Hello there! Thank you for the reviews! I would like to be honest with the readers in that this fic was originally going to be a Harry-is-Mikami fic and that I may post that up another time…anyway, I suppose I better answer some questions that have been asked:
My original idea was to put L in Slytherin but then I realised that he isn't so ambitious as much as he is cunning. I mean, Near and Mello are ambitious in wanting to succeed L, but I really don't see any definite 'ambition' from L anywhere in the manga/anime though I do kind of agree with you on the camera and Kira parts, it does show something about him relentlessly pursuing the case. I guess I just never thought of that as ambitious before…more like obsession if I dare say.
L is going to be smart, no doubt about that. Why did you think I placed him in Ravenclaw? The only thing is, I don't want to make him seem like a complete genius at the age of 11. As I said, he is smart but he is still learning and will be prone to mistakes, as he is still quite young. If I made him super smart now he'd be just like Near, who constantly pulls shit out of his ass (I think you can tell that I am not Near's biggest fan here ^_^). Hope you understand that I'm just trying to make sure that he can improve over time rather than get it all at once.
This isn't so much an answer rather than a thank you. You've given me some other ideas to work with now that you mentioned the house-elf thing. The Internet and computers…well, that part might not come until later but there will be a few mentions of it in the next chapter.
Also, to those enquiring about my choice of L's wand remaining the same…well, I still think it matches up with him because the 'Holly' aspect meant that it was made to protect and since L will become a figurehead of justice in the future…you know.
Anyway, thanks for the reviews and I hope these answers are satisfactory! On to Chapter 2!
Chapter 2: In The Case of the Philosophers Stone Part I
The eyes of students and faculty were wide and unblinking as they watched the squatting boy surrounded by a large selection of sugary treats, causing many mouths to water and looks of minor disgust to be directed at him. The boy ignored this though, by taking out a small spoon from his pocket and began to devour the very unhealthy meal in front of him.
At the staff table, many were sending looks of surprise, amusement, undisguised loathing and, for some reason, longing (from Hagrid, who was slightly drooling while looking down at his own meal in disgust).
"Albus…" Minerva began in an uncertain voice. "Is that…alright?" She gestured at Ryuzaki, who was content with staring at the large wedding cake in front of him. Albus merely chuckled in amusement.
"Oh I am sure it is quite alright, my dear." He said. "After all, the house-elves are meant to know beforehand what students prefer for dinner…and it seems that young Mr. Ryuzaki has some eccentric tastes, much like myself as a matter of fact." He said as he popped a lemon drop in his mouth.
"The boy does look unnaturally thin…" Commented Poppy the school healer in concern. "He looks like he could do with some meat on his bones. Look, his uniform doesn't even fit him properly!"
Yes, the large black robe was quite large on Ryuzaki's small frame, with the sleeves covering over his hands and the tail of the robe slightly brushing the floor but he didn't mind. It was actually rather comfortable for him and it allowed quite a bit of room, allowing him to carry more of his favourite snacks.
"Awww! Just look at him! How cute!"
"So adorable!"
"How come he has cake when we have to eat this stuff?"
These were the general outcries coming from his housemates as they continued to watch him as he balanced an absurd amount of small biscuits on his spoon, with some clapping when he managed to get every single one in his mouth. Ryuzaki just looked at them in confusion, wondering why they were all staring at him with different expressions before shrugging and continuing his little buffet.
After what must have been a good hour or so, the headmaster stood up from the staff table and held up his hand to demand attention. After a few minutes of waiting for everyone to calm down, he began to speak.
"Now that our welcoming feast is over, it is time that I made some announcements." He said. "Firstly, I have been kindly reminded by Mr. Filch that a list of now banned items has been placed on the front door of his office." He gestured to the menacing looking old man in the corner, who was snarling while stroking a rather dirty looking cat.
"Secondly, the forbidden forest is still forbidden to all students and I know that despite this warning, some of our more…quirky students will try to explore regardless." Ryuzaki watched the two red haired twins over at the Gryffindor table snicker to themselves. "Also, the third floor corridor is out of bounds to all students, and those who break this rule may suffer a rather painful death."
Now, this last piece of information was easily processed through Ryuzaki's brain, which began to come up with a plethora of conclusions and predictions as to why this corridor could cause a painful death. Of course, those around him couldn't tell as they were still focused on the headmaster.
'Death in a corridor? Intriguing…I wonder what lurks in this corridor? Illegal weapon smuggling ring? Drug cartel? A criminal syndicate hiding out in a school?' These were his general thoughts. '…Perhaps I shall have to investigate.' He tuned back in right as Dumbledore ended his announcements.
"…I advise all new students to please follow the allocated prefects of their house so that you may be escorted to your common rooms, where you will be living for the school year. To our returning students I say, welcome back and study hard. Dismissed." With that the food began to disappear, causing Ryuzaki to dive over the table and save his sweets by hiding them in his robes, much to the amusement of those around him.
After being guided through a particularly long (and moving) staircase with many students jumping in fright, the group of first year Ravenclaws arrived into their common room after answering a riddle for the statue blocking the way. Ryuzaki, being slightly smaller than his other housemates, was able to worm his way through the crowd to get a better look at what would be his home for his stay at school.
Blue and bronze were the very prominent colours. They decorated the rugs, the sofas, the armchairs, and even the bookshelves…as numerous as they were. The two staircases must be for each gender…
"Alright then everyone." The prefect, an older girl spoke out to the younger children. "It is my pleasure to welcome all of you to Ravenclaw! Boys rooms are to the left, girls to the right." She gestured to the staircases.
"If there are any questions, please don't hesitate to speak up." Came the voice of the male prefect. Ryuzaki held up his hand, prompting the prefect to nod at him.
"Do you have the timetables for our classes?" He asked and the girl prefect suddenly seemed to snap out of a daze while whispering the boy, who suddenly paled a little before whispering something back.
"Ah, don't worry about that for now, the head of house will give them to you first thing in the morning." With that, Ryuzaki nodded and faded into the background of the crowd, content on hearing the other students bombard the prefects with questions. Sighing a little, Ryuzaki slouched his way over to one of the armchairs and sank in it, closing his eyes in thought as he waited for the room to get quiet…
Some time later…
The students had finally gone up to the dorm rooms, none of them noticing that he had been squatting in the armchair while they went up to sleep away the night.
Ryuzaki hated sleep for numerous reasons. One was that it seemed pointless to him, and that it wasted time that could be spent doing more proactive things in life like investigating the mysteries of the world. His second reason was that the few times that he did shut his eyes and surrender to the world of dreams, he was often forced to listen to the screams of some woman and a high pitched cackling laughter along with a flash of green light…the same shade as his eyes when he didn't hide them under contact lenses. Speaking of which…
*POP!* *POP!*
The two dark coloured lenses popped out of his eyes as he examined his original eyes in his handheld mirror. The once luminous shade of emerald had degraded over time due to his lack of sleep into a deep green mist colour, as if he lacked pupils. Sighing tiredly, he slipped them back in, not willing to remember the colour that once haunted his nightmares.
The next day…
Seeing as Ryuzaki did not sleep, he had been wandering the castle overnight, inspecting any and all points of interest that he had come across. The prime example that piqued his curiosity were the low growling noises he heard coming from behind a door on the third floor corridor while he investigated. Of course, he knew that the school had some kind of magical creature class but that he wasn't allowed to take it until he could pick elective courses. Surely the logical conclusion would be to keep the creatures away from the younger students and not in a school building? Preferably in that dark looming forest he noticed when he first arrived…
Looking at his watch, noticing that he was a little early for the scheduled class, he decided to go and get some early breakfast while he had the chance. Slouching lazily down the corridor and, rather reluctantly, down the moving staircase he ended up in front of…a portrait. A portrait of a fruit bowl containing different fruits. Staring at it for a moment, Ryuzaki put out his hand and rubbed over the pear, eliciting what sounded like a giggle of all things before the portrait seemingly opened, revealing a hidden hallway. As he entered the secret hallway he idly remembered how he came across it.
"I'm tellin' ya, Fred! That Ryuzaki kid must have had the elves smuggle in those sweets! I mean, we never even thought to do that before!" Ryuzaki overheard what he thought were the redhead twins from the train. Poking his head round the corner, his estimate in who they were proved correct for he could see Fred, who had sighed in amusement.
"And I am telling you, dear brother of mine, that an ickle firstie wouldn't know who or where the elves are…well, except for us of course, we found it pretty easily." Fred explained, causing his brother George to laugh.
"Come on, lets not dilly-dally around, we've got some elves to visit!" With that, he reached up near the portrait of the fruit bowl and, to Ryuzaki's shock and intrigue, the portrait seemingly swung open like a door. The twins grinned at each other before running down the now revealed stairway.
A few moments later, Ryuzaki was surprised when the twins returned clutching a wide range of sweets and other questionable items in their arms and robes. With his interest piqued, he resolved to see what was down there another time…
Back to the present…
Ryuzaki was surprised at the size of the huge kitchen that greeted him but the real shocker was the small diminutive people operating it, carrying around a multitude of different foods in a frenzy. If he had to hazard a guess, he would say that these must have been the elves that those twins were talking about. Ryuzaki cleared his throat to gain their attention…and nearly palmed his face when all of them focused their big eyes on him with something akin to wonder or happiness.
A small staring contest seemed to come forth between Ryuzaki and the house-elves. In the future, one would compare it to a battle of indomitable wills, a battle of such epic proportions that it would move mountains and cause floods. Indeed, their staring contest had great potential to be something magnificent, something awe inspiring, something-
Ryuzaki had the decency to blush while scolding his stomach for speaking out of turn. The elves suddenly looked victorious for some reason as they began to overwhelm and bombard him with questions on what he wanted to eat or drink.
A few minutes later, a stunned and confused Ryuzaki climbed out of the portrait, clutching a wide assortment of sugary goods wondering how the hell those elves did it…sneaky little bastards. And they even got his favourites too…
The sound of bells ringing alerted Ryuzaki to the fact that the first lesson was about to begin in 10 minutes. Pulling out his timetable from one of the many pockets on his robes, he peered at it while holding it as if it were a disgusting rag.
"Today is Monday, so I must have…Charms." With that, Ryuzaki slouched off down the hall, dreading going up that moving staircase…
It took him a little while, as he ended up in god only knows where, until he finally managed to locate the classroom for Charms. Entering the classroom in a mildly disgruntled manner, he was surprised to see that only half the class was here. The rather small professor, who was also his head of house if he heard from the older students correctly, looked at him and smiled.
"Ah! New student! Most likely got caught with the staircase?" At Ryuzaki's nod, the professor laughed squeakily. "Yes, that happened to me when I first came here…should've just had regular staircases but noooo, 'make it a magical experience!' Albus says…completely barmy." The professor mumbled the last part to himself and gestured for Ryuzaki to find a seat, amused by the boy's strange sitting posture as he sat near the back, legs hugged close to his chest.
A short while later, the whole class had managed to find their way to the room, most of them looking disgruntled and annoyed. Seeing the familiar shade of yellow, Ryuzaki watched out of the corner of his eye as a very nervous Neville sat next to him. Once everyone had found a place, the teacher seemingly leapt across the room and onto a pile of oversized books arranged to look like a stool in a rather impressive display of acrobatics.
"Now that everyone has finally located the classroom." The man began in a squeaky voice. "It is my pleasure to welcome you all to your first Charms class! My name is Professor Filius Flitwick, and I shall be your teacher over the coming years! Let's begin shall we? Please take out the required textbook…"
Over the hour, the class consisted of going over what was called the levitation charm, better known amongst wizards as Wingardium Leviosa. Flitwick then managed to somehow summon feathers to appear in front of each student for a practical.
"W-W-Wingardium Leviosa!" Neville gasped out, and Ryuzaki watched in mild fascination as Neville ended up levitating a book and accidentally sent it flying at one of the Ravenclaws across the room, who just managed to duck in time. Ryuzaki was amused, Neville was terrified.
"I'm s-sorry Professor, I-I didn't mean to, I-I-I!" Neville babbled out. Flitwick moved to comfort the distraught boy.
"Nothing to worry about, I don't think there was any damages." He looked over at the unharmed targets, who were now staring in astonishment at the book embedded into the wall, each of them thankful that they hadn't been hit. Neville looked a little relieved but Ryuzaki looked at him warily, wondering if the boy really would have had a panic attack had the book hit its mark. The teacher must have been thinking along the same lines for he sent Neville to the hospital wing just to be on the safe side. Meanwhile, everyone was currently trying, some failing, to levitate their feather. Ryuzaki looked at his, holding his wand out as he usually held objects, as if it were something disgusting before waving the correct movements.
"…Wingardium Leviosa." He monotonously spoke out, watching with some satisfaction as the feather slowly began to rise, though not as high as some of the others like that bushy haired girl, Hermione if he heard correctly. Still, he made an accomplishment, and he was happy with it…in fact, he thought that he should reward himself. Taking out a piece of chocolate cake, he was just about to eat it when…it shot out of his hand and into the air. Looking up at the floating cake in irritation, he looked around the room, finding the culprit to be Flitwick, who was barely concealing his amusement.
"I think, Mr. Ryuzaki, that this would be an appropriate punishment for eating in class?" With that, he released the spell and Ryuzaki, with speed that an athlete would be proud of, leapt into the air and caught the cake in his mouth, eliciting a small applause from the teacher and laughs amongst the students. Returning to his seat, Ryuzaki scowled at the students in annoyance.
"Bravo, Mr. Ryuzaki! Now, class dismissed!" With that, the students began to pile out of the room, going over their timetables to see what lessons they had next. Ryuzaki idly went over his own.
"Hmm…I've got Transfiguration next, then Potions…" With that, he began to walk away…
"RYUZAKI!" Came the yell from behind, followed by a pair of arms wrapping around him and hugging him close. Looking up, trying hard not to blush at the impressive bust of the girl, he manoeuvred his head so that he could get a better view of his…attacker.
She was taller than him, that was an understatement. She must have been roughly 16 or 17 years old with long brown hair and hazel eyes. She also had the same coloured robes as he did, signalling her to be a Ravenclaw senior. She smiled at him while hugging him and petting his already messy hair fondly.
"So cute!" She chirped as she pinched his cheeks, giggling at his impassive yet slightly pink face. "Where are you going, honey?" She asked and Ryuzaki showed her his timetable.
"Ah! Transfiguration with McGonnagal, huh?" She said. "C'mon! I'll take you!" With that, she grabbed Ryuzaki's arm, forcibly dragging him down the hallway, much to the amusement of passing by students and the embarrassment of Ryuzaki.
After a short while of searching the castle, with Ryuzaki becoming increasingly suspicious that this girl just wanted to play with him, the duo finally found the entrance to the classroom…and just in time if the bell ringing was of any indication. The girl turned to him and smiled.
"Here we are then, Transfiguration with McGonnagal." She said, grabbing Ryuzaki's face and planting a kiss on his cheek, causing his already pink tinted cheeks to increase in redness. "See ya, cutie! Have fun!" With that, she ran off, leaving Ryuzaki confused and embarrassed as he touched the cheek she kissed.
"I think I might be in love…" He said with his usual blank face and others around him laughed, not knowing that he was joking.
Shaking off the mild blush and blaming the wiles of older women liking younger boys, Ryuzaki entered the room with his usual slouch and sat in the back…well, more like squatted in the back as he observed the students who would be learning with him. Apparently it was with the red house of Gryffindor, for he could recognise the mess of bushy brown hair with the red robe at the front belonging to Hermione Granger, paying apt attention to what seemed to be a cat sitting on a table. Others in the class were either chatting to each other in silent conversations or shooting strange gazes at the cat sitting on the teacher's desk.
'How strange…' Ryuzaki thought to himself as he placed his thumb in his mouth and gazed at the animal that seemed to be as rigid as a statue. 'I did not know that a cat could stay that still…'
Suddenly, as Ryuzaki began to ponder to himself further, the doors of the classroom swung open causing the other occupants of the room to look at the source of the noise.
"We made it!" Ronald Weasley huffed out, gasping for breath. His companion, a boy with short dark hair was on the floor panting.
"Hey, you made it guys!" A dark skinned boy called out. "Looks like the teacher isn't here yet…" Ron and the panting boy noticeably relaxed.
"Thank Merlin! If she is who dad says she is, then we probably would have gotten into serious trouble if we were caught, right Seamus?" Ron asked the panting boy named Seamus, who finally stopped panting to get up off the floor.
"Yeah…" He mumbled. "You're right there mate, I heard from some of the older years that she has a real hard on for the rules. If you're late even once to her class, then you don't come back." He warned in an Irish accent.
"Those rumours would be true, Mr. Finnigan." A stern older woman's voice echoed behind them, causing the two boys to pale and turn around slowly…to be confronted by Minerva McGonnagal. The woman frowned at them.
"Seeing as this is your first Transfiguration lesson, I shall be somewhat lenient." She said. "Your punishment will be a written essay explaining why you felt the need to come barging into my classroom like a horde of rampaging hippogriff." With that, and the boys' groans, she turned on her heel and made her way back to the front of the class.
"Now, as you have no doubt remembered from the welcoming ceremony, my name is Professor Minerva McGonnagal." Here, she swept a gaze over the students, lingering a little on Ryuzaki for a moment longer. "…And here you shall be learning the fine art of Transfiguration. Anyone found messing around in my class will leave and not come back, you have been warned."
It was slightly similar to the Charms class, Ryuzaki noticed, for they had to practice on one object to a person, only this time the object was not a feather but a matchbox. Now, instead of making the object float, he had to somehow transform it into a needle…
After giving his wand a test wave, his first few attempts were certainly…unique to say the least. His matchbox had at first turned into what he could only describe as an amorphous blue blob that kept trying to crawl up his arm. His second attempt turned out to be a lot better than the first but very shocking, as he had ended up transfiguring the little box into a huge steel girder, which came crashing down on the desk and forced him to duck out of the way. After being reprimanded by Minerva to take the lesson seriously and breaking his desk, Ryuzaki frowned at the last matchbox before casting the required transfiguration…
"Ah." He muttered in satisfaction as he produced a gold needle, albeit slightly on the large size…well, it looked like a thin golden spear more than a needle. Minerva, noticing the glint of the large object, moved over to investigate.
"Mr. Po-Ryuzaki." Minerva cursed her slip up. "Can you explain exactly what…this is?" She made hand motions towards his oversized gold needle. Ryuzaki went into his 'thinking pose', which was him sticking his thumb in his mouth while pulling his legs closer to his chest as he sat on the floor, much to Minerva's frustration.
"Based upon what I can see, I may have miscalculated the weight and height proportions of the object I wanted and ended up with an item directly opposite to what I needed." Ryuzaki said, inwardly applauding himself for that well thought out answer that would surely be plausible.
"Yes, well…please try again, Mr. Ryuzaki." Minerva said with a flustered voice as she moved to inspect the others while Ryuzaki looked at his replacement matchbox with a calculating gaze.
'Hm…going over the material I've read, I think that intent plays a key factor in magic. One must know exactly what they want and how they want it to appear for it to work. So, my mistake was a lack of intent? Hm…that would imply that I am not taking this seriously…how irksome.' Ryuzaki thought to himself before sighing. 'Very well then…'
Waving his wand in an arc shape, Ryuzaki watched as his matchbox transformed…into a silver needle. Blinking, he picked it up to examine it, wondering why it hadn't transformed into a golden needle. So busy was he in his studying that he didn't notice until the last minute that Minerva had plucked it out of his hand.
"Well, finally we have some progress…keep it up." She seemed pleased, Ryuzaki noted, as she then went to patrol the room hoping to catch any cheaters or idiots messing around. Ryuzaki took the time to look at how the others were doing.
Ron Weasley had, much to his own chagrin, created a spider/matchbox hybrid and had leapt onto his work desk with a squeal, much to Minerva's frustration as she ended up deducting house points for fooling around.
Seamus Finnigan, the boy who arrived late with Ron, had ended up turning his matchbox into a mug of beer, thus causing him to end up drunk by the time Minerva made it over to him, chastising him for underage drinking while confiscating his beverage, much to his very verbal dismay. Ryuzaki was sure that he learnt a few new words from the boy's foul mouth, which he mentally recorded for later use.
It was only Hermione in the end that managed to do better than him, creating a slightly bent gold needle, prompting Minerva to shower her with praise while the bushy haired girl lapped it up with a big smile. Ryuzaki idly wondered why she wasn't in Ravenclaw if her intelligence and skill was rumoured to be as high as his other housemates say she is. She seemed to be wasting her talent in the house of bravery and courage…
"Class dismissed and I hope to see an improvement when you next return." Minerva stated as the class scrambled out, while her gaze turned a little sad when she watched Ryuzaki's slightly hunched form skulk out…perhaps Poppy would be able to provide assistance?
"Ah! Just one moment please, Mr. Ryuzaki, I'd like to have a brief word with you." Minerva called over the crowd of first years and Ryuzaki slowly ambled out of the crowd to look at her.
"Follow me." She said as she lead him back into the classroom, ordering him to sit down in front of her desk…and he did so in that squat of his. Too busy to chastise him for it, she decided to get on with it.
"Very well, I suppose I shouldn't keep you waiting. My reason for detaining you here is because quite frankly your…physical condition worries me. I don't know how you have been living at home but I advise that you seek help from our healer, Madam Pomfrey, immediately." She said while Ryuzaki nodded half-heartedly, not really listening yet still paying some attention to pick up the important parts.
Some time later…
Ryuzaki sighed in irritation as he sat on the hospital bed. He had never really liked or trusted anyone associated with the medical industry, whether it be doctors, nurses, or even dentists that he often liked to annoy with his perfect teeth despite only eating sugary products. Yes, he didn't like them then and he sure as hell didn't now. They were fascists, the lot of them…always saying 'oh you have to stop sitting like that' or 'stop eating so much sugar'. It was a lifestyle choice that he wanted to live by so why did people insist on preaching to him that he should be 'healthier' and follow their word for it?
"Well Mr. Ryuzaki, where do I begin? Bad posture, bad dieting habits and severe levels of insomnia…" She gestured at him for some kind of confirmation, receiving only a nod in reply. "Now, there is only so much I can do for you and that it often requires the willpower of the patient to co-operate with the recommendations." She reached into her hospital robe and pulled out a can of pills.
"Now because you are so young, I don't wish to try anything too strong like dreamless sleep for it could cause some internal damage on such a young body." She explained. "These pills are specifically made for children, like a very watered down version of dreamless sleep suitable for your age. Pop one of these in, and only one mind you, right before you go to bed." Ryuzaki accepted the pills stiffly, most likely not planning on using them as he didn't much care for sleep. The woman continued on.
"Now, for your bad posture, I only have one thing to say to that…sit properly. Exercise your body more and try to build up some flexibility in your bones otherwise your body may keep the bad posture as a permanent fixture." She said sternly as Ryuzaki continued to stare with that soul piercing wide-eyed gaze that made her shiver a little.
"Thank you…" Ryuzaki said in a monotonous voice before skulking out and going to what would be his next lesson.
Some time later…
'Honestly…who teaches class in a dungeon of all things?' Ryuzaki thought to himself moodily, being careful not to touch anything in this seemingly underground-like cavern that was covered with dirt and grime. '…This school would surely fail a health inspection what with all of this filth...wait, was that a bat?' Shaking his head at the absurdity of the situation, he continued onwards.
After finally finding the classroom, which was as dirty and messy as the dungeons, and taking a spot near the back closest to the door, Ryuzaki waited for the other students while taking note of who was there already.
The boy that he met in the robe shop at Diagon Alley, Draco Malfoy, was sitting in a corner near the front next to two gorilla look-a-likes, one on either side, all three of them looking smug for some reason. Noting the green rimmed robe, Ryuzaki concluded that his lesson here was with the Slytherins. Another boy that caught his eye was a rather tall dark skinned boy with a buzz cut sitting away from Draco, staring at the front of the class with a look of complete boredom on his face.
Ryuzaki's usual disturbing gaze transferred to the boy's companions, which were two girls. The first was a blonde haired girl with violet eyes, reading what appeared to be a potions textbook with mild interest while the other girl, who had brown hair and brown eyes looked around a little nervously, meeting his gaze briefly before turning away to look at something else.
"…So as I was saying, that idiot Weasley started mouthing off so I had to set him straight and remind him of his place, which is obviously under my shoes." Draco's cohorts laughed, which sounded more like growls or grunts. Nonetheless, Draco laughed as well before talking again.
"Anyway, father told me that I was to find Harry Potter and befriend him, but I couldn't find him anywhere." He said, not noticing Ryuzaki's very slight twitch. "…And he wasn't even called out during the sorting, so after I mailed father, he suspects that the old fool Dumbledore is trying to cover it up."
"Uh…" Gorilla number one grunted.
"BUUUUUURP!" Gorilla number two erupted with an earth shaking burp, causing Draco to look at him with disgust and the bored looking boy to fall out of his chair in shock as the girls next to him smirked in amusement.
"What is the matter with you, Crabbe? That is filthy…" He said in scorn and the now named Crabbe turned scarlet in embarrassment and muttered a 'sorry Draco' before looking away.
Soon, the other Ravenclaws and Slytherins began to enter the room, each of the houses separating on different sides of the room, something that Ryuzaki found intriguing as it wasn't like that in other lessons. Then again, this was his first lesson with Slytherin students and from what he overheard from the very loud redhead from Gryffindor, they were said to be 'Death Eaters in the making' or 'dark wizards and witches'.
'How foolish…to condemn them simply because of what house they're in…but then again, this world has surprised me quite a bit so I suppose that some form of negativity would sprout up somewhere along the line.' Ryuzaki thought to himself. 'It always does…'
He was rudely snapped out of his thoughts when the door slammed open and a man dressed in all black with greasy hair entered the room with a sneer on his face, robes billowing in the wind. The man's entrance had silenced the entire room as he literally swept up to the front of the room, dark eyes scanning over the class.
"You are here…to learn the subtle and delicate art of Potion Making." The man began in a strange silky voice. "Under my guidance, I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory and even put a stopper in death."
"Of course, I do not expect that many of you will understand the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through human veins, bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses..." The man began to trail off into mere mumbles before beginning the lesson.
The first lesson was basically to create a novice level potion that was used to recover fatigue, something that was relatively simple if one knew what they were doing. For Ryuzaki, he had taken the cooking course once back at Wammy's House for about 3 weeks as a hobby that he could do in his spare time so cutting up the ingredients wasn't that difficult for him and Snape even nodded at him while grounding out 'a point to Ravenclaw' through his teeth. Of course, Ryuzaki was suspicious of Snape and his attitude throughout the whole lesson.
He had specifically picked on the Ravenclaws, giving them insanely difficult questions while he coddled the Slytherins with basic and easy to answer ones. Ryuzaki narrowed his eyes at the sight.
'It would seem that corruption is spread far and wide, even in the education system…I will not stand for this, perhaps a written complaint will suffice? No need for useless confrontations after all…' He thought to himself while Snape berated a Ravenclaw on fumbling with ingredients as the Slytherins laughed.
Walking out a few minutes after class ended, ignoring Snape's yell of 'sit properly next time!', Ryuzaki left the dungeons in a hurry, not wanting to stay in such a dank and dirty place anymore than necessary. Out of the corner of his eye, he idly noted that Snape was coming closer to his location. Thinking quickly, not wanting to be near the dark greasy man, he ducked in behind one of the old suits of armour, eavesdropping on the man as he grumbled and moaned.
"…Stupid Dumbledore…making me look in Quirrel's office…what the hell was the point in all of that? Damn traps…" Ryuzaki tilted his head to the side and came out of his hiding place once he was in the clear.
Placing his thumb in his mouth, Ryuzaki smiled a little. Perhaps his ambition to be a detective would come to fruition in this bizarre magical world. A mystery had popped up…
"Hmm…" He idly hummed. "At least things won't be boring here…my first case…"
Okay, I would like to take this opportunity to say that because I have gone onto my next year at college, the updates may get a little slower. I hope that I will be able to update this as soon as possible!
Anyway, the next chapter will deal with more confrontations with Snape, Ryuzaki beginning his investigation, and meetings with Dumbledore.
In case you are wondering why Snape isn't so callous it is because he doesn't know that Ryuzaki is Harry Potter but this will change into regular canon Snape soon enough when they learn his identity.
Many thanks,