I don't own BTR so let's just drop it shall we?

"Logie come back to bed please?" Kendall pleaded with his boyfriend.

For the past four nights Logan had been getting up every few hours to throw-up. It ware more than enough to cause the hockey player to worry about his love so much that he finally convinced Logan to go to the doctors only to find out that nothing was wrong with him.

But that was two days ago and his Logie-bear was still throwing up, sleeping more and eating weird foods. If Kendall didn't know any better he would have thought his lover was pregnant.

'Nah he can't be…can he?' Kendall thought to himself as Logan came back to bed clinching his stomach.

"Babe are you alright?" Kendall asked while staring at his boyfriend, he knew it was a stupid question to ask but he had to ask.

"Kendall I..I'm sorry." Logan said breaking down as he sat on the bed.

"For what you haven't done anything wrong love, you are just sick right now it's alright." Kendall said setting up and gently trying to get Logan back in bed.

"Kendall I…I'm pregnant." Logan said as he started to cry trying to get away from his loves touch. 'He is gonna hate me and this baby. Maybe if I get rid of it then…'

What he wasn't expecting was for his boyfriend to grab him by the wrist and drag him back to bed and kiss his tears away.

"Well at least we figured out why you have been getting sick and eating weird things." Kendall said with a smile as he continued to kiss his lover's tears away.

Alright just a short one-shot review if you want to I'm not gonna make you this time. But go check out Rayjpop's account he is writing a Jarlos while I took on Kogan.
