Prepare to be confused!

"Kurt, Kitty, please come down to the main hallway," the Professor's thoughts echoed.

A bamf and Kurt was there. A crash, something broken and a scrambling down the staircase and Kitty joined him.

"What do you need, Professor?" Kitty asked.

He smiled, "It's not what I need. It's what she does. Talk to her."

The Professor gestured to a small girl who sat in the corner hugging her knees. She looked to be about eight. Her hair was long and black and very messy. She was pale white. She wore a small black dress and had a red ribbon in her hair. Her blue eyes were releasing tears.

"Are you okay?" Kurt asked her.

She looked up at him. Suddenly, she appeared in front of Kurt and Kitty. She was on her feet, tearless.

"Yes," she said just one word showing her voice was soft but not scared.

"Who are you?" Kitty asked her.

The girl bit her lip and disappeared again. Kurt and Kitty spun around. The girl was on top of the staircase.

"My name is FrankandJoe3," she smiled softly, her eyes turning red.

Then FrankandJoe3 appeared at their feet again, sitting on the bottom stair.

"Are you a mutant?" Kurt asked, trying to sound braver then he felt.

She giggled softly.

"No, I'm not, but you are. You both are."

Kurt and Kitty exchanged glances.

"Why did you tell us a username?" Kitty asked.

The girl disappeared again. She was in the corner she started out in. She was crying again.

"It's all my fault. I tried to stop, but I can't. The voices don't let me stop. They threaten to kill me. It's all my fault," she sobbed.

"She's insane!" Kurt mouthed.

Kitty shot him a look and sighed.

"What's all your fault?" Kitty played along.

"My friends have it planned out. They're going to kill you. Stab you, tear you apart, torture you... they won't let you live. All they want is Kurtty. That's all, but you guys didn't listen. You didn't listen," the girl replied.

FrankandJoe3 appeared on top of the stairs again.

"Kurtty?" Kurt repeated.

"The demon and the kitten; you and Kitty. Kitty and Kurt," she laughed louder.

Kitty grabbed Kurt's wrist.

"So Kurt, have you met Nocturne yet?" FrankandJoe3 teased.

"Nocturne?" he questioned.

"Oh, your daughter will have to wait a few years. I forgot the fact that Kitty isn't dead yet."

"Who the hell are you?" Kitty snapped.

FrankandJoe3 appeared in front of them.

"If I told you, you wouldn't believe me. I just want to stop you. You can't fall for their plans."

Kitty and Kurt were as confused as ever. FrankandJoe3 sighed as if they were stupid.

"Fine, let me dumb it down. The X-Men are just pawns. We're the chess players. We own the board and we own you. You guys are the King and Queen. You are most prized. If we lose you, we lose everything."

"Who is 'we'?" Kitty asked angrily.

FrankandJoe3 smiled, "My friends. Now, I have to go before they realize I came and warned you. Just watch out. If the trees rustle, don't get out of bed. If there is lightning outside, stay indoors. If your stomach hurts, don't eat the food. Oh and one last thing: if you see the words 'the end' anywhere, run as fast as you can and don't look back. But it'll be too late."

Kurt and Kitty were scared now. FrankandJoe3 curtsied.

"Katherine, Kurt, I bid you farewell. Guten Tag," she smiled sweetly and evaporated, leaving behind the blue ribbon in her hair.

Kitty picked it up.

"Kurt, do you believe her?"

Kurt wasn't listening. He was looking outside. There was lightning everywhere. Seconds ago it had been beautiful.

"Let's just stay inside to be safe," he muttered and walked back up the stairs.

Told you it would be confusing. Now, I need a few Kurtty authors to be my 'friends'. Don't worry, no one will die... at your hand at least. Maybe at your feet...

And remember, if you see the words 'The End' run as fast as you can and don't look back.

