
This was not one of the dreams that Clary particularly liked. She new this nightmare vividly because it was something she had seen and she hadn't stopped reliving it since.

Jace lay on the sand in Idris, his eyes wide with shock, and his body lying in a pool of his own blood. Valentine had killed him, but nightmares never work out to find happy ending, do they? Clary couldn't change the runes that bound the Angel Raziel to Valentine. She looked back at Jace and her heart was pounding out of her chest so loudly that she was sure Valentine heard it. That was when she woke up.

She dreamt of Jace every single night. Most times it was a dream that made Clary wake up and smile, sometimes even blush. However, other times she had this exact reoccurring nightmare and she woke up in a cold sweat thinking of him as that poor lifeless body that had taken not only his life, but with it, hers.

It was 7:30 when she woke up. She got dressed and went for her morning run. She had started to do this as soon as she returned from Idris, knowing that if she ever wanted to be half the Shadowhunter that Jace was, she'd first have to be able to keep up with him. When she got back to new home, the small house behind Luke's bookstore, she took a quick shower and stepped out to the smell of scrambled eggs.

Luke and Jocelyn had finally woken up and were in the kitchen with their arms wrapped around each other, when Clary who had been looking at her phone texting Jace, glanced up and said with a laugh "Ew. I have to eat in here you know!"

Both Luke and her mom laughed knowing that she couldn't have picked a better choice for her mother and that she had already considered Luke as her father. Clary gave a small, involuntary shutter as she thought about her real father and the brother he had turned into a monster. Valentine.

She quickly ate her eggs, and went to get dressed in her Shadowhunter gear so that she could train with Jace, Isabelle, and Alec. Well…mostly Jace. She kissed her mom and Luke goodbye and then headed to the subway towards the Institute.

She called Simon on her way there just to say hi but his phone wasn't on yet. He was probably still sleeping because his Vampire senses kept him from falling asleep until the early morning, which left him exhausted. She left a message suggesting that he come over tonight and watch some movies, just hang out.

She finally arrived at the Institute and no longer even needed to work to see past the glamour and see the tall, white spires of the church in front of her. She walked in went up the elevator, and headed down to the training room. Only Jace was in there throwing seraph blades lazily, looked bored…just waiting for Clary. Of course that didn't stop him from hitting the center of the target every single time. That really bugged Clary.

How could anyone be that good? "Because your father (a.k.a the man who raised Jace), conducted experiments on the two of you" Clary that idea came to her she tried to get it out of her head. Of course she was grateful for her gift to create new runes, but it meant that everyone looked at her as if they expected her to be a near perfect Shadowhunter from the start. Everyone except Jace.

He glanced behind him, as if reading her thoughts, to see her smiling at him and the look in his eyes was one filled with awe, and a love so strong that he couldn't even believe he had the ability to love someone so entirely.

He walked over to her and to Clary it seemed too slow. She jogged until she met up with him in the middle of the room, where he swept her up in a big hug and a gentle kiss.

"It's just us two today. Isabelle and Alec have to help their mother prepare, I guess. A Shadowhunter form Idris is coming to America and wants to stay here in New York. But that's ok with you, isn't it?" He knew perfectly well that it was what she had been hoping for anyway.

After that the two got straight down to business and he had her practice her aim and agility for hours. They took a quick lunch break, and after that was Clary's favorite part of the day. Combat fighting.

When the two had first started training Jace would have her pinned to the ground in a matter of seconds, but he would lean down to kiss her, and she forgot all about her embarrassment and the screaming pain her body was giving out.

However lately, Jace and Clary would fight for a while before one of them won. Clary knew, from the weeks of practice with him, just what his weak spot were, but since he had trained her, he knew what she would do just before she did it. This kept them pretty much dancing in a circle around each other. Both teenagers got in good hits, but today was Clary's time to shine.

Clary whipped around Jace from behind, a lot faster than he had expected, hit the back of his knees so that he wobbled forward and fell to the ground. She turned him over so that he was lying on his back. She sat right on his stomach, laughing, and he let out a grunt.

"Ok…Clary….Can't…breathe" Finally she got up pulled Jace up to his feet and wrapped her arms around his neck. She pulled his face towards hers until their lips touched. They were locked in a passionate embrace for a couple of minutes before Alec walked in, saw what was going on, and looked down to the ground. He started to murmur something before Jace interrupted "Dude, its called knocking!"

Alec finally looked up and said "I did, but clearly you were too preoccupied to notice. Anyway, my mom needs you. That Shadowhunter is gonna be her soon."

Jace felt like he hadn't had enough time with Clary yet and was about to say so when Clary said "I totally understand Alec. Just say hi to Isabelle for me. Bye Jace. I love you"

Jace grabbed her sleeve pulled her in for quick kiss and whispered in her ear "I love you too. Call me as soon as you get home." He always liked her to call, even if it was broad daylight. Shadowhunters, unlike mundane humans, knew exactly how dangerous the world was.

So, Clary left and headed home, where Simon was waiting for her with a pile of DVDs in his hand. I couldn't choose" he said with a laugh. She quickly called Jace, and headed in to watch movies with Simon.

Simon left around midnight and as soon as she went back into her room she fell into a dreamless sleep. She was woken up by a faint buzzing sound. She quickly glanced at the clock. 6:00. Who was texting her at 6 in the morning!

She picked up her phone and it said she had a message from Isabelle. When she looked at it she realized she'd had no idea that three simple sentence could stop her heart completely.

"Come to the Institute. Jace is gone. Hurry!"