This chapter is for Lunaralda my first Reviewer and Malurina the first person to have this on Story alert

I didn't want to open my eyes to whatever realm I was in, I wanted to stay in the black and never return to whatever scolding I would wake to, whether it be mother and fathers or Demeter's Munk's and Tugger's. Either would be painful enough. I knew now, after what Lute had said it was stupid of me to do something like that, Demeter wouldn't of had blood family left, my friends would morn, and I wouldn't be able to live out my sister's life for her, how she would have wanted me to. But now, I didn't want to wake, being lost to blackness was a relief compared to the real world.

"Stop wallowing in self pity and open your eyes!" hissed a voice I barely recognised because it held so much venom. With that voice my eye flung open and took in the world around me. It was bright and vibrant, blurred at the edges only one figure completely solid. His paws pressed against my skull as I felt his magic beat against my skull and run through my veins. Misto sat on my chest as he forced magic into me, it was literally pouring from him, his eyes were glowing with a heavenly light, as he continued to force my body to repair itself and forced my brain to work properly. He closed his eyes as he pulled his paws from where they had been pressing to before collapsing to the side breathing deeply.

I was pulled into My sisters lap as I watched Tugger kneel beside his mate crying, he quickly looked to someone in the corner of the den, I followed his gaze and saw Coricopat and Tantomile. They simply nodded and he instantly relaxed as he placed a kiss on his mates forehead and moved him into a more comfortable position. I was well aware of my sister crying as she caressed my fur let her tears mingle with my bloodied fur. How half the junkyard were packed into my small den and how people shouted, asking what was happening but I watched Misto, and thought about how he just saved my life. This perplexed me no end. The tom was so small, so young yet he had saved a life, and my life for bast sake, why would he save me? I had never done anything for him, he had never been a close friend of mine, a friend of a friend I was just getting to know- my trail of thought was cut shot as I felt something move from my paws. I glanced down to see Munk removing my glass from my paw. I tightened my paw around it. Munk looked up a sad frown on his face.

"Bomba let go" he ordered firmly. I shook my head, Munk grabbed my wrist and prised my claws from it. Tears welled in my eyes.

"Please…Munkstrap, it's all I have left of Lutie" I rasped slowly, lightly, he didn't even hear. I forced myself to sit up lightly pushing my sister away. Munk was already out the den. No one knew what to do with me, Jenny looked angry but was nervous about pushing me in the wrong place, hurting me even more. I left the den and tried to catch up with Munk, barely noticing the shocked gazes of the tribe.

"Munkustrap, Please…Munkustrap!" I called after him, my throat hurting as I raised my voice. He turned to look at me with a shake of his head before running full speed out of the Junkyard and throwing it against a brick building. I was grabbed that second, I watched as tears filled my eyes and the glass shattered and glinted dimly in the midday sun. I didn't fight, I buried my face in Tuggers long fur and cried.

"Come on Angel, you need to rest," he purred lightly as he carried me back to my den.

After twenty-four hours I woke, feeling exhausted. Over-night Demeter had the chance to get over the shock of nearly losing me and had built up her anger.

"Why the hell did you do that Bomba!" she shouted at me as I was restricted to my sleeping surface. I glared at my feet hating what I had put her through.

"Well? Are you going to answer me? Or do you really hate me that much!" she shouted sounding chocked by the end. I glared at my feet as tears came to my own eyes.

"I do my Best Bomba, I really try, but you never help, you never tell me a thing, hiding that from me and nearly…Killing yourself how do you think that makes me feel? I feel like I've failed, is that what you want?" she shouted, sobs could be heard when she paused. I glared as Tears fell down my cheeks. I clenched my paws before looking straight at her.

"I never said I hated you!" I shouted as loud as I could with my aching throat.

"I never said I wanted what I've been given, I didn't want Lute to die, I never wanted for my life to disintegrate a little more each time someone I loved died" I shouted as I ripped little holes in the blanket beneath me.

"I thought she died because of me Deme, I couldn't live with that…I need her to tell me that so I could finally get a piece of my mind back, a piece of my heart back, I wanted the pain to go!" I sobbed barely whispering, Deme cried as she wrapped her arms around me and dried my face. I leant into her chest as I wrapped my arms around her, like I used to before I grew so tall.

"Yesterday after you did that stupid thing you said : 'I love you Lutie,' why?" Deme asked in a whisper. I breathed in deeply, calming my self.

"She came to see me, she said it wasn't my fault and that Mum and Dad miss us," I murmured relaxing into the homey feel of my sisters fur.

"She would," Deme sighed with a small laugh that made her chest vibrate, tickling me slightly.

"I'm Sorry," I breathed feeling sleep creep up on me.

"Me too." she sighed laying me back down on the Sleeping surface and laying a old tea towel over me and I scrunched into a ball and fell sleep

Well i hope you liked. review, sub to the story, that kinda thing, you will all get mentions in my next chappy if you do :D (not that i'm bribing you...) ;D