Important Note before You Reading the 'Time Clash'

Hi, guys! This is Pii with her new story called 'Time Clash'. First of all, I must say I do not own Danny Phantom. This is just Fan-Fic, and if I owned Danny Phantom, don't you think I will make this an episode? Now, to the next part. This story is a sequel of 'Truth Beside Stories'. If you not read it yet, be sure to read that first. The link is here :

http : / / www . fanfiction . net / s / 6100737 / 1 / Truth _ Beside _ Stories

Just remove the spaces. This story has no PP(Phantom Planet) please note that. And I(Pii) do not own anything but the story and the OC will appear on this story. This is not a DPxOC story, so don't worry about that. For you to know, it's DxS, and the genre is Adventure/Humor with lots of Fruitloops.

Maybe lots of you already know about the story from my notes in my other fan-fics and DeviantART. For the ones who support me, I say a lot of thank-yous. Oh, and one more thank to my friend JuneLuxray because she beta-read the whole story! Without her, this story will be nothing. I give a lot thank-yous to her too.

As you to know too, this story got inspired by dannyfangirl's 'Time Fixers'. But to note, I am not copying the story. I am just inspired by the story. I am sorry the story is kind of familiar, I am pretty sorry but I really didn't mean to be like that. As for the name, Darry. It's the OC which will appear on this story later on. I am sorry that I copied the name, but I doesn't mean to 'copy' him. I just use the name, I am sorry for that(and sorry I am not askin permission first). I am not original, you may shoot me for this. At first I tried to search for another name, but I terribly sorry that I ended up to the 'baby name list'. You may say 'lol', but I did that. And I found that Darry's name mean good enough for his characteristic in my fic (now I forgot the meaning).

Okay. So, that's all again, I do not own Danny Phantom, I do own this fiction and the OC, Darry on this story. I do not own Time Fixers, which belongs to dannyfangirl or it is SOLmaster, I don't know because they seems to work together. I am just inspired by the story, I didn't mean to copy it. I am sorry that I copied the name, and this story beta-readed by JuneLuxray. Now, let's onward to the story, and please review for my sake. Last words, enjoy, and Pii's out.


JuneLuxray : Wooo. Chicken butt. Review or DIE, foolz.

Disclaimer : I do not own Danny Phantom, Butch Hartman does. If I own DP I will make this story a movie in 3D computer effects 8D (but not with real human act hehehe) I am inspired by Time Fixers, Time Fixers © dannyfangirl and SOLmaster. Future OC which will appear soon belongs to me. Beta read by JuneLuxray… hey wait, why I say same stuffs like the one in Author Notes before? O_o Okay, onward then.

Time Clash

A Danny Phantom Fan-Fic by Pii

It was a nice sunny day in Amity Park. Behind Casper High, a huge crash was heard. A blue ghost banged to the wall, and he tried quickly to get up. Raising his hands, he shouted, "Beware!"

Danny Phantom flew to the Box Ghost, and landed kicks and punches on him. Behind the two ghosts fighting, a woman was holding her camera, focused on the ghost boy who was battling the Box Ghost. She smiled softly. Phantom knocked the Box Ghost down again, as he sighed and pulled his thermos.

He pointed the thermos on the ghost, ignoring his shouts. Once he was fully sucked inside, he capped the thermos and turned to the woman with camera, knowing she was there the whole time. She kept smiling, giggling a little. The boy put on an annoyed look and floated over to her. "Why must you embarrass me every time I fight a ghost, even the lame one like the Box Ghost…?" His face made the woman giggle more. He kept silent for a while, feeling embarrassed. The camera's lens were still focused on him. "…Mom?" He finished his words. Maddie smiled and lowered the camera to see her son's annoyed face.

"It's just nice to record every bit of your battles, sweetheart."

Danny rolled his eyes, his mom stopping the video and looked at the result. She replayed the video again and turned to Danny. "You do look good in your every battle." She said as the video played his battle with the Box Ghost. Her son felt really embarrassed- ever since his parents found out his secret, they started to embarrass him more. It was good that they didn't really overprotect him, but they were still worried and helped their son when they could. Sometimes Danny worked with his parents now, but sometimes situations like this also happened. He was really annoyed- why must his mom make a video of him fighting the lame Box Ghost? He wasn't even that hard.

"Oh look, your cheeks are red!" Maddie said, pointing at Danny's red cheeks. His cheeks turned even redder. "Aww…Mooom…"

She couldn't help but laugh at Danny's expression. He was truly embarrassed now, the son and mom busy with their states. Maddie kept laughing at her son's face, while Danny just got more embarrassed by his mom. From behind the school building, they didn't realize someone was looking at them.

While the two kept fighting about how cute Danny is and how strong he is, two figures walked over to them. "Dude, what happened out there?" Tucker asked as he arrived.

"Sorry we're late. What ghost was that?" Sam asked. He floated to Sam.

"Ahhh…Nothing, just the Box Ghost. So, what's up?"

Tucker opened his PDA to check the to-do list. "So, today…Ghosts are clear around Amity Park. The job is done." He said as he erased the task list and turned to Danny, Sam, and Maddie. Maddie was still watching the replayed video. She smiled when looking at her son. Sam turned curious. "What's that, Mrs. Fenton?"

"A video about Danny battling with the Box Ghost earlier." Maddie smiled, Danny slapped his face when Maddie showed the video to Sam and Tucker. The video showed Danny kicking the Box Ghost by spinning his legs. Tucker turned to Danny after that.

"Dude, do you do a rap dance or something?"

Danny just raised his eyebrows.

Start Epic Theme Song Here!

(He's a Phantom)

(Danny Phantom, Danny Phantom)

Young Danny Fenton was just fourteen when his parents built a very strange machine

Designed to view a world unseen

(He's gonna catch 'em all cuz he's Danny Phantom)

When it didn't quite work, his folks, they just quit

Then Danny took a look inside of it.

There was a great big flash, everything just changed

His molecules got all rearranged

(Phantom, Phantom)

When he first woke up, he had realized he had snow white hair and glowing green eyes

He could walk through walls, disappear, and fly

He was much more unique then the other guys

Then it was then that he knew what he had to do…

He had to stop all the ghosts that were comin' through!

He's here to fight, for me and you!

He's gonna catch 'em all cuz he's Danny Phantom, gonna catch 'em all

cuz he's Danny Phantom, gonna catch 'em all cuz he's

(Danny Phantom)

End of Epic Theme Song.

Danny(in human form), Sam, and Tucker walked together, heading to Fentonworks. The three talked all the way there. Behind them, Maddie followed while she kept replaying the video. "Look, I don't really not understand what looks so great in that." Danny said as he put his hands on his face, covering it. Tucker smiled.

"I guess that it's just funny that you do a spin kick like that. Just like a rap dance!"

"Wow. Why you doing some weird moves, Danny?" Sam asked, smiling. Danny was embarrassed even more.

"I don't know what I do in each of my battles! I just do- anything I can do, and-" He paused and turned to his mom. "Mom, can you stop the video?"

"Aww, why not, Danny? You look so cute." Maddie said with a smile. The video kept repeating over and over, as he decided to ignore it. The four entered Fentonworks, and they saw Jack inside, sitting on the couch, taking a break from his work. Maddie quickly walked over her husband, showing him the video she recorded earlier. "Jack, look at this!"

Jack smiled at his son after he saw the video. "I like how you kick that ghost's butt, son! You're a real Fenton!"

"T-thanks, Dad. I guess I'll just be upstairs." He said as he walked to the stairs, Sam and Tucker following him. After Danny's parents found out about his secret, Danny told them all about the ghosts he fought all this time. About what happens when he is battling a ghost. What happened with Pariah Dark, the robbery, and everything. His parents were really surprised to see how many dangers they met, and were proud of Danny for being so brave.

Danny, Tucker, and Sam gathered in Danny's room. "All right, so now what are we gonna do?" Danny asked his best friends. Tucker and Sam rolled their eyes, thinking for a while before Tucker smiled and shouted, "I call the video game!"

Sam groaned and slapped her face when Tucker and Danny turned on the video game. Boys will never change.


Sorry it's short ^^; I am kinda stuck at the opening here… okay. So it's posted. Review please?

JuneLuxray : -stares- I am not only her beta reader. I am the person who forces you to review for her. -stares with plastic ball bat in hands-