoenix headbutted him cracking his visor before pulling herself free and rolling over with a snarl punching any part of him she could.

Grunting in pain Prowl raised his arms to block his head from her rapid kicks and punches; when she let up for a moment Prowl took advantage of that reaching a hand out and pulling a wire loose in her hip sending her crashing to the ground. Shouting in pain and shock Phoenix cast a glance down at her hip wincing when it sparked. Taking the opportunity to use her distraction to his advantage Prowl punched her once in the face and put all of his weight on her.

"What's going on here?!" Ensuring that Phoenix was secure and unable to move Prowl cast a glance over at the doorway relieved to see Optimus and Bulkhead standing there

"GET THE FRAG OFF OF ME!" Phoenix screamed thrashing around in Prowl's grip

"Bulkhead can you get Ratchet to go and check on Smokescreen, she did something to him" Nodding Bulkhead walked off to go and find Ratchet while Optimus walked further into the room to help subdue the femme still screaming at Prowl. Together the two of them grabbed her by her arms and hauled her up to her feet keeping a tight hold on her even as she kicked her legs out to try and get away from them. Dragging her down the corridor they passed by the Med Bay where Prowl saw Bumblebee sitting with Moonlight clearly having been assigned to look after her while Ratchet dealt with Smokescreen.

Shifting her slightly Optimus opened the door to one of the empty rooms; leading Phoenix inside Optimus shifted his own weight to keep her pinned, hearing footsteps the two mechs cast a quick glance spotting both Bulkhead and Ratchet, the latter holding stasis cuffs. Quickly moving into the room Ratchet allowed Prowl and Optimus to maneuver Phoenix so they could cuff her to one of the pipes in the wall; once the job was done both mechs moved back relieved to no longer be trying to pin one of their own.

"What is going Prowl?" Optimus asked finally getting a chance to turn to look at the black and gold mech

"I'll tell you what's fragging going on" Snarled Phoenix catching the attention of the four mechs "Lord Megatron wants to know what is going on and you will all fall at his hands! Let me go and perhaps you'll be spared your miserable fragging lives!" Clenching his fists Prowl went to hit her but was held back by Optimus

"Do not let her get to you Prowl" He whispered looking into the smaller mech's visor "Leave her here for a while and then we will come back and see if we can get any more information from her" With that the four left the room shutting the door behind them and muffling Phoenix's shouts; sighing Prowl ran a hand over his face and leant against the wall.

"How's my brother?"

"He's fine, going to have on Pit of a processor ache though. She cut off his main energon line to his processor, knocked him out cold, not enough to do permanent damage but more than enough for it to hurt his head for a while." Ratchet stated "Now what the frag was with her red optics?"

Sliding down the wall Prowl made himself comfortable on the floor "Megatron's done something to her, she told me he opened her optics to the truth." Looking to the others he sighed "We can't let Ultra Magnus find out about this or he will have her arrested, while she did try to kill me I still consider her my sister."

"Bee?" Looking down at the little femme in his lap Bumblebee smiled

"What's wrong short stuff?"

"Why daddy and Nix fighting?" Stiffening he decided to just tell her the truth which wasn't very much

"I don't know Moon, I'll ask your daddy when he comes back alright?" Accepting that she nodded and cuddled up against him "Why don't you go back into recharge and I'll take you back to daddy when he's done"

"Kay Bee" With a yawn Moonlight shut off her optics and immediately slipped off into a light recharge, keeping his arms wrapped around her Bumblebee sighed and looked up at the ceiling wondering when his life became so complicated.

Squeaking in surprise and fear Moonlight looked around her wincing at the bright white of the surrounding landscape; whining her optics rapidly searched for her father her spark sinking when she did not spot his familiar black and gold armour.

"Daddy?" She called hesitantly before calling again "Daddy?!" This time slightly louder shivering when her voice echoed around her

"It is alright my little one" A warm affectionate voice spoke up from behind causing her to jump and spin around; blinking she looked at the bot before her surrounded in a bright glow, unable to see exactly who the bot was Moonlight took a step back. "Don't be afraid my little Light" She watched cautiously as the bot before her knelt down and for the first time was able to see the form of a femme with white armour.

Blinking once she took a slow step forward to get a better look at the femme "Mama?" A smile from the femme was all the encouragement she needed before launching herself at the older femme who instantly held her close.

"My little Light, you've grown so much" The femme whispered kissing her helm

"I missed you Mama" Moonlight replied just as quietly as her mother

"And I you" For a while the two femmes simply remained in silence before her mother spoke up once more "Moonlight, I cannot stay for long. I needed to speak with you one last time." As tears began to form in the youngling's optics her mother hugged her once more "My sparkling, I want you to know that no matter how hard life may get everything will be alright. If you get scared just remember that while I am not with you physically I am always here in your spark and nothing shall change that."

Looking into her daughter's optics she continued "You are my little Light and I shall always be there to guide you. Nothing in this universe shall keep us separated forever" Placing a gently her on her daughter's cheek she kissed her forehead "If you need me my little Light call me and I shall come to your aid" With s chocked sob Moonlight threw her arms around her mother's neck.

"I love you Mama"

"I love you too my little Light"