Raymond Stantz pretended to be busy all day. He went to the grocery store. He grinned at the cashier when he handed her his ID, hoping she would recognize her as famous ghost buster.

But it didn't happen.

So Raymond went to the florist. He thought maybe some fresh lilacs would brighten Janine's mood; she had been rather sour faced since finding Egon locked in the company bathroom with a copy of "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies" and a vuvuzuela up his hooh hah.

The florist also did not recognize him.

What was going on, he thought, with a worried expression. Why didn't anyone recognize him on this day, the anniversary of their biggest accomplishment: saving the city of New York. Depressed, he trudged up the stairs to his apartment. He thought he would feel better ifhe got to the couch and his xbox 360, but instead he found Peter, Egon, and Winston baking a cake in his kitchen.

"WHat are you guys doing here?"

"It's our anniversary, fool!" Winston said whil winking simultaneously.

"But nobody cares. I didn't get recognized once," He moped.

"I know why," Peter said. He always thought he knew why, fucking shithole. "It's because its shark week. Ghosts are old hat now. Sharks are totally cool."

Raymond recalled back to a previous memory in a flash. The first ghost that ever scared him. An evil skull faced woman with bare teeth. Then he envisioned an evil skull faced shark. It was a young shark, covered in pucked red acne. He wondered if young sharks had to wear braces, then realized that they would not! Sharks lost teeth and grew more throughout their lifetime. He puffed up, proud of himself for remembering biology facts.

"Back to reality, Ray!" Egon screamed at him. He hated it when Raymond would day dream, ever sicne that one time it had ended in the stay puft marshmallow man being created and almost destroying them and all that. But that sotry was legendary so I will not retell it here for fere of being trite.

"Look you are clearly upset that we are not famous anymore," Peter ocntinued. "WHy don't we capitalize on this Shark craze? Let's watch it on Discovery channel HD. And see if we can lend our talents"

With the help of some jalepeno cheese dip and cans of whipped cream, which the boys deposited directly into their disgusting mouths. Afterwards they were inspired. Egon and winston called their lawyer and got him on the phone.

At the end of the week, the new business was revealed. SHARKBUSTERS, the sign procraimed ploudly. THe new commercials features the men in their speedos, with brand new waterproof PROTON PACKS. THey gave up the ghost business and instead sunke themselves in the ocean every day, sucking up sharks and donating them to struggling aquariums. For their good services, they were awarded a purple heart and finally, Raymond could go back to the grocery stories and get the blowjob-eager cashiers that he had hoped for.