Hey all! I found this on deadlydaisy808's list of challenges, and I just HAD to do it.
gym was never Danny's favorite class. The fact that Mrs. Tetsaf's favorite sport was dodge ball didn't change that. Exam time has rolled around and she really cooked up something good this time. The test? A game of dodge ball, every time a person gets out they lose five points, every time they get someone out they gain three points. Danny sees an opportunity to gain some serious extra credit. If he can get enough points in this one game, he could even raise his GPA. Unfortunately he isn't the only one with this idea. Danny being pegged as one of the wimpy kids is near the top in everyone's hit list. Will Danny risk showing some skill he isn't supposed to have in order to bring up his grade?
I do not own Danny Phantom, or anything in this fic, really.
Danny began his day at about 3:34 AM that day, rudely awakened by his ghost sense and being phased out his window. As soon as he was conscious enough, he noticed the offending ghost (Skulker) and proceeded to kick his tiny butt out of his suit and into the thermos. He returned to his room about half an hour later, with a few scratches, bruised knuckles, and the decision to leave Skulker in the thermos for about a week to get him to stop attacking at 3 AM, as this was becoming a habit.
He was just about to drift to sleep when his ghost sense made itself known again, along with a "Beware!" and a Box Ghost, who flew out of his room with Danny at his heels. The chase was boring, as it crossed the town and had Danny growing more and more irritated. By the time Danny got close enough to him to get him in the thermos, which would have been easier if Valerie hadn't shown up and taken another hour of his time, it was about 5 in the morning. The thermos was capped and shaken, much to the ire of it's contents, and he flew home. He was going to get into his bed when the caterwauling of his alarm clock stopped him. He groaned, changed back into a human, and continued onward to his least favorite time of year.
It was Final Exam time at Casper High once again, ladies and gentlemen, and we all know what that means: Ms. Testlaff was going to pit the students against each other in a fierce contest of agility, speed, and even pain. You guessed it: her final exam was a class-long game of dodgeball. This was normally not a problem, but this year was a little different. Because of the poor grades of some of her students *cough Danny cough* she decided to make a few changes.
"Okay class, I hope you're all prepared for today's game of dodgeball. I've decided to make a few new rules this time around, to hopefully save a few of you from failing." She stared pointedly at Danny before continuing. "The changes are fairly simple: for every person you hit, you get three points. For every time you get out, you will lose five points. Understand?" The class was chatting animatedly, Danny no exception.
"Guys, this is my perfect chance! What could be easier?"
"Dude, I know! From all the time we spend fighting ghosts, dodging should be a snap, though you do get blasted into things more often then not. Hey!" That last bit was prompted by a swift kick from Danny. Sam was a bit more concerned than her friends seemed to be.
"Danny, wait; think about this for a second. Everyone will be aiming for you, because they all think you're the 'wimpy Fenton kid.' What do you think will happen if you use the skills they think you shouldn't have?"
"Chill out, Sam, I'll be fine." Internally, he was a little worried, though. He absentmindedly turned his shirt around and went to his team assignment as he pondered all the ways he could try to avoid making anyone suspicious. I could just hang around and not throw that many balls, he thought, and just use some of the other kids as cover. Sam could probably take out the bigger targets for me, and Tuck could probably give me warnings and things like that, so I have time to dodge. He looked up, only to see that Sam and Tuck both were smiling apologetically from the other team, with Dash and Kwan. He didn't even have Valerie on his side. It seemed to be the stereotypical set up: Jocks (and Sam and Tucker) vs. Nerds, but he didn't even have his friends on his side. He was all alone.
Before he could even register the smirk Dash was sending him, the whistle blew. It had begun.
The game started out very fast, with nerds and geeks falling left and right. After only three minutes, half his team was out. At least, he thought, I can work with what I have. This was true. The students left were members of the color guard (who were very used to throwing and catching awkward things while on the move), the drama geeks, who put their stage combat training to good use (rolling and ducking with a quip or quote), and Nathan, which was surprising, considering Valerie had been aiming for him all period.
Zoning out like this would have proved "fatal" if Danny hadn't been fighting ghosts for the past year or so. He simply allowed his reflexes to kick in a little every once in a while, occasionally side-stepping or catching a ball at the last second, trying his best to make it look awkward. A few eyebrows were raised, but no one said anything. The rest of his team wasn't as responsive as he was, so even with their "experience," Danny was soon the only one left.
A few lucky shots had gotten Sam and Val out, and Tucker tripped over himself, so there was soon no one left on the other team to knock things out of the air for him. He was the last target, and Dash practically had murder in his eyes by this point.
"Hey, Fen-toenail! Ready for a humiliating defeat?" Danny groaned, and dropped into a shadow of his fighting stance. It was barely noticeable, but Sam and Tucker exchanged worried glances before watching the scene unfold. A ball came at him from the left, courtesy of Kwan. He took three steps to his right, ducked a little, and the ball missed by about a foot. Another jock took aim, but Danny had a ball ready, and blocked the incoming projectile with the ball he held firm in his hand. He grabbed the newly deflected ball and threw it at the offending jock. He picked up all the balls near him and threw them haphazardly- partly to keep his secret and partly to even the odds a bit, since the only people out on Dash's team were Sam, Tuck, Val, Star, and Paulina. When he was out of ammo, he "sprinted" towards the rest of the balls on his side, zig-zaging and generally evading the balls thrown back at him.
"No loser friends to help you this time, Fentina! You're all alone and..." He continued to taunt Danny, who was already pretty irritated from the Box Ghost, Skulker, and Val from this morning. Dash was interrupted mid-tirade by a ball whizzing right past his face and a frustrated growl from Danny. "What're you aiming at, loser?"
"Kwan." Dash turned around to see Kwan sitting down. Unfortunately for Danny, that was his last ball, and Dash was furious to see his second-in-command taken down so easily. Snarling, all the jocks grabbed a ball in both hands, and Dash had two tucked under his arm. They all got ready to throw, somehow knowing that it would be on Dash's signal.
"NOW!" Balls came pelting at Danny, who decided that enough was enough. He expertly maneuvered his way through the storm of balls, which he saw were being thrown so hard that they actually bounced all the way back to the other team's half of the room. After realizing that he couldn't just pick up the balls after they hit the wall, Danny grabbed a few out of the air and absently returned fire, knocking jock after jock out of play. Dash, who had been too angry to see what Danny was doing, was soon the only one left.
After looking around, wondering why his team stopped firing, he only got madder. He picked up all of the balls on his side and threw them all almost at the same time. Danny realized with a slight jolt that he couldn't dodge them all by side-stepping, and some of them were aimed to low to duck, so his body, halfway in hero-mode, flipped over all of them, caught the one that was thrown the highest, and threw it at Dash in mid-air. Dash was too stunned by Danny's display to even register that he was out.
Danny, who hadn't realized what he was doing since the balls started coming, returned to reality at the sound of Testlaff's whistle and his ghost sense. Ms. Testlaff was about to say something when Ember phased through the wall, and her ghostly band mates blocked all of the exits.
"WHERE'S MY BOYFRIEND, DIPSTICK?" Did I mention she was angry? Yeah, she was angry. She was so mad, in fact, that her eyes were a solid red and her hair was even more of an inferno than usual. She did not give him a chance to respond as she strummed on her guitar, sending a pink fist hurtling towards him. He dodged, grumbling about all the dodging he had done that day.
Dash was still in shock. First Danny did a flip, then he got him out, and now a screaming ghost was in the gym? It was too much. Sam and Tuck were on their feet, Valerie trying to be of help, even without her suit. However, it was Danny slamming into him that really woke up the large jock.
"What are you stupid? MOVE!" the young hero yelled. Another pink fist was sent their way. It was Danny shoving him out of the way that finally snapped Dash out of it. Danny turned back to Ember while Dash scurried over to where most of the rest of the class was huddled in the corner, as far away from the furious specter as possible. "You guys are still dating? Geez, you are aware that he is only, like, three inches tall, right?" Another blast was sent his way.
"If you don't let him go right now, dipstick, I'm going to have to take some of my anger out on something..." she trailed off, smiling evilly at Danny's classmates. She adjusted a few knobs on her guitar, and looked up again, smirking. "I wanted to show you something, baby-pop. I tricked out my guitar recently, and now I can power up any attack I want! How about a little demonstration?" She strummed out a power chord, aiming the now-enlarged pink fist of energy and Danny's classmates.
Danny had not yet left hero-mode in any way, shape, or form, and thus can be excused from his next lapse of logical thought in regards to his secret. He launched himself into the air, crying "Going ghost!" as he went, and the familiar rings traveled up and down. We all know what the transformation is like, so I'm not going into it here. He sped over to his classmates, erected a shield to block Ember's attack, and proceeded to kick her butt, with all of his gym class stunned at his sudden transformation. He pulled her into the locker room with him, got his thermos, and had her inside in less than five minutes. It was only when he was breathing a sigh of relief that realized what he had done.
He had transformed. In front of everybody. With another sigh- this one of anxiety- her returned to the gym, to find Sam and Tucker trying to calm everyone down, especially Valerie. His reappearance did not go unnoticed, however, and he was soon crowded with fans and enemies, in Val's case. He flew up and away from them, bringing Sam and Tuck with him. He put his friends down near a basketball hoop, and hovered inches above the basket. He began to speak.
"I expect that you have questions, so I'll say this before we get started. What has happened here cannot leave this room. Not only could I get carted off to a lab and be horribly experimented on, I could also be disowned by my parents, and more than a few of my enemies could find out that you know and use you all as bait for me. Now that that's settled, we can begin. Dash?"
Dash put down his hand and spoke up. "Why did you let me wail on you all those times?"
"Because, I don't use my powers for payback, except for a few harmless pranks. Besides, it might have led me to become part of the A-lists, which is just too much attention for me. And, Paulina, before you ask, the answer is no. I will not go out with you." Paulina put her hand down, disappointed. "Yes, Nathan?"
"Who was that ghost you just fought, and what was that about her boyfriend?"
"That was Ember. She was that rock star from a while back that was brainwashing everyone with her music. She's going out with Skulker, the ghost zone's 'greatest' hunter, who has been after my pelt for a while now."
"Because, I'm only half-ghost, and that's pretty unique. He's made it a habit of coming after me at three in the morning lately, so I'm not letting him out of the thermos for about a week. Hopefully, it will get him to stop, seeing as the Box Ghost is in there with him. Next?" Valerie's hand was raised. "Valerie, I'll start this one. Yes, I'm really Danny. Yes, I've been Danny this whole time. That wasn't my dog at Axion; I was actually trying to get him back into the Ghost Zone. I didn't mean to get your dad fired, and I feel really bad about it. I have never once tried to hurt you on purpose. That time when I destroyed your suit? Technus was controlling it; I knew you weren't in there."
"But what about when you stole that stuff! And when you kidnapped the mayor! And, you revealed me to my dad!"
"Valerie. When I stole that stuff, Freakshow, the Circus Gothica Ringleader, was controlling me. His staff controlled ghosts. In fact, Lydia, the one with the tattoos, was the only one there of her own will. When I 'kidnapped' the mayor, one of the ghosts that has a grudge against me overshadowed the mayor to make the town turn against me. He had me in a headlock. Lastly, when I revealed you to your dad, I did it for your own good. Using the Ectoskeleton would have killed you long before you got to Pariah. It almost killed me." Valerie looked like she was slapped in the face, but she smiled a bit at Danny. "Next?"
"How did it happen?"
"Sam, Tucker, I'll need your input on what happened once I get to the part where I turn it on. Okay, so my parents built a portal to the Ghost Zone. It didn't work at first, so when Sam and Tucker came over later, they wanted to see it. Tucker wanted to see if he could do something about it, and Sam wanted a look inside the Ghost Zone. They convinced me to go inside it, so I put on a Hazmat suit, and walked in. It was dark, and I tripped over a cable or something. When I caught myself on the wall, the portal turned on. All I can remember about the next bit is that it hurt a lot. Sam, Tucker, what happened then?" Tucker was about to speak up, but he caught the look in Sam's eye and quickly closed his mouth.
"It was horrible. He started screaming and convulsing, which made sense considering thousands of volts of ecto-electricity were coursing through him. His form kept flashing between Fenton and Phantom before it finally stopped after about a minute or two. Good thing his parents weren't home, or they might have blasted Danny to bits. When he stumbled out, he was losing consciousness. We tried to catch him, but our hands slipped through him. He passed out, and went back to looking like he usually does." Danny picked up the story again.
"I managed to look in the mirror down there before I passed out, and I saw myself in ghost mode. I didn't believe that I was a ghost until I fell through my bed the next morning. We've figured out that I'm half ghost, and I have better control now, but for about a month I kept phasing through things or random parts of me would turn invisible. I'm surprised no one noticed."
"We all thought you were being clumsy. On that note, what exactly can you do that I'm not aware of, Fenton?" This was Testlaff talking.
"Well, I can fly at about 112 mph tops, I can run about twenty to thirty mph, none of the dodging I did in class today was any strain at all. I can shoot ectoblasts, I have ice powers, I can make shields, and I'm working on duplication. There's also my Ghostly Wail..." There were shouts for demonstrations, especially for the last one, but Danny refused, saying that it was for emergencies only. The bell rang, cutting off the chance for any more questions, and Danny flew Sam and Tucker home, gym being the last period of the day. Whatever happens now, Danny thought, I guess only time will tell.
I've always wanted to do a fic where he gets revealed... and now I have! This is the longest thing I've ever written. Please tell me what you think, and if you think I should continue or just leave it be.