A/N: This is my new story based on Allanis Morrisette's "You've Already Won Me Over." Please Enjoy.

Disclaimer: I don't own Draco, Ron, or any part of Harry Potter because *gasp* I'm not J.K. Rowling!

Warnings: Yaoi, language and later lemons!

I had no choice but to hear you

You stated your case time and again

I thought about it

Weasley was following me again. It was the third time this week that he tried to corner me. He probably would have succeeded had I not known the secrets of Hogwarts better than him. Unfortunately, I was nowhere near another hidden passageway and it seemed that he was gaining by the second.

'Why? I have Potions in exactly fifteen minutes and that is nowhere NEAR long enough to get cleaned up after the fight that's sure to happen. Weasley has impeccable timing.'

It didn't help that I wasn't sure why he was coming after me. We hadn't had any kind of altercation in nearly two weeks. For that matter, I hadn't even spoken to him. So he couldn't be coming after me to get revenge for a particularly well-placed insult.

Knowing that the coming event was inevitable, I slowed and turned. Standing with my signature smirk in place and my empty hand placed on my hip, I waited for him to catch up. As soon as he was close enough to hear, I called out to him.

"Couldn't help yourself, Weasel? Had to come back for more?"

I studied his features for a moment, searching for the tell-tale signs of rage. None came. Instead his green eyes sparkled with an interest I wasn't sure I liked. It seemed almost predatory in a way and would have been more at home on the face of a Slytherin. He came to a stop a few feet in front of me and crossed his arms.

"Something like that, Malfoy. I've come to make a proposition."

I sneered. "And just what exactly do you think a Weasel could have that I would want?"

His lips slid into a comfortable smile and for some reason, my knees felt a bit weak.

"Oh I have plenty that you'd want. You just don't know it yet." He stepped a bit closer and I had to fight not to run away. In the end, my pride won out and I stood my ground.

"I highly doubt it, Weasel Bee. You're wasting my time." I turned to leave only to be pulled back into a hard chest. I glanced up in shock at Weasley's face merely inches above my own. He had a small smile that was reminiscent of contentment. His arms felt like steel as they wrapped themselves around me. The initial shock wore off and I realized I was being held by a WEASLEY in the middle of the halls. My face contorted with anger and I pushed as hard as I could against his muscled chest. For a split second, I wanted nothing more than to stay that way and let my hands discover each line that his body held but I internally shook it off and pushed even harder.

"What the hell do you think you're doing, Weasley? Get off me!"

He relented slowly and I stormed away.

"Think over it, Draco. I won't let up until I get the answer I want." His voice echoed off the walls and I had to hold back the very un-Malfoy whimper that threatened to let itself out at his commanding tone.

Potions went thankfully uneventful and Weasley-free. I, however, missed nearly everything that Snape said. I'd have to study if I wanted to pass the next test. But how could I help it if my mind wandered to shiny red hair that screamed to be touched? Or lips that looked good enough to eat?

I mentally growled yet again at the train of thought my mind was taking.


I had to prove to myself that it was true! I did not want Ron Weasley. I did not want to feel his lips against my neck and collarbone. I didn't want his hands to caress my stomach or slide slowly lower until they grasp my…

I gasped and had to literally shake my head to clear the thoughts away. If only that would rid me of my 'other' problem I had just acquired. Professor Snape had turned in my direction with a slightly irritated look and I simply turned to look out the window. He continued his lecture.

No. As soon as class was over, Pansy Parkinson and I would be finding a quiet corner to prove some things to myself.

It had not quite been that simple. I mean, being Draco Malfoy, it was no problem for me to convince Parkinson to follow me to a dark corner. It was less than a problem to get her on her knees with her pouty little mouth wrapped around my cock. It was more of a problem when her ministrations weren't doing much to assuage my pain until I closed my eyes and pictured strong shoulders and those sparkling, predatory green eyes watching my every move. Of course, that picture brought instant relief and Parkinson left with a saucy smirk and rather pleased with herself.

Unfortunately, that only proved to myself the exact opposite of what I was hoping to accomplish. I, Draco Malfoy, wanted Ron Weasley. I swiftly uttered a cleaning spell and swaggered out of the alcove and down to the Great Hall. I would absolutely deny it to myself and anyone who ever would ask but I knew… I knew…

Dinner had been rather uncomfortable. Parkinson kept staring at me like the cat that ate the canary and I involuntarily shivered. Not from pleasure, mind you, but Pansy didn't know that. What was worse than the hungry stares I was being given by Pansy were the hungry stares I was being given from the direction of the Gryffindor table. I casually turned only to have my eyes lock onto those of a certain red-head. He smiled and sent me a wink. It brought an instant blush to my cheeks that I quickly willed away and I turned back to my food. I'd never live that one down.

I stood and left without touching my food or uttering a word to my house-mates.

'Just get to the dorm and into bed. To the dorm and into bed.'

My silent chant was interrupted by a pair of strong arms pulling my into the shadows I was marching past. A rather unmanly squeak burst from my lips before I could stop it.

"I thought you'd be expecting me, Malfoy. Have you made a decision about my proposition?"

Weasley was standing behind me, his arms wrapped around my waist and holding me against the length of his body. His whispered breath on my ear was doing wonders for the newly awakened member in my pants and I had to bite my lip not to moan as he began speaking again.

"No? How about some persuasion?" With those words stated, he began a slow nibble on my ear, trailing down to my jaw and then to my neck. I could feel my breathing turn ragged and I pressed myself further back into him. My eyes fluttered close when his soft lips found a particularly sensitive area near my ear. This time I was unable to hold back the moan.

He chuckled lightly and stopped his ministrations. "You like that, Malfoy? Should I take that as a yes?"

His words broke through my foggy mind and I came back to myself just in time to feel his hand inching down over the bulge in my trousers.

"Quit that, Weasley! I did not say yes!" I slapped at his hand and he removed it.

"Maybe not in words but your body is screaming for me to take it here in the hallway."

His words were like fire to my body but I held back still. "No. I did not say yes."

I pulled myself away from him without any resistance this time and stepped back into the moonlight pouring through the window of Hogwarts. As I started away, a soft voice followed after me.

"But you didn't say no…"

And at that, the great Draco Malfoy ran.

Please review and let me know if you liked it or if you think it should stand alone as a one-shot or if I should continue. I already have chapter two written.