A/N: Percy is always portrayed as so one-dimensional. Every single time I list my top 5 favorite characters (Severus, Remus, Arthur, Ron, Percy) everyone scoffs when Percy's name comes up. So, I wanted to show Percy some love (and give you the opportunity to do the same) by showing him the way most people won't see him: through the eyes of the person who loves him the most. ^_^Oh, and as always: I don't own Harry Potter. It belongs solely to J.K. Rowling and Warner Bros (as much as I would love to say differently...).


5. He Snores.

Percy snores. And not the cute, angelic snuffling one would associate with the demure, rigid boy. No, Percy snores like the love child of a jackhammer and a chainsaw. Oliver often finds himself shocked at the growling, snorting noises coming out of that lithe body.

And so it was the night before Puddlemere's biggest game.






Percy snapped up, looking blearily around. "Ha? Wha… Whaswrong?"

"The fact that I can't effing sleep and I have a game tomorrow, that's what's wrong!" Oliver snapped.

Percy looked bewildered. "Um…" He sat up, suddenly businesslike. "Are you asking me to have sex?"


"When you can't sleep, you always ask for sex," Percy explained, blinking the sleep from his eyes. "So, do you want to have sex?"

"Well… I guess, but that's not really what I meant." Oliver sat up, rubbing his eyes. "It's three o'-bloody-clock, and I have yet to fall asleep. You have to do something."

Percy frowned. "Oliver, I'm afraid that I really don't know how to help you."

Oliver made an exasperated noise and fell back against his pillow. "Can you just, I don't know, sleep on the couch or something? I'm exhausted. I can't handle this right now. I have to be in top shape… What?" He scooted back, unnerved by the look on Percy's face. "What's wrong?"

"What's wrong?" Percy sniffed, looking deeply offended. He leaned forward and slapped Oliver's shoulder, making him yelp. "What's wrong? My boyfriend just asked me to sleep on the couch, that's what's wrong!"

"Oy, oy!" Oliver scooted wildly away from Percy's continued attacks. "It's not my fault, okay? It's just… I can't sleep with your snoring!"

Percy froze, then drew himself up. He was swollen with angry indignation, and he spoke through gritted teeth. "I – do – not – snore!" he hissed, his face pink. "How dare you insinuate –"

"Insinuate?" Oliver couldn't help but start laughing despite the terror quivering in his stomach and the frantic voice squeaking Shut up! in the back of his head. "I'm not insinuating anything, love, I'm just saying that I can't sleep with a roaring monster next to me!"

Percy twitched, then threw off the covers. "Oh, please! I am not going to sit here and listen to you lying through your teeth just to try and make me feel ridiculous."

"What? Why would I do that, Perce?"

"Because that's what you've always done! Ever since first year, you've delighted in making me feel foolish and flustered! Well, no more!" Percy was gathering blankets and pillows, ripping them out from under his lover. "I stood for it when we were mere roommates, but I simply will not tolerate such treatment now that we're together!"

Oliver stared. "You're mad!"

"Tell it to the empty bed." Percy huffed and started making his staggering way to the door.

"Percy, Percy, wait." Oliver struggled out of bed, tripping over his own feet. Percy stumbled around to glare at him. "I always knew this day would come, Perce."

"What day?" Percy sniffed.

Oliver couldn't hide his smirk. "The day you realize you aren't perfect."

Percy's jaw dropped, and Oliver was reminded powerfully of the jokes made by his lover's family that always seemed to bring that same expression to his face. After a spluttered, "How dare you!" Percy, to his surprise, plunked back down on the bed and started arranging the sheets in a frenzy.

"Perce? What are you doing?"

"Going to sleep. What does it look like I'm doing?"

"I thought you were going to sleep on the couch." Oliver attempted to sound innocent, but Percy's eyes told him plainly that he had failed.

Percy laughed bitterly. "Oh, no, no, no. That's what you want." He laid back, arms crossed over his chest and staring at the ceiling. "I am staying here with my nonexistent snoring all night." He shot Oliver a cold look. "Deal with it."

Oliver groaned and pulled his pillow over his head as the horrible chain-saw growling started up once more. The only thing that bothered Oliver more than Percy's snoring was his stubborn refusal to believe - even for a second - that he was not the sophisticated model of perfection that he seemed so convinced he was.

A/N: Thanks so much for reading, and please leave a review!