Title: Let it snow!
Rating: PG
Pairing: Ren/Bya
Warnings: yaoi, fluff; sorta crappy
A/N: Written on the train from Bialystok to Warsaw for my dearest Kiciur!

Byakuya rubbed his gloved hands against each other in order to make them warmer, but the air was so frosty that nothing that he did could take any effect. He liked winter, but only if he could admire the view from behind a window of a well-heated room, preferably with a cup of hot tea in his hand and a warm blanket on his feet. Outside, he looked like Rudolph with a red nose, dressed in white thick kimono with gloves, a furry scarf and matching earmuffs. He was sure that when he came home, he would be the happiest person in the world...

"Surprise!", he heard a yell behind him. His well-trained reflex immediately caused him to move aside, saving him from the sudden attack that was of course launched by Renji. The lieutenant, not having anything to catch, tripped and fell onto the white snow with a thud.

Byakuya almost smiled. Winter may be cold, but Renji's usual amusing behaviour could make him warm inside even if his hands and nose were freezing off.

Just when Renji started to get up from the ground, Byakuya threw himself on top of him, pinning him to the snowy surface. Their faces were close and their steamy breaths mixed. Renji grinned and attempted at capturing Byakuya's lips with his own, but failed as the noble turned his head. What Renji kissed passionately was Byakuya's fluffy earmuff.

"Taicho, don't be mean!", the lieutenant chuckled and suddenly switched their positions with a strong movement of his legs.

Byakuya was startled that he allowed himself to be so reckless to let Renji do that, but the more important thing at the moment was that his winter kimono began to soak through...

"Oi, taicho", Renji groaned with a mischevious grin. "Now it's you who's freezing his ass off. But no worry", he pecked Byakuya's cold and obviously red nose, "We'll take care of it as soon as we get home", he suspended his voice meaningfully.

Byakuya huffed in mock annoyance, but llifted his head to kiss his lover's lips.