Shikon No Youkai High

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha or its characters. I only own its merchandise. Just the characters I make up.

Chapter1: New Girl

(Sesshomaru's P.O.V)

I was sitting in Genkostu-Sensei class. As usual he was running late. All I had to do was sit back and wait, but that was short lived. When the door opened he stepped in and closed it behind him. He put his suitcase on his desk and opened it, and he pulled out some papers. Then he started to write on the board. When he was finished writing the door reopened. Stepped in a longed haired raven, hazel eyed girl. She wore black long sleeved, zipped up, cuffed shirt that hung over her shoulder then it the straps over her collar bone. On top of that she had on a pair of leggings that hugged in all the right places. And purple ruffled heels and a silver chain, but the charm was hidden inside her shirt.

"May I help you young lady?" Genkostu-Sensei asked the girl standing in front of his desk.

"Yes…um I'm the new student Achijo, Rin" She said and handed him her schedule. He looked over her schedule, and then backs at her and said.

"Ah …yes I can see that… you can have a seat in last row behind Mr. Takahashi and next to Ms. Ookami."He said pointing in the direction she was to go in. She was headed my direction way. I could over hear people whispering about hear. Asking questions like who is she? Where she came from? I could care less. I watched as she raised an eye brow then smirked and sat down right behind me.

(Rin's P.O.V)

I sat down in the empty sits behind this guy Sensei said was Takahashi. "He looks familiar." I thought to my self. "Huh I don't even know why I'm even here…" I was musing to myself when someone tapped me on my shoulder. I turned to my left to see a red-head smiling at me.

"Hey I'm Ookami, Ayame!" the red-head girl said with a huge smile on her face. She said leaning over her the side of desk to look at me.

"Hey… Achijo, Rin." I said plainly.

"What brings you to Shikon No Youkai High Rin?"Ayame said to me still leaning over her desk to talk to me.

"Well my father owns his own business and moved it out here to Tokyo." I said loading to tell her why I was here.

"Do you have any brothers or sisters, are you the youngest….etc." She kept going on before she was interrupted.

"Ayame calm down let the poor girl gets a word in, and then asks another question." A brunette said sitting behind Ayame.

"Oh shut up Sango, I'm just asking simple questions."Ayame said pouting turning around and slouching in her sit.

"I apologize for her behavior hey I'm Kuwashima, Sango." The girl named Sango said with her hand extended which I happily shook.

"Achijo, Rin." I said with a small smile. "Back to you Ayame yes I'm the oldest two sisters and a brother."I said to Ayame.

"Really….oh look Sango the fan club and sluts are staring." Ayame said with a scowl on her face. Sango and I looked in the direction Ayame was talking about, and she was right some sluts were staring.

"Well I could have figured that one." I said plainly in-matter-fact voice.

"How" They both asked at the same time.

"Easy…you see Oogami, Kagura over there right?"I said lowly pointing at her.*Thought I'd never see her again.* I thought to myself.

"Wait…wait how do you know Kagura?" Ayame asked curiously.

"Well let's just say our fathers were doing business with each other and it didn't go well…"I started but was interrupted by Ayame yet again.

"What do you mean 'by did business." She said mildly curious.

"I really shouldn't be telling you this." I said stated cautiously.

"Oh please I want to use all the blackmail I can get" Was all she said. I laughed at her, but continued.

"Well Kagura's father got caught selling illegal items on the black-market, but my father got arrested with him because of association in which they were business partners, in thus I'm here."I said with a small smile.

"Wow that's a tragedy" Ayame said with a fake sorrow with her hands over her chest for more theatric effects. I hit her in the arm firmly.

"So how did you figure out that she's a slut Rin?" Sango asked me again.

"Oh when are fathers were on simpatico terms I was a hell raiser. I wouldn't say we were friends, but let's just say she was into some things that I just wasn't. There was this guy she slept with him then she robbed him." I said finishing my explanation.

"Alright class today we're going to do a test on the book "Romeo and Juliette." Genkostu-Sensei said to his class. The whole class groans as he hands out the test papers to his students. When he was done passing out the papers he sat back down and said.

"You have thirty minutes, and when your done bring up your tests, and then get started on the assignment on the board. You have till the end of class to complete it. Get started." Was his last statement and started grading papers. I look around everyone was doing the test everyone was having a hard time except me at least. Until someone tapped me on my shoulder I looked up to see it was Ayame.

"What?"I said to Ayame.

"Um do you know the answer to number 16-20?" She whispered low so no one could here her.

"No just guess the best that you can." I said to her and got up, and turned my paper in.

"Done all ready Ms. Achijo you're not going to consider revising it?" He asked me.

"No there's no need for me to check it."I said, and walked away back to my seat. When I got to my seat I started on my assignment. Everyone else just finishing up their tests when I was done with the assignment he assigned. So all I had to do was pull out my iPod and wait till class was over.

(Sesshomaru's P.O.V)

I was listening to the new girl sitting behind me talking to Ayame and Sango. I wish they would stop talking because they're talking about useless things. It's like my prayers were answered. When Genkostu-Sensei said we had to do a test. I was doing my test when I heard footsteps coming. I watched as the new girl got up from finishing her test and handed it into Genkostu-Sensei. Then she walked back to her seat as if nothing had happened. It won't be long before she becomes a fan girl just wait. I was finished with my test and handed it into Genkostu-Sensei, which was a surprise for him because I would usually be the first person done. I walked back to my seat to see that the new girl was half way done with the assignment that he just gave us. I was impressed, but very little. I saw her look up from her work to look at me *Here we go the next fan girl * but looked back down at her work. She acted as if nothing happened lets keep it that way. I have enough to deal with Kagura I don't need another one.

Ring…. Ring….. Ring

(Rin's P.O.V)

Finally class was finally over and I could go check on the twins. They always seem to get into trouble when I'm not around. So grabbed my bag and work and headed for the door. I handed my work into Genkostu-Sensei and I was out. I was half way out the door when someone called my name.

"Rin…Rin wait for us!" the voice said which was easily recognized as Ayame with Sango beside her.

"Oh hey" I said pulling out my earphones turning in their direction.

"Where are you going?" She asked me.

"Um… going to check on my brother and sister they tend to get in trouble when I'm not around." I said to her.

"We'll come with you." She said happily.

"You don't really have to if you don't want too" I said in rushed tone.

"But we want to we don't mind." said Sango waving it off as if nothing.

"Alright if you want it's your choice." With that we were walking down the hallway. We got half way down the hallway when Ayame tapped me on my shoulder.

"Rin can I see your schedule?" She asked me.

"Uh...sure" I said. Going into my bag and pulled out my schedule and handed it to her.

1st Bell; English, Genkostu-Sensei Rm662A

2nd Bell; History Demon 101, Kurusu-Sensei Rm135

3rd Bell; Gym, Chura-Sensei Gym

4th Bell; Lunch, Cafeteria

5th Bell; Algebra, Mayu-Sensei Rm959

6th Bell; Chemistry Kekkashi-Sensei Rm132

7th Bell; Free Period

"Hey we have the same classes." Ayame said.

"Oh yeah let me that" said Sango. Snatching the paper right out of Ayame's hand and looking at the paper.

"I guess we do we're going to have to tell Kagome this." said Sango.

"Who's Kagome?" I asked them.

"Kagome is one of our friends she total cool at meeting new people." said Sango all nice and calm.

"Tell me about yourselves because I like to know who I'm talking with and how they act." I asked them and they nodded.

"I'll go first … name Ookami, Ayame I'm a wolf demoness for starters." She began. "I have no siblings; I'm the leader for the Northern wolf tribe. I'm very violent at times so don't make me angry. Other than that I'm cool to get a long with. She finished with that.

"Well I'm a demon slayer all of my family have been slaying demon for generations." Sango said with a little pride in her voice. "I have a little brother his name is Kohaku and my neko-demon companion Kiara. And people say I'm a hot head, but that's not true…" She was interrupted by Ayame.

"Sango you are a hot head." Ayame said.

"I am not a hot head…just don't get me heated and very thing will be fine." She said and punched Ayame in the shoulder.

"Oww alright your not a hot head." Ayame said holding her shoulder.

I started to laugh. They looked at me and had the same look on their face that said what's-so-funny.

"Nothing… I can see that we're going to get a long just fine." I laughed softly. We were talking minding our own business when a dark brown headed girl ran up to us and smiled.

"Hi Sango, hey Ayame how's it going." The girl said with a smile on her face and trying to even out her breathe.

"Hey Kags we're fine what about you?" Ayame asked the girl that was recently named Kagome.

"Just fine…hey" Kagome said looking directly at me.

"Hey I'm Rin."I said to her.

"You must be the new student?" she said to me.

"I guess you could say that." I said sheepishly.

"Guess what…"She started but was interrupted by the shouting saying 'fight…fight".

We all turned in the direction of the noise. Then we started to run down the hall way towards the noise. There was already a crowd so we had to push ourselves to the front to see what was happening. I was complete taken aback it was my brother standing in front of his twin sister being grabbed by his collar face to face with a half breed. The hanyou wore a red wife beater with dark blue jeans, and red and white converses. On top of that he had white hair and a pair of dog ears that defined him as a dog demon. He was about to punch my little brother. I could tell that he wouldn't last must longer. I acted on instinct and I punched the hanyou dead in the face. This got a lot of 'Oo' from the crowd. He stepped back and looked pissed then he already was.

"Why in the hell did you punch me?" He said rubbing his nose and wincing.

"If you ever in you life touch them again I will kill you." I said in deadly voice.

"You can't kill me wench you're just a human." He said with an immature scowl. This made the crowd 'Oo' again.

"Do you want to find out?"I said with venom dripping from every word.

"Yeah I think I do." He said came at me. It took all I had to keep my powers in check, but I slipped my eyes turned silver and silenced that hanyou for good. But when I punched the hanyou to the ground, I felt the black of unconscious take me. I felt the twins catch me but nothing else.

(Sesshomaru's P.O.V)

"We have to get her out of here Kai!" yelled Rin's little sister to her twin brother.

"I know Ayumi come on." The boy named Kai said to everyone. He was now helping his twin sister gets his other sister up.

"What's wrong, what happened to her?" asked InuYasha's wench Kagome with worry written across her face.

"We have to get our sister out of here or they'll find out about her true nature." Said the girl named Ayumi.

"We'll help."And with that Ayame, Sango and Kagome were helping the two kids get their sister away from the crowd of people.

*Interesting*I thought to myself and walked away.

Hey Ni-Ni chan330 here please review and tell me what you think. NI-Ni Chan OUT!