Never Have I Ever

Disclaimer: So I don't own anything. So there. (Love you, Dick Wolf 3)

Chapter 15: Sweet Escape -Elliot's POV

Well, see, it only seemed appropriate that since I started this story that I, you know, wrap it up too.

That and, after forcing everyone else to tell their versions of the story they thought it was only fair that I was forced to wrap it up and let you all know that we got out safely and went on our merry ways, living happily ever after and all that.

Of course, there's way more to it than that.

"Thank GOD…" Casey sighed loudly, tapping her foot as the elevator lightly bounced to a halt. Somehow her shoes had made their way from her feet into her hands, I couldn't say when, I hadn't noticed that she'd taken them off in the first place. "Not that you guys aren't great, but I really do have a headache and I am seriously hungry. God, I can't wait to go get a burger."

I smiled slightly and shot my partner a sidelong glance, taking in her disheveled appearance. It was… well, aside from oddly attractive, possibly a little too messy for the situation. I mean, after all, we'd just been sitting in an elevator for fifty minutes, right?

Well, I guess it wasn't that big a deal, after all Alex looked like hell too. She lifted her little purse over her shoulder and sidled up to Munch, who was standing next to the overeager Casey. Smiling slightly she nudged his arm with her elbow and brushed her hair out of her face. "A burger sounds nice. Did you leave your wallet at home, along with your cell phone?"

"Of course I didn't, I had to drive here." The old goon sighed, clearly exasperated from his long ride in the elevator. Olivia and I rolled our eyes in unison, bewildered that he didn't get the obvious implication in her statement.

We did that unison synchronized shit a lot, didn't we?

Fuck. Well it wasn't my damn fault we had chemistry.

"Well I don't have any cash, maybe you can take me to Outback or something."

"Outback would take so long." Casey muttered, bouncing from foot to foot. "I'm hitting the nearest McDonald's."


"Fuck off."

"Well," Olivia smiled, "I for one, have to pee like a damn race horse."

"You know," Munch replied as the doors slid open, "Race horses have to pee just as much as regular horses."

A confounded looking Fin stood in front of the elevator to greet us, eyebrow raised in confusion. "Jesus, man, I haven't seen you all day and the first thing that comes out of your mouth is some weird ass shit."

Munch rolled his eyes as a new, odd expression crossed Casey's face. The strawberry blonde's eyes lit up like the fucking fourth of July as she slithered up to her boyfriend and snaked her arms around his neck with a soft, husky, "Hey baby, I've missed you."

I hope the image didn't creep you out, but I swear I'm trying to tell it like it was. Illusions to snakes and all, cause it really was serpentine. No lie.

Olivia and Alex screwed up their faces as Casey greeted Fin in her… seductive way while I rolled my eyes and Munch scoffed, "Oh gag me. Get a room."

"Hey man, she's been trapped in that elevator with you for almost an hour. Leave her alone."

"I've been trapped in there with him for an hour, think I could get a burger or something?" Alex complained loudly, crossing her arms over her chest. "Can't even get a man to take me to lunch."

Olivia laughed and threw an arm around her friend, "I'll take you to get a burger Alex. After I pee, because I seriously am going to burst."

Munch turned and raised an eyebrow at the two women, "Wait, you were implying that I take you to eat?"

"Obviously." They replied, eyes narrowing.

"Oh. Well, shit, yeah, I'll take you to lunch."

"Oh thank God." Olivia laughed, lightly pushing Alex away from her. "I don't want to spend another minute in these shoes."

"You're having Munch take you to lunch, Cabot?" Fin asked, eyebrow raised yet again, his hands at Casey's hips.

"Yeah." Alex nodded. Blushed. Man, this was a really depressing sight. "So?"

Fin shook his head and lightly kissed Casey. Again. "Lunch sound good to-"

She cut him off, stepping back from him and slipping her shoes on. "No, it sounds EXCELLENT to me. I say we go now."

"Oh, well, aiight." He shrugged, grinning at the rest of us. "Sounds good, baby."

"Yeah yeah, let's hit it." Casey turned and threw us all a wicked grin. "I really did have fun today you guys. We'll have to get together and actually finish… what we started… sometime."

"For sure." Alex smirked. Fin looked confused again as he and Casey waved goodbye to us and started out the building, passing by a similarly confused Judge Donnelly and Captain Cragen. The pair walked up to us with looks of bewilderment plaguing their faces.

"Was that Casey Novak?" Donnelly asked.

"The one and only." Olivia smiled. "You all don't mind if I make a break for the bathroom, right? Because I'm seriously dying."

I rolled my eyes and shoved her off towards the restrooms before turning back to my captain, "Sorry, we're all a little crazy."

"Yeah I'd assume." He nodded with a sigh. "You're all ok though, right?"

"Yeah, we all ready turned away all the medical help that was rushing toward us." Munch added sarcastically. "So nice of them to show up though."

"The EMTs are outside if medical help is necessary." Donnelly replied sternly, shooting him a glare. "Now if you all are in fact, ok, I'd like to let you know that court will resume tomorrow at nine am. Stabler, I assume either you or Benson's little friend Cabot will inform her of this, am I right?"

"Yes ma'am." I smiled, looking over at the ADA who still seemed to be blushing. Huh. Maybe she wasn't. Maybe she was just hot, or something.

"Listen, detectives," Cragen said, calling my attention away from Alex and her cheeks. "Go home and get some rest. All right?"

"Yes sir." We sighed glumly. Olivia was going to be really pissed. She hated not working.

"Good. Tell Olivia we're glad she's ok. See you all tomorrow."

"Agreed." Donnelly said, turning and walking towards her office as Cragen headed back out to the busy streets of New York.

"…That all seemed rather pointless." Munch said.


I smiled at my two friends and ran a hand through my hair, "Well, today was… eventful."

"And uneventful." Alex sighed, rubbing her eyes. "So seriously Munch, Outback?"

"Of course, let's go." He turned to me and gave me one of those tired smiles. "See you tomorrow, El. Tell Liv I said bye."

"Will do." I nodded.

"And tell her I expect a rain-check for that lunch date she was prepared to give me." Alex said so seriously that I wanted to assume she was joking. I couldn't of course, but I really did want to. "And tell her I'm often more openly available for dinner or early breakfasts."

I raised my eyebrows as she grinned and walked off with Munch, purposefully removing his arm from her shoulder as he attempted to sling it over. Olivia walked up moments later, smoothing out her shirt.

"Seems it's just you and me, partner."

"Seems to end up that way a lot." I laughed, lightly placing my hand on her back as we made our way towards the doors of the courthouse. "By the way, Alex is honestly expecting you to take her on a lunch date."

"Of course she is."

"Though she prefers dinner or early breakfast."

"Of course she does."

I smiled at my partner as we wedged out of the big glass door and into the cold air, and I wrapped my arm around her shoulder as I led her to the car. "Speaking of lunch or dinner, you hungry?"


"I'll drive. Two fingers."

She punched me lightly and stepped away from me upon reaching the car, "Let's hope our next game fiasco is slightly less emotionally scarring."

"Yeah, but…" We got in and I turned on the engine. "What fun would that be?"

A/N: :D Finished! Haha, well I hope to write another, possibly more raunchy and FAR more emotionally scarring than this one! I will see you all sometime in the future, until then, I hope you enjoyed!