Disclaimer: I do not own Victorious, the lucky man Dan Schnieder does. Lucky man indeed.

Chapter 1 - What is this Feeling?

Andre paced back and forth the Hollywood Arts hallway, thinking hard.

"Hey Andre," Andre's best friend Robbie Shapiro said as he entered the area where Andre was. "You coming to lunch? Pizza is on the menu today..."

"Robbie, I need to tell you something, but it's really personal," Andre started, "where's Rex?" he asked when he didn't see Robbie's ventriliquist dummy anywhere.

"Oh, he scored a date with some girl in twelfth grade," Robbie replied.

Andre wondered how the heck a puppet could score a date and Robbie couldn't, but before he could elaborate on that, a crowd of screaming, hungry kids passed by on the way to the lunchroom.

"Give me a text later and we'll talk about it then, dude," Robbie suggested as the two of them followed the kids to the lunch area.

Andre Harris

Status: Confused and hungry...

Mood: Conflicted :(

Robbie Shapiro

Status: Wow, kids can get hungry!

Mood: Hungry :(

Tori Vega, Beck Oliver, Jade West, Cat Valentine, Andre Harris, and Robbie Shapiro all sat at the table they usually sat at and started eating when Trina, Tori's sister, squeezed herself between Tori and Cat.

"Trina, what a pleasant suprise," Tori said when Trina slapped her food and drink on the table.

"Yeah, you all are so lucky to be in my presence," Trina bragged.

"You know what would make us luckier?" Jade said.

"What?" Trina asked.

"You leaving."

There was an awkward silence before Tori spoke up. "Trina, what's the big idea? You never sit with us."

"Well, baby sis," Trina said as she ruffled her sister's hair, "I barely know any of your friends, except, unfortunately, Shapiro."

"We'll be together soon, baby," Robbie said as he ate a pepperoni off of his pizza.

Trina grabbed Robbie's drink, opened the top, and splashed the drink in Robbie's face. "Never hit on me again, Shapiro."

"Understood," Robbie replied, using his napkin to wipe his face.

"Better luck next time," Andre said as he patted Robbie's back.

Trina took a sip of her Mango Iced Tea. "Anyway, I'm inviting all of your friends to a sleepover at our house this Saturday at 7 'o clock."

Tori, Andre, Beck, Jade, Cat, and Robbie all simutaneously spit out their drinks or coughed up some food.

"You want me at the Vega household? Really?" Jade asked, no exitement in her voice.

"Haha, you just admitted to being my friend, Jade," Tori said.

"You can be so annoying sometimes, Tori," Jade sighed.

"Yay!" Cat shouted. "I love sleepovers! I love how the pillow fights leave everyone in feathers and make them look like chickens, which reminds me that I like chicken, mostly fried, but sometimes grilled-"

"Cat. Zip it." Jade snapped.

"But...but..." Cat said.

"Cat!" Jade snapped again.

"Hey, come on, this could be fun, guys. Keep talking, white girl!" Andre said.

"I thought Tori already informed you that we're both Latina," Trina said.

"Well, continue, muchacha!" Andre replied.

"So are you guys in?" Trina asked.

All of the other kids, suprisingly, said yes and Trina sprung up and left the table. "See you guys tomorrow!"

"Why is she always all up in my life?" Tori asked.

"Because she has no life herself," Jade answered.

Tori wanted to snap back, but for some reason, what Jade said came through as almost true to her...

Andre laid on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. He was supposed to be practicing on his piano for a play that was going to happen at school, but he wasn't feeling musical.

Andre couldn't help but think...that he may be falling in love with his best friend: Victoria "Tori" Melissa Vega.

Review with ideas for the sleepover!